Chapter 137

Queen Garcia suddenly attacks Xian by destroying the house. I couldn’t help but be embarrassed by the rumor.

It was Garcia who had been kind to her, although she felt like she didn’t know where she was going.

He brought out himself, who was not so welcomed by his family, and told him to become a guardian knight, and even though he refused, he treated him without hesitation.

When Garcia looked at Xian, his eyes suddenly changed.

“Catch him before he gets out of the forest.”


In response to the Queen’s solemn order, the Guardian Castle began to move.

It was Xi’an’s party who escaped well at the moment, but they would be caught in less than a day. For them, this was a forest, and it was their home.

“Queen! Why the hell is Xian… … !”

“… … .”

It was a rumor that raised its voice unusually, but it hardened on the spot in the queen’s eyes.

Cold eyes I’ve never seen before.

In the meantime, she always treated me kindly with a smile, so I didn’t realize it, but she was the queen who ruled the country.

“Rules. Back off. It’s not your business to intervene.”

“but… … .”

Still, rumors could not be easily dismissed. At least I wanted to hear why.

“He is the Warlock of the Dark Magic Tower. The white-haired kid he brought is a giant even if he looks like that, and he also has a demon on his side.”

Yu Seol swallowed saliva with a nervous face.

She knows that Xi’an is related to the demons of Hell. She and Xian shared secrets with each other.

It’s the first time I’ve heard that the kid I was with is a giant, but that part isn’t important.

The problem was that it eventually caught on.

‘Psyche, what should I do?’

She asked Psyche in her heart.

[What should I do, what should I do? I have to pretend I don’t know.]

The answer that came back was blunt.

‘But we agreed to keep each other’s secrets.’

[I’m helping you not to be caught, I wasn’t talking about helping you get caught, right?]

‘that… … .’

[And now is not the time to worry about him. The Queen saw through the descending Thunder Power Celestial at a glance. We have to be careful too.]

Psyche gave a firm attention.

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Judging from Garcia’s story, it seems that he doesn’t even know about the existence of Ravi inside Xian.

However, if it was enough to see through the true nature of the Celestial Spirit, he could never be careless.

Somehow, there is a risk that Psyche will descend on Yuseol’s body, or perhaps even be found out just by using her power.

[At other times, you might be able to get over it, but now is a time when you should never get caught. you know?]

There wasn’t even a good time right now.

The Empire is teaming up with the Warlock to invade their country. Overall, the sentiment towards giants and warlocks was very bad.

If the relationship between Yuseol and Psyche is revealed in this situation, it will not be over with just saying it is a misunderstanding.

‘huh… … .’

Yuseol lowered his head.

There was nothing she could do now.

The other party is the owner of the fairy palace, and now the fairy palace is at war with the imperial family with the jet black tower.

She knew very well that it was time to buy herself.

“Don’t worry about it, just spend it as usual. Oh, sorry for destroying the house. I will prepare a new place for you soon.”

“… … yes.”

Eventually, she had no choice but to resign.

After that, the queen did not return to the palace and stayed in Saihan, giving orders to the knights of the patron saint.

To catch the escaped warlocks, giants, and demons.

In response to that order, some knights enthusiastically performed their duties. In their opinion, the person the queen was pursuing must be an imperial spy.

And days passed.

Contrary to everyone’s opinion, those spies were doing very well.

Fortunately, it was made to make them wander in the forest, but it was only a matter of time before they could escape.

“They have already reached the beginning. It is really dangerous now.”

“I set up a siege outside the forest, but to be honest, I wonder if we can capture it… … .”

“What should I do?”

Garcia frowned at the knights’ report.

Of course, I thought it would be easy to catch. He was not ordered to be captured alive, but to be killed and only his head brought back. But I never thought I’d get caught on my ankles like this.

‘Sian Agrid.’

I didn’t know that one human kid could get in trouble like this.

Besides, neither the king of giants nor the devil was an opponent that could be looked down upon.

What should I do?

“You should already know the answer.”

A revelation is heard.

that you already know the answer. Garcia nodded.

okay. The answer is already decided.

‘Please, ancestor.’

Garcia closed her eyes. Her consciousness began to sink deeper and lower.

Before long, a different vitality began to flow through her body.

she opened her eyes

“Call all the knights out there. Contact those who are encircling outside the forest to retreat further.”

“yes? Are you saying to defeat the knights?”

“That’s right.”

The article was perplexed. It was difficult for him to understand the order to defeat the troops when there was an enemy to pursue.

“May I ask why?”

The queen answered the knight’s question.

“I will seal the entire forest.”

Beyond bewilderment, the knights began to be astonished.

Sealing the entire forest? I don’t know if that’s even possible, isn’t that overkill for some rats?

“Go quickly.”

“Ah, yes, yes!”

But you cannot disobey orders.

The knight hurriedly ran out and announced the queen’s order everywhere.

Before long, the knights who had been out in the forest began to return one after another.

And likewise, Yu Seol-eun, who heard the order.

“… … I have to go.”

I couldn’t be alone anymore.

She sneaked into the forest to avoid the eyes of the queen and the other knights.

