Chapter 16. Dispersion (3)

* * * * *

Rooftop of the research institute.

In the shadow of her personal camouflage, Camilla, with her sniper rifle mounted, was watching John. His eyes followed Yohan’s back, but his expression was a mixture of dissatisfaction and concern.

“You seem so excited.”

John riding an electric bicycle is repeatedly going from one side of the alley to the other and back again. Every time, the zombies followed John in confusion.

When the number of people following him increased to a certain extent, John quickly got off his bike and ran into the open building. He escapes through the back door or window and slams the door shut.

And then the same thing was repeated again.

“Should I call that bold or presumptuous?”

I feel anxious. If anything goes wrong, Camilla will not hesitate to blow off the heads of all the zombies gathered there.

Although a silencer was installed, a sniper rifle silencer is not intended to ‘reduce’ the sound. It is closer to ‘spreading it out’ far away so that it is not clear where it is.

It’s quite useful when dealing with people, but when dealing with zombies, it’s no different from yelling at them to eat because they’ve prepared a banquet.

‘Worry is also a disease. ‘Let’s not think about unlucky things.’

Camilla picked up the walkie-talkie.

“How about there?”

Instead of an answer, heavy breathing was heard.

“Wow… Huh… “

“… “You can turn down the microphone volume a little.”

“Wow… sorry. This way, um, I can see zombies beyond the wheat field. About fifteen… “This is okay, right?”

“It’s okay. Cassandra.”

Camilla alone could not monitor all aspects of her life. So she had Camilla look on John’s side and Cassandra on her other side.

“Woah, it seems too hot here… “

Like Camilla, Cassandra wears her bulletproof helmet and hides beneath her personal camouflage shield.

Her camouflage membrane is black vinyl. Although she shielded herself from the sun, it was extremely hot down there. Since there is no wind, her clothes are soaked in sweat, exposing the curves of her body.

“But don’t leave your seat.”

“Yes, of course.”

Cassandra raised her voice in protest. Camilla held back her smile. And on the one hand, she was a little worried.

‘Cassandra doesn’t seem to be able to sleep these days.’

Camilla deliberately increased Cassandra’s exercise intensity. She thought that then she would sleep even though she was exhausted.

It was a calculation error.

Cassandra was one of those vicious types who did whatever she had to do, but still managed to get the job done. At least, if she thinks she ‘needs’ it, she is a person with the grit to finish it, even if it’s slow.

I exercise as I exercise, I study as I research, and yet I can’t sleep at all. She wondered if she was too tired to sleep. It’s as if her excitement doesn’t subside easily when she exercises vigorously.

The only time Cassandra’s expression becomes drowsy is when she is with Johan.



Camilla herself was even more surprised by her own reaction. Camilla cleared her throat and focused her attention again as she caught herself from her slackness.

And then, while running out of the fifth building, Yohan sprained his ankle.

“That idiot!”

Camila got angry in a low voice. Cassandra was startled and whispered into the radio.

“Why, why? “What’s going on?”

“That idiot sprained his ankle!”

Unexpected situation. Camila tried to aim her sniper rifle, but she put it back down. The Johan she knows is not stupid. I’m sure you won’t be defeated by a horde of zombies that size.

“Kassandra, look over there! “If anything happens, radio immediately!”

Camilla put down her sniper rifle. She instead grabbed her submachine gun, which she had already prepared on the floor.

* * * * *


I was so excited. Her right ankle was broken. As it happened, there was a pebble where I stepped.

The fact that it was bent was a problem, but in that state, I walked a couple of steps forward. It’s better to stretch your ligaments a little than to fall in front of zombies.


The distance to the electric bicycle is approximately 30m. I have to get closer somehow. As she stamped her feet, she pulled out a 1911 pistol. She aimed and fired at the ankle of the guy who came first.

Pick it.

It’s good that there’s less noise, but it’s not right. Sigh. Sigh. This time, I pierced the guy’s foot. A person who loses his balance trips and falls like me.

The guys following me just step on their backs and come towards me.

“I feel a little sad if this happens.”

Even though they come bleeding, they do not perceive it as food. Has he already filled his stomach somewhere? Or, did he prioritize getting rid of me more than filling his stomach?

If you open the head, you will understand. This time, I aimed and shot at the head of the zombie that came closest. Two feet again. With a thud, her head cracks open.

The guy he shot stands there dumbfounded and falls to his knees. And then he comes crawling back. Just as he was on his knees. Could it be that the encroachment has become so severe that he can move around even if his head is broken?

“I don’t want to get this wet!”

Shoot the knees of those coming from both sides side by side and blow them away. Using the blood-soaked ax as a walking stick, I ran towards the bicycle.

And in front of the bicycle, there is a zombie who has come around the corner. She wrapped a familiar blanket around her body. It’s the blanket that I threw away a while ago, full of my body odor.

Before I knew it, my clothes were damp. I was covered in sweat and splattered with dirt, so body odor remover was useless. Sniff. It smells the blanket and sniffs in my direction.

No way? A vague sense of anticipation comes to mind.

“Okay. It’s me. It’s me. “You don’t recognize me?”

I think it would have been better not to lift the axe. The smell of dripping blood stimulated him. Growling, the bastard comes running with his teeth bared and his hands outstretched.


