How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 59: Black iron users and interviews open

"How's it going?"

"10.32, it's a little subtle meow."

"Last year, the general subject was about 21 points. This year, the score is even more powerful. Ah Mao, you are not subtle. You can go home to wash and sleep..."

Lu Ping'an is very direct. Even if he is face to face, he still doesn't show any affection.

"Heh, if there's no 3 extra points, nah..."

Mao Mao akimbo proud, the seemingly unimportant 3 points before the test has become the key point now.

In a sense, although she was bullied enough, she was still very grateful to the person in front of her.

Without the help of the **** in front of her, she would not have been able to break through to the first-order runner and get the precious 2 extra points.

Not to mention that I have time to polish my second job as an animal trainer, plan my own path, and try to get a high score in the interview.

Involution to the extreme is like this. A little breakthrough and leading will repeatedly enlarge.

If the cat is still stuck on the breakthrough of the first-order runner, and there is no time to do other test preparations, at this time, it may really be announced that it will be sent directly.

"...Thank you meow."

"2 extra points? No thanks, you paid for it. Also, I just remembered that I also got 3 extra points. So I'm around 16.5? Uh, last year, the logistics department seemed to pass with 18 points, I think I can. What about a big holiday?"

Maomao glared at him angrily. Judging from the results, this person was actually not bad.

Not only is he reliable and has a sense of justice in certain situations (bullying incidents), but he is also very good to himself, but it's a pity why he has such a mouth.

Is it really that fun to tease yourself? If Lu Pingan could read minds, it would probably be "of course interesting".

"Tell me meow, what's the matter with calling me here? I'm not as busy as you, and I have to prepare for tomorrow's interview!"

"Take this, my ability has grown, it will be more convenient to have this."

"Life Bank Black Iron VIP? What is this meow? You formed a club? Hey, is this a creation of ability?"

What Lu Ping An handed over was a card with the basic information of Lei Shuiyun written on it, and it was also a product of his ability.

[Client Lei Shuiyun. Credit Rating: Black Iron (31 points). Currently additional open function: remote credit investment. 】

When Lu Ping An used its investment capabilities, the "object" it marked was the "credit target".

And including himself, every credit target has a so-called credit rating.

Considering his subconscious understanding of "vip" and "credit", Lu Ping'an immediately suspected that as his credit rating improved, more banking functions would naturally be unlocked.

Now, only the original expectation has become a reality.

"...I just didn't expect that the first person to become a black iron customer would be Cat Mao."

When Mao Mao started experimenting with abilities, Xia Qin had 13 points of credit, and Thunder Fire Blade had 7 points. During this time, they were busy with official business, and they were basically cut off.

When thinking about coming over to make up the buff by chance, Lu Ping'an often used up his quota.

Instead, Maomao came over to make up for the BUFF whenever he had time, persisted on and off, became the first black iron user, and unlocked the new "remote investment" function.

"You use it, hold the card, and think 'apply for investment'."

Lei Shuiyun did as she did, and the next moment, the sound of rules sounded in their minds at the same time.

[You have sent an investment invitation, the content of the invitation is a single life investment (1 point/day, 10% rate of return), waiting for the response from Life Bank...]

[Black iron customer Lei Shuiyun sent an investment invitation. The content of the invitation is a single life investment (1 point/day, 10% rate of return). Do you agree? 】

After agreeing, Mao Mao's spirit was lifted, and his condition was obviously much better.

"With this, even if it is far away, the investment will not stop..."

The capability of Life Bank is just the beginning. Lu Ping'an is very fortunate that he has signed a red letter contract with Mao Mao.

Now as long as Lu Ping'an's ability is concerned, she can't reveal anything, even if it is her own brother.

"There should be new functions after the ability, but the way of use requires a little restriction. I only accept applications from 9:00 to 9:20 every day. If I refuse, it means that I have other plans, and you can try to apply again after 10 minutes, within the same day. Don't apply a third time."

