Chapter 15. Dead Man Blues (Complete) – End of Part 1


“… Having more physical contact with other infected people. With the owner of a slightly different virus. Anyway, if foreign bacteria come in, the virus in your body will also become more alert… “

What does this mean?

No, it is ‘different’ and ‘heterogeneous’ than that.

Cassandra once said that Camilla and I have almost the same virus. That means…

“You sure?”

“… Well, if you two do that every night… No matter how much it is Cassandra… Sis, there’s nothing you can do if you don’t like it. There is no need to go ‘to that extent’. However, that is… “

I couldn’t sleep at night, and I heard a slight sound at the door. Could it have been because I was peeking? But he didn’t have time to hear an answer.

“Okay, enough about Cassandra!”

I jumped up and went up to my room.

* * * * *

The cell phone alarm rang. Virginia checked who sent it and covered it up. And I went about my daily life the same as usual.

There were many things to take care of.

Elsa The whole country will soon enter a quasi-war situation. Therefore, there is no need to maintain martial law any longer.

However, because the existing administrative organization was not capable of overcoming this situation and the legal preparations were insufficient, the central government ordered local governments to form a new emergency government system ‘in cooperation with the local military.’

It may sound like an emergency government, but in reality, it meant that each region should take care of its own prevention.

Even in this situation, there were many people trying to occupy a single place. In particular, Virginia received more gifts and business cards than usual. It was sent to her by people who wanted to make her look good, as she came from a noble and powerful family in Römer.

Virginia lined up their business cards on her desk. Then, they carefully wrote down their names and the size of their assets on a list and attended the ‘Committee to Establish a New Government.’

“What do you think, Virginia Commissioner?”

This is a situation where even the chairman is paying attention. Virginia gladly climbed to the stage.

“We selected people who could become chief aides and central members of the committee. “Here is their list.”

Virginia waved the list she had selected. They were all infamous, just by their names at first glance. The chairman asked the question with a puzzled expression.

“Then, as for the market… “

“I would like someone who is honest and innocent, knows politics well, but has no ties to the military. “I don’t know if there are any scholars like that.”

The members of the committee understood that they were saying that they were going to put a good scarecrow and eat everything from below.

They thought that Virginia was just like her, a snob, and they were very distressed and uncomfortable, but they did not dare to go against her.

The committee found a smart and naive person and appointed him as mayor. Virginia placed corrupt, greedy, and wealthy people in administrative positions under the mayor.

And all their assets were frozen.

“Oh, how can this be!”

Those who ran to Virginia with foam at their mouths to protest were immediately arrested on the grounds that they had ‘illegally entered a military facility.’

More sophisticated people, that is, those who called in advance or made an appointment in advance, were invited to the conference room.

As soon as we entered, the reporters set off their flashlights and everyone was mesmerized. Virginia volunteered for a press conference.

“Everyone. These people are Erza’s true patriots.”

Virginia shouted loudly. ‘It is being broadcast live across the country.’ Someone wrote on a piece of paper and waved it.

“These people have expressed their intention to donate all their assets. “It was to protect our beloved country and neighbors.”

They took the money and now they are trying to disguise it as a ‘donation’. Flashes exploded in the minds of the protesters. But Virginia wasn’t finished speaking.

“However, although we are grateful for your loyalty, we carefully decline any donations of property. Fighting zombies is a very long and painful task.

You must also leave room and strength for recovery. There is no foolish farmer who eats all the seed potatoes just because he is hungry. Therefore, their assets should be used for the future, not now.”

What kind of nonsense are you talking about when your assets are tightly tied up? The protestors looked like they were about to burst into tears. But after seeing the almost malicious flash and the muzzle of the rifle pointed between the flashes, I couldn’t cry.

If something happens, they will shout, ‘You’re an infected person!’ And shoot them. The National Military Police is a very capable group in this type of ‘after action report’.

“That is why the Hampton Emergency Government decided to issue war bonds. Even if the emergency government is dissolved, the central government will take over, so there is no risk of bankruptcy.

Here, the new members of Hampton’s emergency government are the first buyers of war bonds. Please take a good look at this glorious face. Patriotism must be guaranteed. “The country will not forget your loyalty.”

In the end, the protestors had to go home in solitude, holding ‘bonds that were guaranteed by the state and thus had no risk of bankruptcy.’ Virginia was more vicious than they thought.

“Why not just take it away! “Who on earth is patriotic if you say you’ll get it back if you listen well?”

Those who became patriots cried at home, but that was all. Because no one wanted to be found turning into a zombie due to an ‘acute infection.’

“That’s amazing.”

Captain Kamio Minto was very satisfied. Virginia even smiled and expressed her gratitude.

“Thanks to you, Captain.”

“What is humility! How on earth did you live with such talent? I heard your interview skills aren’t that great. The PDs said they were thankful to me? A pretty composition comes out right away! By the way, I heard you’ll be doing an exclusive interview on Joongang Broadcasting next week. “Did you hear that?”

“I will prepare thoroughly.”

Captain Minto was very happy. He was planning to submit an application for discharge soon. This was because the path for him to advance into central politics was open.

Virginia returned home after taking care of all the complicated matters. A home where there is no furniture but the air is as heavy as the furniture. But today I brought a bottle of ‘Elsa’s Tears’.