The zombie falls, spraying her blood. The destructive power is incomparable to that shot with a .22 Caliber pistol. Tatak. Ta-ta-tak. The zombies behind are also knocked down by a hail of bullets.

“John, back!”

Camilla shouted. With her head blown off, the guy on his knees jumped up at me like a dog. I hit him from the bottom up with the axe and finished him off with his pistol.


The guy finally fell towards me. Dirty fingernails scratched the rider’s pants. The weak part of my pants was torn. Slightly scratched.

“I’m not going to come to my senses!”

Camilla brought an electric bicycle. Her face hardened when she saw my wounds. But then she quickly replaced her magazine and she patted me on the back.

“Go back quickly, hurry! “I’ll follow you!”

She was right.

* * * * *

Cassandra didn’t seem to be very surprised. She moved quickly instead, her face frozen.

I spread plastic and a blanket on her bed, laid me down, and quickly disinfected her wound. Before she knew it, she had prepared a change of clothes.

“Thank you for coming.”

Camilla had her arms crossed, and it seemed like she even had tears in her eyes.

It’s a bit embarrassing for her to say, ‘I only got scratches.’ If it were a normal situation, my life would have been over with one hit.

Camilla took a deep breath, and then she asked Cassandra.

“How do you feel?”

“Please wait.”

Where has his usual bewildered attitude gone? Now he looks so sharp that even Camilla flinches a little.

She took her syringe, drew some blood from my arm, put it in the machine, and swirled it around.

After looking at the results through a microscope and looking at the analysis results on the laptop, he carefully examined her ankles and applied ointment.

“First of all, the ankle is fine, but it’s better not to move it for a day or two. And the wound got infected.”

Her heart sinks. Camilla plopped down on her floor. No, but didn’t we already say we were infected?

“Fortunately, the Crovirus in Johan’s body is stronger, and together with her body’s white blood cells, it is defeating the foreign Crovirus. “It still seems to be going smoothly, but I think we’ll have to wait and see how it progresses.”

Camilla stood up suddenly. She seemed to have made up her mind and stood in front of my bed.


“Yes, Camilla.”

“Is it okay if I hit him?”


“Give me your wrist. No, over there! “This one had blood drawn!”

“Ah! Ah! “Ouch!”

I was hit three times and it hurt like my wrist was going to be cut off.

And then he left, leaving behind the terrifying words, “I’m going to make you some porridge, so lie down and don’t move!”

He seems really angry that he cooks his own food.

“Uh… “Am I going to become a zombie without reason?”

“I don’t think so. It might be a little painful, though. More than that, why was she standing there so stupidly?”

“… Saw?”

“I saw it.”

A strange woman. Cassandra’s eyes were cold.

Sometimes it’s so dumb that you wonder what kind of kid this is, and other times it’s sharp and shiny like a scalpel. And at night… no. Because I’m not sure about that.

“There was a zombie standing in front of the bicycle, wrapped in a discarded blanket. That blanket filled with my scent. “It kept sniffing, and it seemed like it recognized me, so I waited.”

“What happened?”

Cassandra blinks, and she comes forward. Her big breasts bounce. Her body odor wafts out, as if drawing me in. When she thought about it, she must have been on a hot rooftop, and then she came down in a hurry and put on only a robe.

“It’s a bit ambiguous. She hesitated for a moment… “

“… Next time, don’t do anything too risky. Instead of sleeping in your room today, sleep here in the recovery room. Her window has a clear view inside, so it’s easy to find out if anything happens. First of all, starting with an antibiotic injection… “

Her eyes seemed to sparkle again. But she didn’t have time to ask anything. Camilla kicked the door open with her foot and came in. Holding a tray with her dishes on it.

“… “Let’s eat and let go.”

Cassandra’s words were barely audible.

“Eat! You bastard. Since it’s not hot and cooled down, there’s no chance of burning her tongue. Really, tsk.”

This porridge looks better than expected. Slightly hotter than touching the bowl.

“Hmph, I know how to pour oatmeal in water and boil it. “It’s no different from making coffee, right?”

Why do you always say it as if it was your first time cooking it? Although she was a little skeptical, she ate it anyway, taking a big bite.

Subtly thick and sweet. The roughness and subtle sweetness that you get when you lick mochi with your tongue.

Is this it? People who have worked hard can feel sweet just by eating grains. But it’s too sweet for that.

One more bite. It’s a little sweeter than before.

“It’s not so much that you can’t eat it, right?”

“Uh, no. Delicious. However… “

“But what?”

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“Have you seasoned it?”

Camilla blinked at my question.

“Of course I did. So what does oatmeal boiled in water taste like? “I sprinkled a little salt on it.”

“… It’s delicious. Thank you.”

Camilla confused sugar and salt. Still, I’m thankful that it didn’t burn. You can also eat oatmeal with added sugar.

“Rest. Cassandra and I will stand guard.”

* * * * *



I started coughing because the recovery room on the 3rd floor was dry. Maybe it’s because it’s not my room, which I’m familiar with, but also because the bed is unfamiliar to me.


Thankfully, someone handed me a water bottle. I gulped it down without thinking about it and then looked blankly at Cassandra.

“Didn’t you sleep?”

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