How Come These Monsters Have Health Bars

Chapter 461: Invading the insider, pretending to be like the wind

So here comes the problem.

What is the demon doing now?

Is it a hidden plan, or is some "reform plan" being quietly carried out?

Li Jing pondered, and then quickly gave up thinking.

He couldn't figure out what the Heavenly Demon would do.

Promoting the "Heavenly Demon Dafa" like in the Heavenly Sacred Realm will definitely not work for the remnants of the ancient gods.

At least according to Li Jing's understanding.

The survivors of the ancient gods do not practice.

They rely on their own unique talents.

And this innate talent has been growing since their birth, and there is no need to carefully polish it like monster cultivation, but the efficiency is relatively slow.

In a way, they are no different from the gods in fairy tales.

The survivors of the ancient gods get stronger the older they get. To put it bluntly, they get stronger the longer they live.

Heavenly Demon Dafa is put on the faces of the survivors of the ancient gods, even if they can practice it, they may not be able to appreciate it.

This is the premise.

Li Jing really couldn't imagine how the Heavenly Demon would nibble away at the remnants of the ancient gods and turn them into the nutrients he needed.

But he felt that everything had begun secretly.

If it's as he expected, it's the demons.

The series of head-on conflicts between the Heavenly Demon and the remnants of the ancient gods two months ago will not be as simple as it appears on the surface.

A situation that couldn't be simpler.

Heavenly Demons have the ability to usurp the physical body of others, but they are so powerful that they don't need this ability at all.

Especially under the premise that there is an absolute power difference between the two sides, it doesn't make much sense to engage in these bells and whistles.

The Heavenly Demon invaded the Chongyuan Holy Land to play such a flower, most likely by occupying the bodies of the remnants of the ancient gods to study them, and then figure out their background and limits through confrontation.

Thinking of all the possibilities during the period, Li Jing became more and more excited.

Although everything is just his personal speculation at the moment, even if the intruder in the Chongyuan Holy Land is not a demon, it will not be so simple if it comes from the big world but not from the blue star.

Such a potential enemy must be powerful.

As far as he is concerned.

It is a "big tonic".

So he has to change his mind that this trip is just to find something to do?

Since it was an invasion, it would definitely not be one or two big cats and kittens coming to make trouble.

According to the previous description given by Quan Huai to Quan Chang, it was obvious that the remnants of the ancient gods had to deal with not only one enemy.

Gotta find a way to find them!

Then come a wave of "removing harm for the people"!

Just as he was thinking about it, Li Jingxin had a feeling, and activated the second breakthrough skill, Heaven and Earth Returning to the Heart, so that the effect of the Silent Phantom would take effect on the shoulder spirit, and then walked out of the palace gate.

Outside the palace gate, the god-ren ancestor and the wing-ren ancestor who had been dealt with by someone in advance with spiritual whispers had both regained their clarity.

At this moment, the two were staring at each other in bewilderment.

Li Jing simply made the two of them confused for a while, it didn't hurt them, and he didn't give them any hints.

Therefore, the memory of the two is very clear.

I'm screwed...

Li Jing settled the two of them with just one look.

In such a situation, how could they not be confused?

They didn't even know what happened to them, and why they didn't even have the chance to resist being controlled by others in an instant.

Seeing Li Jing coming out of the hall behind them, the two of them froze, instead of sitting cross-legged, they stood up and bowed slightly to show respect.

The strong will be respected wherever they go.

It's the same everywhere.

What made Li Jing a little unbearable was that.

The gazes of these two loli ancestors who are less than 1.4 meters tall are not only in awe, but also have a different meaning.

so mean.

To put it nicely, it's called yearning.

To put it bluntly, it was because I was so hungry and thirsty that I wanted to have **** with him.

Even though Li Jing knew beforehand that the survivors of the ancient gods liked to combine with the strong, it didn't matter if they weren't strong, as long as they were unique enough, he couldn't bear to face this situation again and again.

Generally, it is not so casual. If you are casual, you are not a human being.

Such a common saying is so apt to describe the remnants of the ancient gods.

Exhaling heavily, Li Jing spoke.

"Quan Chang and Shen Wen are safe, they are now in my own personal living space."

As he said that, he looked at the ancestor of the gods and told about the fact that he had initially agreed to Shenwen's request to provide a comfortable living environment for some of the ancient gods' remnants.

After hearing Li Jing's narration, the god-man ancestor and the wing-man ancestor were completely stupefied.

Living space is not uncommon for the survivors of their ancient gods.

But what is uniquely personal does not exist.

If this was said by ordinary people, the two of them would definitely scoff.

However, when Li Jing said it, the two of them couldn't help questioning it.

the reason is simple.

Someone is very strong, stronger than them by many times.

With enough power to crush them, why make up lies to trick them?

