Previously, the Metropolitan Police Department arranged for TV Tokyo to clarify that it was obviously a standard official propaganda draft, and was read according to the draft throughout the whole process, but because Xin Haikong surpassed the standard value for too many looks and bright resumes, the halo of a high-IQ scholar and The case-solving process of a famous detective turned out to be unexpectedly good.

Xin Haikong flipped through the comments on the Internet, and really felt that he was about to commit embarrassment. All kinds of fancy licking comments even overshadowed the comments lamenting his excellent resume or brilliant case solving. At first glance, the image of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department seems to be really about to change, but he is about to debut to help.

at this point.

He put down his phone, lay on the bed, clicked on the forum, and watched today's serial.

I thought that there was no case in the cafe before, but I was lucky for a while. At that time, there were only a few of them in the cafe, and they couldn't gather the dead and choose one of three. As a result, Conan solved a case early in the morning. As expected of the **** of death.

He glanced at it hastily, but he just chose one of the three ordinary ones, which couldn't match the main line, so he just skipped it. What's interesting is that the second half of the comic actually depicts what happened in Poirot's cafe quite completely.

His laughter with Matsuda, the conversations with Amuro Toru and Conan, the preliminary confrontation with Amuro Toru, and the shameful show on the TV behind him.

He flipped to the bottom and looked at the comments, it was as lively as the Chinese New Year.

Tonight I am the protagonist: ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! Beauty meets!

Amuro Toru lives in my house today: Tou Zi is so handsome today! Matsuda Diao Erlang is also great! And my beautiful wife, alone

Silently eating cake is really cute to explode!

Sister wearing a dress: Upstairs, when did Xin Haikong become your wife?

Jiang Yuebai: But he likes sweets, so cute. When he sees himself on TV, his ears are red and he is so cute. When he is playing with Matsuda, he is so cute.

New concept love: When it comes to TV, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department really lives up to its reputation. How did you come up with the idea of ​​letting our Shinkai police officers promote it? The wealth code is simply that.

HCCG: eh. . . Are you all just focusing on superficial things like looks? Don't you think the confrontation between Amuro and Shinkai is strange?

Has it been noticed? This one is called HCCG, and it seems that he was the first to discover it last time.

Green sea: Yes, they seem to have met Baodai for the first time. Help, I have seen this brother before. Ha ha ha ha!

Cactus Boy: You look familiar, really the most old-fashioned way to strike up a conversation.

HCCG: I mean, these two people are familiar with each other, and it is known that Amuro went undercover to the organization, what conclusions can be drawn? Don't you think there is a problem? I'm afraid Xin Haikong is also organized, they are testing each other.

Monkey Mountain King: Jimei, you are too sensitive. I don't think it's that serious.

Love for the new concept: HCCG, it’s you again, why do you always suspect that Xinhai sauce is from a winery, so why don’t you allow Aoyama to draw an image of a just policeman?

Men who rely on women are not good: what is the name of Xinhai-chan, but the new Matsuda policeman is so handsome, it seems that he still defuses bombs. But whether he and Amuro know each other, it always feels strange.

The working emperor in the winery: Yes, you have to say that there is a problem. I feel that Xin Haikong, who is addicted to eating small cakes, has a problem? Sweet Party must be good people. I think that Matsuda is weird. The way he looks at Amuro Toru is very strange. It must be the feeling of knowing him! He looked quite happy at first, but as soon as Conan and the others came in, Matsuda changed his face immediately. (with photo)

Xin Haikong took a look. It was the part where Matsuda pretended to be serious to tease him. In the end, he was not suspected. Was the original justice policeman Matsuda Jinhei suspected by the forum instead? People on the forum don't know that Matsuda is one of the five members of the police academy, which is really interesting.

HCCG: But when they looked at each other, they laughed really wrong!

New Concept Love: Do you mean this? (Pictured) Ah, really, when Touko looked at Xinhaijiang, there was light in her eyes!

Has the winery closed down today: Indeed, when Amuro looks at Xin Haikong, his eyes are full of relief. Maybe as Conan said, they have met before, and I feel that Amuro still remembers it, but Shinkai has only a vague impression.

Eh? He followed the comment and clicked on the big picture. The first picture was of Amuro looking at himself, and the latter was a close-up of his profile, which should be him in the corner of Amuro. Strangely, his entire figure in Amuro's perspective angle was highlighted, and the light from outside the window was carefully handled. The special light and shadow effect made him look like an angel with a halo above his head.

Such a metaphor is so strange, but it is true that all light is focused on oneself.