"By the way, before applying, the real bank remembers to deposit the money first, otherwise it will be rejected directly. Don't maliciously harass, don't use it to find me in a non-emergency state, if necessary, I can use my ability to cancel this card.... …”

The rules of ability are one thing, the rules set by the user are another.

Lu Ping An is the owner of the ability. Considering the other customers that may be added in the future, he first set the rules.

"Meow! It's great! But what if I have to exercise in the morning? I get up at four o'clock these days!"

"...It's really good, but I didn't expect to turn a cat into a dog's brain! Can you just invest the day before?! If you use it well, the investment will not stop."

Mao Mao was startled, then Mao Mao understood, and then Mao Mao smiled embarrassedly.

"...What a dog's brain, how can you say that a girl, meow."

The girl was murmuring in frustration, but judging from the cat's wagging tail and ears, she was in a good mood.

Previously, she had been buffed several times due to various reasons, and she had to interrupt the training to deliver breakfast to get the buff. Now, if the buffs are constant at home, the chance of her crossing the line near the danger line will be a little higher.

"...This guy is actually a good person, meow? He can tell me after the test, and the share I can give him should not be as good as my brother and others."

But her joy did not last long.

Lu Ping'an came to her at this time, of course, not simply issuing cards.

"Do you have any useful information about the interview? Did your brother tell you anything? By the way, what did you mean by 'night light' and 'travelling dog'? I still lack understanding of this school. "

Lu Ping'an didn't pay much attention to the interview before. At this time, he naturally asked a real candidate for consultation.

Considering that Mao Mao's brother is also a former examinee and graduate, he must have a deeper understanding of the way of life than most people.

"Oh, I thought you already knew it. In fact, don't worry about the 'night light' or something. It's a branch of the genre of keepers, and it's often an attitude toward life and pollution, or a philosophical worldview?"

"The common ones are Lavender, Blood Crow, Walker, Traveling Dog, Night Lantern, Fool Craftsman, etc. As long as you don't express the school of thought that the examiner teacher hates, your impression score should not be deducted. You can look at your chest. The more dangerous ones are Night Lights and Blood Ravens, they are quite averse to passive and negative thoughts..."



"My ability is the ability of the rule system. It grows rapidly. I can make plants mature quickly, and I can also make myself grow quickly. This ability can benefit friends..."

The smiling Lu Ping An told a complete lie.

But just these contents caused a lot of discussion among the teachers on the opposite side.

It is inevitable that the abilities of the rules department will be welcomed, and the strange characteristic of "rapid growth" naturally makes him full of expectations for this student.

"...It's obviously a lie, UU Reading However, it doesn't matter, the original interview rule is 'you have to do what you say'."

Sitting on the side, Director Qian flipped through the documents and noticed that the vice president sitting on the chair looked over, thought for a moment, and nodded.

This means that, as Director of Admissions Director Qian, he is endorsing the candidates he recommends.

What Lu Ping'an said may not be true, but at least "what he said in the past" and "he can do what he said".

Talent is the biggest special feature of every professional. It is both a strength and a fatal weakness.

If you have to tell it clearly when you enter an academy, it will probably lead to endless trouble.... Students' enemies will be eager to get this information, and students who have grown up will try to obliterate this information.

During the interview, only the content of your statement will be studied and judged. Then how much you say and how many points you give, you will determine the scale yourself.

They won't be serious about lies or anything. You just need to do what you say and guarantee the "truth" you say.

It's only when you really expose your full capabilities and weaknesses that people doubt whether you have the ability to do this.

"Okay, candidate Lu Ping'an, please show your ability."

Seeing that there was no further questioning from the other side, Lu Ping'an breathed a sigh of relief. Although it was expected, it really made him feel relieved.

"Accelerated growth" seems ridiculous and will attract a lot of attention, but intuitively, it has little to do with the pure life system, and it should be able to play a certain smoke bomb effect.

It's just that Lu Pingan didn't expect that he would be the first candidate from the logistics department who was called in, number 0001.

"Eh? I seem to be the first in the logistics department? That's fine."

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