The long-standing expectations of the God-human race, the ancestors of the God-man are naturally very clear.

Now that her expectations are fulfilled, she only feels like a dream.

The god-human race fought against the entire ancient **** remnants for an unknown number of years, and finally fell to the point where they were tragically sealed and reduced to sinners, and they still failed to get what they wanted.

But now it is so simple?

Looking at Li Jing now, the god-man ancestors suddenly dare not have "coveting heart".

if it is possible.

Of course she still wants to have **** with someone and have a baby.

She is so strong that she is half a step into the ninth realm, but now it is not so difficult to find a suitable "breeding partner", and she will also be picky to a certain extent in order for her offspring to be good enough.

But on the premise that Li Jing fulfilled the long-cherished wish of the god-human race, as an ancestor of the god-man, she should show the highest respect both emotionally and rationally, and should not be mixed with other things.

Not only the ancestors of the gods, but also the ancestors of the winged people no longer have such thoughts at this time.

The long-cherished wish of the god-human race is essentially the wish of the entire clan of the survivors of the ancient gods.

It's just that the deity's behavior is too extreme, and other tribes can't agree with it.

Looking at each other, the ancestors of the gods responded with the voice of consciousness.

"Since your Excellency has already negotiated with Quan Chang and Shen Wen, we naturally have no objections. Up to now, we don't have much say in the ancient **** survivors, everything is decided by the ghost clan. Specifically, your Excellency will discuss and finalize with the ancestors of the ghost clan later."

Li Jing nodded upon hearing this.

This one is clear about his current situation, and he doesn't feel that he can do anything because he is an ancestor.

Without thinking too much, Li Jing said.

"We'll wait for Shenwen and Quanchang to come out for details. Now that the ancestors of the ghost clan are also going through the tribulation and promotion in my small universe, it won't be possible for a while to end."

Hearing that the ancestors of the ghost clan were crossing the catastrophe, the ancestors of the gods and the winged people stared in astonishment, and then looked at Li Jing with more reverence and fanaticism.

Today's ghost clan is in great power.

But the ancestors of the ghost clan should have only one breath left.

Why did you suddenly cross the catastrophe?

Nine realms.

This is a state that they can't reach for the time being.

Even though the two of them are already halfway to the Ninth Realm, as the remnants of the ancient gods, they do not practice cultivation, and it will take at least tens of hundreds of years for them to be able to advance naturally, and this must be awake or sleeping or sealed. Under the premise.

In this regard, the ancestors of the ghost clan are even inferior to the two of them.

After all, in terms of age, both of them are much older than the ghost ancestors.

It stands to reason.

Even if the ancestor of the ghost clan recovers from his injuries, it is impossible for him to be promoted.

Putting this kind of thing on ordinary people can be a matter of personal fate, and some opportunities have been obtained.

For the remnants of the ancient gods, ordinary chance does not apply.

There is only one possibility for them to be promoted in advance.

That is, their internal transformation has taken place, and their innate talents as the remnants of the ancient gods have taken a step further.


Li Jing must have done something.

Not only did he save the dying ancestors of the ghost clan, but he also caused some transformations in the latter, and his natural ability was improved to a higher level, so he was promoted in advance.

Seeing the gazes of the two "old" lolis getting more and more intense, with a little expectation in them, Li Jing roughly guessed what the two were thinking, and said calmly.

"Some opportunities, only once."

Li Jing said this very eloquently.

But both the god-man ancestor and the wing-man ancestor understood.

The method he used to transform the ancestors of the ghost clan can only be used once.

At this moment, the two couldn't help but become sour.

Talent transformation is not a rare thing for the survivors of the ancient gods.

It's just that such a situation usually occurs in some clans with mixed blood.

A chance coincidence brought their bloodline one step further.

It is not impossible for clans with pure blood such as Shenren, Yiren, and Guizu to have corresponding possibilities, but the corresponding situation will only happen to clansmen with mutations and defects like Baiyu.

This goes a step further and only concerns the mutants themselves, not their offspring.

Such a good opportunity was seized by the ancestors of the ghost clan...

Seeing the two old ancestors turned into lemon essence, envy, jealousy and hatred were almost written on their faces. The two immature faces wrinkled into a ball, Li Jing smiled and did not let the topic continue, and said calmly.

"I'm personally very interested in the intruders of the Chongyuan Sacred Realm. In addition, I have a feeling that they are not as simple as being repelled by your ancient **** remnants on the surface, and may still be lurking somewhere in the Chongyuan Sacred Realm."

Suddenly hearing Li Jing mentioning the invaders, the expressions of the two ancestors sank.

After listening to the words, the expressions of the two gradually became serious.

Li Jing saw the change in the expressions of the two, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows.