* * *

“It is the wine of the seal.”

“what? Is this all?”


Hector was frightened by the giant king’s low voice.

The whole forest was bathed in light. The light radiating from the World Tree in the distance embraced everything in sight.

All of this is the light of the seal.

Xian asked again.


“Really, really. I’m talking about me who was sealed in the exact same technique as this for hundreds of years, so trust me, damn it.”

The giant king spoke harshly and spat out swear words.

It is a seal that he hates. He imprisoned himself and all of his compatriots.

I never thought I’d see it again.

“It wouldn’t be easy if it was the magic that kept the giant sealed until this era.”

“It seems to have been handed down from generation to generation. Otherwise… … .”

“or not?”

“… … You wrote it yourself.”

The Giant King spoke with a serious expression. The image of Queen Garcia he had seen before was still haunting him.

Queen Elia who sealed him in the past. He had the exact same energy as her.

Xian stood up with a hard expression.

Either way, I couldn’t stay still.

“Let’s get out of the forest for now.”

That’s all I can do right now.

They started running quickly out of the woods.

“Maybe the entire forest is the range.”

On the way, the giant king spoke.

“That wide?”

“If it’s Elia herself, it’s possible enough.”

“… … .”

Is the queen of the past really alive, putting aside thoughts of that for now. Xian thought of the sealing wine in front of him.

As he ran, he drew a primordial magic from his bosom.

I tried to reflect the shining forest everywhere with the bronze mirror.

There was no change.

‘I can’t.’

Xian frowned.

If you were a good mage and knew how to handle this primordial magic, you might have found a way.

But it was neither.

“What if the technique is completed before we can escape?”

Xian put the mirror back in and asked. Of course, the legs never rested.

“How is it? Just like the me I saw back then, I’m trapped. I don’t know if it will be decades or hundreds of years.”

“… … Tsk.”

“sh*t! What sin am I!”

Next to Xian, who clicked his tongue, Hector expressed his regret.

But now was not the time to listen to it.

The three of them ran without stopping. But the end of the forest was nowhere to be seen, and it was unclear how far it would go.

In the meantime.

“What… … .”

Suddenly, the void seemed distorted. The phenomenon was fleeting, but Xian could feel it.

The air around me was completely different from before.

Not only that, but Hector and the giant king had all disappeared for some reason.


Sealing is in progress. The flow of mana that composes the technique was sensitively felt.

Unpleasant mana was eroding reality and entangling him.


Xian cut it off like a thread. However, there was no end to cutting and cutting.

Not only that, tree roots rose up to hinder him, and a golem was born from the dirt floor and grabbed him.

Everything in this forest was wrapped around Xian.

at that time.



The obstacles blocking Xian’s way froze in an instant and broke.

What appeared there was rumors.

Xian opened her eyes wide.

“How are you… … ?”

Yoo Seol came to Xian. She, too, was not free from the seal, but squeezed in between them and held out her hand.

“Talk about it later. Just a little further and you’re out of the woods!”


That was really nice information.

Being immersed in an endless pit is completely different from knowing your destination.

Xian ran after her.

[Ugh! This is really dangerous!]

Psyche grumbled, but Yuseol couldn’t afford to answer her.

If you go a little further, you will be outside the forest. If you go that far, you can get out of the range of magic.


“Do something useless.”

Garcia appeared in front of them.

Beside her floating in the air, she saw the giant king, tied tightly to the roots of a tree. Whether dead or just passed out, the Giant King was limp.

“Queen… … .”

Yuseol looked at her and blurted out his words.

Garcia snapped her fingers after seeing the rumor and the draft. Then the forest tightened.

At the same time, Xian’s feet went numb.


Yuseol hurriedly reached out his hand, and Xian grabbed it.

A cliff full of darkness that appeared out of nowhere. Yuseol held his hand.

And I saw Garcia looking down at this place from above.

Next to Garcia, a huge tree was uprooted and floated up.

The roots gathered together and formed a sharp spiral spear.

The point of the spear was directed above Yu Seol’s head.

“… … I didn’t expect to fall twice.”

Sian sighed. I never thought the day would come again following the reign of the Dragon King.

At that time, the space itself was collapsing, so I was able to escape just by holding on.

However, this seal did not seem so easy.

Sian glared at Garcia from a high place, then released Yu Seol’s hand.


Yu Seol stretched out his hand even further, but the hand he had already let go could not be grasped again.


[Damn it, okay!]

White cold air escaped from Yu Seol’s wrist and entered Xian’s sleeve.

It was a chill that neither Garcia nor Sian could see, only Yuseol could see.

Without knowing that fact, Sian and Garcia were looking at each other.

‘Garcia. Or is it Elia?’

Xian gnashed his teeth.

He escaped from the family of marquis with the desire to be free.

Memories of being locked up for decades since childhood. Because of that, he really hated being stuck somewhere.



I saw Garcia putting the tree he had uprooted back down with a satisfied grin.

Seeing that, Xian made a promise.

‘I will definitely come back.’

I’ll be able to see this seal soon.

And, I promise to distort that face.

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