I washed up, changed into light clothes, and had beef jerky as a snack and a glass of Erza’s tears. Only then did Virginia check her phone and make a call.

“This is Virginia.”

The other person hung up as soon as he received it. After a while, a call came in with ‘no caller information’. Of course it was encrypted.

– What on earth are you thinking about living?

The impatient old man started by admonishing him.

– I told him to stay still, but he runs wild like a colt whose reins have been let loose. You know best what happens to a horse that runs off the track, right? Do you really feel like something has happened to you?

Instead of answering, Virginia took a sip of Elsa’s tears.

– You’re not even answering anymore!

“I am listening.”

– I told you to be careful what you say!

“I’m listening, Senate President.”

– I had no intention of caring what kind of fire was played in Erza’s land. But what a brat who comes on TV and brings shame to the family! Wasn’t it enough to play house in the West?

“I’m just doing my duty.”

– If you are a dead b*tch, live like a dead b*tch!

The call was disconnected. Virginia didn’t even blink. My phone calls with my father were always parallel. Roemer’s father, Senate President Halford, was re-elected again.

But before she knew it, she had emptied one glass. Ugh. Ugh. The phone rang again.

“This is Virginia.”

– Lady. This is the head deacon.

A slightly gentler voice than before. Virginia smiled slightly. If you look at her from the side, you’ll say she’s not sure if she’s smiling or frowning.

“Ah. Head of house. “What materials did you request?”

– I will call you. A whale walking in the sky, a nighthawk whose mouth is tearing up to your ears, a fog made of human tears…

Of course, this was a password. The password attached to the data sent by the head deacon in the morning.

What the deacon was slowly singing was a verse from a poem that had been passed down through the family, and it was a coded text that could only be deciphered by someone who knew which line and verse it was in.

“Okay. Thanks.”

But the deacon did not hang up the phone. Looks a little different than usual. Virginia waited.

– The number of infected people in Roemer is also increasing. Even in the capital, the number of infected people is increasing. My father is also very uncomfortable.

Virginia passed her half-full glass to and fro, as if listening to what she was saying.

“I see.”

– The current situation in the western country is also unusual. There is intelligence that special forces will be dispatched across the border and raid the Cybele Institute.

– This is something that Roemer agents dispatched to the Western Bureau discovered, and Elsa is not even aware of it. Attacks are mainly targeting unprotected areas.


– So obey your father. Don’t you feel sorry for me?


The call was disconnected.

Virginia shook her head once and emptied her glass. She thought about rolling out her yoga mat and relaxing her body, but she was suddenly tired and didn’t do it.


She accessed an app on her phone instead. As I typed in a complex command, a program to access the western country of Minsk’s communication channel came to mind.

However, it is a slightly different composition from the one used by Johan, Leticia, and the people in Erza’s intelligence department. That’s because the app itself was a fabricated product created in the Eastern Bureau.

“Elsa is a pig.”

A pig that is innocently eaten, but tears open the predator’s stomach and comes out grunting. Neither Minsk in the west nor Römer in the east were able to finally catch and digest Elsa.

So the eastern country chose a clever method. They hacked into the communications channels of the western country of Minsk, seized the resources, packaged them as if they were created by Elsa’s soldiers, and distributed them to people in Elsa’s intelligence department.

It was to find out who was distributing what information in the Elsa Information Department. Of course, no large-scale arrests have been made yet.

This kind of confidential information is a sufficient asset just to hold on to. Just like freezing the assets of a corrupt person, catching the deviation of a soldier who lives with pride.

Leticia’s bizarre deviation is one of them. Of course, no matter how much I looked at her body, I couldn’t get used to it.

A lieutenant who usually wears a uniform and carries out work thoroughly, but when he returns home, he has such an obscene expression on his face, exposing even his body parts… I felt embarrassed even after drinking.

Her open eyes looked upward, her tongue was slightly sticking out, and there was even saliva in her half-open mouth. Why on earth did the whipped cream and dough spill on her front breast? ‘I made a cake and the whipped cream spilled.’ Why are we sending messages like ‘What should I do?’

“Who on earth are you sending this to?”

What was special was the other person. I don’t know how he modified the code, but the location could not be estimated. All that is recognizable is the name ‘Caesar’.

“It’s latex.”

Of course, Virginia knew that Leticia was ‘that thief.’ In fact, it was rare for people to buy that type of rubber clothing on a regular basis.

However, after learning that Leticia’s deviation cleverly targeted the points that the national military police and civil defense agents missed, she did not say anything special.

This type of training is often used in the military. Counterintelligence agents would infiltrate under the cover of night, post a red note saying ‘I’m coming’ at the entrance to an armory or ammunition depot, and then run away.

“It means that a man named Caesar will come sooner or later.”

Hunting is always fun.

Not only at the moment when I pick up the gun, but also just imagining what kind of game I will catch tomorrow, how that game will resist, and how Virginia herself will respond, I feel an unbearable joy.

From Noble mtl dot com

Would hunting down a man named Caesar be as fun as V? Virginia became curious.

“If there was just one more person as useful as V, there would be nothing lacking in the world.”

She muttered, flicking her empty glass.

“… “How about catching it and taming it?”

Virginia burst out laughing at her own joke. But her purple eyes flashed ominously.

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