The ancestors of the gods and the ancestors of the winged people both have corresponding awareness as the ancestral combat power to repel the invaders. They have guessed that the invaders are not repelled as it seems on the surface, and they may even be aware of the two. in the heart.

Just as he was guessing, the Yiren ancestor whispered in Li Jing's ear with the voice of consciousness.

"Your Excellency's cultivation is as high as the sky, and your intelligence is also extraordinary. It is true that the invaders were not repelled but hid. The saying of repelling was just fabricated by me and other old guys who participated in the siege to stabilize the situation. The threat of the other party is still there. , I don’t know when it will explode.”

Before the words fell, the voice of the consciousness of the ancestors of the gods also came.

"The opponent's strength is very strong, and the weakest frontal combat power among them is at least comparable to the two of us. Those who are more powerful, such as our ancestors, can only barely compete with them by inviting weapons from various clans. Their level is far beyond the current peak combat power of our ancient **** survivors, let alone aspiring to the top."

With that, she continued.

"It's worth mentioning that after they usurped the bodies of the remnants of the ancient gods, their combat power dropped significantly. It's not like it was done on purpose, but more like they were affected by some factors and couldn't use their full strength. In addition, the bodies that were forcibly taken away by them They have all become empty shells. We, the remnants of the ancient gods, are the continuation of the innate gods, born with the potential to become gods. Although no one has ever used this potential since the death of the father and mother gods, our remnants of the ancient gods Normal potential will not disappear even after death, it will always remain in the body. The corpse of the victim has become an empty shell, presumably the potential has been absorbed."

Hearing the voice of the god-man ancestor, Li Jing raised his eyebrows again.

Most of what the god-man ancestor said matched his previous guess.

The invaders are more than one and very powerful.

They usurp the physical body, not because they need the physical body to fight, but because they have another purpose and plan.

In connection with the fact that the usurped physical body has become an empty shell after being abandoned, the intruder is most likely to be a demon from the outer world of the great world.

What is the potential to become a god, he does not understand.

But as a "nutrient", such potential will undoubtedly be a "big tonic".

Presumably, when the Heavenly Demons first invaded, they discovered that the remnants of the ancient gods had such potential and tasted the sweetness. They treated the Chongyuan Holy Land as a hunting ground to slaughter and devour it wantonly.

According to the ancestors of the gods, the survivors of the ancient gods are not completely powerless.

However, Li Jing didn't think that the invaders would take the resistance of the remnants of the ancient gods seriously.

Act like a demon.

Even if the potential of the ancient **** survivors to become gods is very strong, they will not toss the ancient **** survivors to the point of annihilation all at once.

After a moment of silence, Li Jing looked at the god-man ancestor for confirmation.

"The clan weapon you mentioned is...?"

When he greeted him and asked, the ancestors of the gods didn't care about the lake, and waved out a big machete with a rough shape.

Li Jing frowned when he saw this.



"Our god-human race is different from other tribes. We originally had two clan weapons."

The god-man ancestor opened his mouth and said angrily.

"The other one is in Shenwen's hands, but unfortunately it was stolen by a human thief more than a year ago."


Li Jing.

Shen Min is quite good at making up!

He obviously used his strength to steal, so why did he turn into using tricks to steal?

But that's not the point right now.

The point is.

From the tone of the ancestors of the gods, it seems that the damaged Taoist artifacts are not only owned by the gods, but most of the tribes of the ancient gods have at least one, and they regard it as a clan artifact.

This forced him to re-examine the potential combat power of the remnants of the ancient gods.


Even if it is damaged, it is still a Taoist weapon.

Head-to-head, even a tenth-level immortal weapon can't compete head-on.

It's just that the Taoist weapon is damaged, and the power that can control the rules as a Taoist tool is not used.

Moreover, the Taoist artifacts in the hands of the ancient **** survivors seem to take the violent route.

The survivors of the ancient gods, who had relied largely on the strength of their physical bodies to eat, had damaged Taoist artifacts in their hands. This is really not a combat power that can be ignored or underestimated casually...

Even if the conventional combat power is superior to the remnants of the ancient gods, it needs to be treated with caution.

But even so, Li Jing still didn't feel that the invaders retreated because of this.

After a moment of silence, Li Jing spoke.

"Did you keep the bodies of the victims who appeared in the conflict with the invaders?"


The god-man ancestor was slightly stunned, then shook his head.

"The victim's body may also be forcibly seized and acted again. We will perform sky burials as soon as we find out. Ashes return to ashes, so that the family members who unfortunately lost their lives can rest in peace."


Li Jing blinked and said.

"In the future, if there is any news about the intruders, the two of you can call the shots and let me be notified. The remnants of the ancient gods and I are now considered to be in a cooperative relationship. I don't mind solving problems for the remnants of the ancient gods as long as I can."

Hearing what someone said, the eyes of the god-man ancestor and the wing-man ancestor both lit up.