Is this the self in Amuro's eyes?

I don't know when I left such a good impression on him, but I was just thinking about venting my anger before. But that's a good thing.

Amuro has been beaten to death by the author and is an undercover agent of Hong Fang, so his attitude towards himself has become extremely important. Right now, Amuro has made it clear that his impression of himself is particularly sunny, which in turn will affect other readers.

It can also be seen from the comments that follow, if there was some controversy on the forum during the previous train case, basically no different voices can be seen below this one - they are basically licking their faces, and they are on the Internet with him in this world. See almost no difference.

It seems that this game is not as difficult as he imagined - if the system does not operate and release some suffocating main quests.

The only thing worth caring about is that comment, did Toru Amuro really know him before?

Speaking of which, it makes perfect sense. No one would have such a high opinion when they met for the first time, and it was a little abnormal. As someone who has been lurking in the organization, Amuro cannot have no doubts in the face of someone who found the bomb before him. He has a trust in himself, a trust he doesn't yet know why.

It's because I've seen it before. The self you see is the self in the bright world, not the self under the code name of the winery.

Young, kind, full of bright hope and future self.

One day after that, he will go back to the past and meet Toru Amuro, which left him with such an impression.

It's a little uncomfortable to think so. Whether it was Matsuda or Toru Amuro, that was the case with all the people he met.

All reunions are first encounters, and all first encounters are reunions.



what! be late!

Damn social life!

The young man got up from the bed with a confused face, quickly changed his clothes like a sleepwalker, and rushed into the toilet to flush his face with cold water to barely wake up. I shouldn't have stayed up late to browse the forum last night, but I don't know why the social animal's revenge staying up late started to get up. Once I started surfing the forum, I felt unrestrained. It was too ugly to be late on the first day of work.

It's too late for breakfast, and the same goes for buying a cup of coffee from the vending machine later. He picked up his briefcase, grabbed his phone and rushed out.

The phone in his hand suddenly vibrated, a new text message.

"Knowing that you might not be able to have breakfast in time, I bought you a box of buns and put them on the second floor of the porch cabinet to cushion your stomach.

PS: Don’t drink coffee on an empty stomach all the time—L.”

Xin Haikong froze in place.

L again.

He also received a text message that night, but he ignored it because he was too sleepy, and then he forgot about it when he was busy. And at this moment, he received another text message from this person.

He opened the cabinet as instructed by the email, and there was indeed a small cardboard box on the second floor, which contained about seven or eight small breads. The shelf life is twenty-one days, and the production date is the day before yesterday.

Two days ago, that L was in his room.

The reminder to go to bed early the night before flooded into his mind again. L was not only familiar with Xin Haikong's living habits, but also knew that he used to stay up late, skip breakfast, drink coffee on an empty stomach in the morning, and he was still at his house two days ago. Where was my self two days ago? He was on the train as soon as he came, and he didn't know where he had been before, what he had done there.

But if there is always another person living in the room, it is impossible not to leave any traces. And these days, he didn't notice that another person lived in the room. Is it that the traces have been cleaned up, or no one has come to live at all, and that L just came to deliver something and left?

How long has it been since L sent this text. He opened the read letter on his mobile phone, and the next second, he was in a cold sweat.

There were hundreds of letters in the inbox, but two-thirds of them were from the man named L.

Xin Haikong casually found a few letters and opened them. The contents were nothing more than trivial matters such as going to bed early, remembering to have breakfast, and adding a piece of clothing when it was cold.

Occasionally there are differences, such as the moon is very round today, seeing a flower is very special, encountering a stray dog ​​on the street and so on.

These words contained a lot of content, but the amount of information was very small, and it was impossible for him to judge the identity of the person on the other side, not even revealing whether it was a man or a woman.

But, it's so weird, it really seems to be in love, help.

Did he still fall in love in the previous timeline? While in front of a bottle of conscientious and conscientious real wine, did the undercover Metropolitan Police with first-class acting skills find a partner for himself?

The next second, the slamming of the door next door woke him up. I'm going to be late! !

The young man rushed out of the door in a panic, with his fluffy and messy hair lying on the top of his head, and the white face still had wet water marks.

The collar was not fastened, revealing a large collarbone. Half of the coat was worn, and the other half was tangled with the hand holding the briefcase. I didn't know whether to put the bag or the clothes first.

It was so abrupt and reasonable that he met Toru Amuro, who was standing in front of the elevator with a confused face.

Probably all the reunions after a long absence are also first encounters.

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