The strength of Li Jing, both of them have experienced it personally.

If he can help deal with the invaders who may make a comeback at any time, it will definitely be a huge help.

The two were about to say something, Li Jing smiled.

"Gossip is here, I have other things, so I won't bother you two."

As he spoke, he tore through the void and escaped into the Small Universe Realm.

This time, Li Jing deliberately exaggerated.

To put it bluntly, it's just for batching.

To enter the Small Universe Realm, he actually only needs to influence his thoughts, and there is no need to use the rules of space to tear the void.

Someone deliberately pretended to be X, and the ancestors of the gods and the winged people were naturally shocked.

This method of tearing the void was completely unheard of by the two of them.

Even if they are the ancestors of gods, they may not have such abilities.

Silently looking at each other, both of them rose from the sky.

Li Jing's thigh is very thick.

If you follow him, your safety can be guaranteed, and there may be huge benefits.

Now that he has agreed to Shenwen's request to provide a certain number of places for asylum to the various tribes of the ancient god's survivors, it's time for them to go back and choose candidates.

Shen Min is now in Li Jing's Small Universe, and there is no need for the two of them to guard here.

What can happen when people are with Li Jing?

The only thing that can be, is...

If such a good thing can happen, the two of them would like to do so.

Mother is more expensive than child.

This statement can also be applied among the remnants of the ancient gods, but the meaning is somewhat different from the normal one.

Small Universe.

Li Jing pretended to be a batch and came in, felt a little bit and then looked weird.

Quan Chang and Shen Wen transferred to the Qingyuan Immortal Palace inheritance stele, and sat there with other people who were studying the inheritance stele, staring at the stele.

This is meow...

Didn't the two of them come to "survey" the environment?

Why can't I move my legs when I see the stele of inheritance?

Shaking his head secretly, Li Jing was not in a hurry to find the two of them.

Looking at the appearance of the two of them, it seems that they have gained some initial gains through the inheritance of the stele, but they have not been able to grasp it for the time being.

Li Jing is very familiar with this situation.

Those who do not practice seriously will do so when they encounter inheritance stone tablets.

Except for the first time.

Every time he went to comprehend the stele of inheritance, he felt that he would gain something in the next second, but he couldn't really grasp it, so he could only sit there and stare at the stele.

Ya'er was in the same situation as him.

It's just that when it comes to savvy, Ya'er is much better than him.

After being imprisoned there by Li Jing "drawing the ground as a prison", the little guy spent a lot of time and finally grasped the harvest smoothly.

Whether Quan Chang and Shen Min can grasp this harvest depends on whether they have that understanding.

For the time being, it is better to give them a little time.

Turning his head to look at Lingling who was sitting on his shoulder with two little feet dangling, Li Jing came to the attic on the top of Hidden Dragon Mountain with a thought, and came to the place where the fine nectar and jade liquid were stored.

Seeing the fine nectar and jade liquid, Lingling became interested at that moment, and flew over without saying a word.

Seeing this, Li Jing hurriedly raised his hand to catch her back, and said.

"Don't drink too much, I may have to rely on you for a lot of things in the future, and you will be in trouble if you get drunk."

Lingling is caught, that is not happy.

But after hearing what Li Jing said, she reluctantly resisted the idea of ​​jumping into the tub to take a bath and drink a little while, tilting her head and said.

"You want me to help you find the intruders of the Chongyuan Holy Realm?"

Li Jing nodded.

Not in a hurry to say anything, his eyes glowed with golden light, looking at the fine liquid.

The eye of true seeing peeps.

Li Jing quickly grasped that Qiongye Yuye has a two-way cleansing effect on the body and soul, can greatly increase the potential of the two aspects, and also has excellent nourishing and restoring effects.

weakness is.

Although this thing is not wine, it has a lot of stamina.

It doesn't matter if you have a little taste, once you drink too much, you will get up in minutes.

Seeing the effect of the fine nectar and jade liquid, Li Jing turned his head.

"I only need one tank of this fine nectar, and you put away the rest yourself."

Lingling was shocked when she heard the words.

As if she was afraid that Li Jing would change her She didn't care to say anything, and flew over to put away the two big vats of fine wine.

Seeing this, Li Jing couldn't help laughing.

Qiongye Yuye is a good thing of the rare treasure level of heaven and earth, and its effect is very strong.

But for him, it didn't work.

His physical body and soul are so strong that they can only be described as unscientific, and they are comparable to the tenth realm or even higher.


He left a jar for Chen Yuran and Liu Sisi to drink.

The rest is better for Lingling.

On the one hand, it is to satisfy this little thing as much as possible, on the other hand, Lingling benefit will also be affected under the influence of the symbiotic contract.

It is very likely that Lingling drinking the fine nectar and jade liquid is more beneficial than drinking it himself.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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