Today's offer is bean porridge.

Because the red color of the beans is a prominent color, it is a common ingredient used in cooking on Chinese New Year, and this bean porridge also appeared frequently.

There is another red bean porridge called "Hondojo" that resembles the porridge of the previous life, but it was also eaten well at Chinese New Year.

Although the Spring Festival is over, the bean porridge warms the body during this still-cold time, so I appreciate the food.

--Jing [Jing] must be tired. Isn't it just right for someone like that?

I'll take it!

Rain sister [Yumei] receives a bowl with porridge for two people, and when she receives white water, she hurries before it gets cold.

Yang [Yang], who had brought Shizu, had already arrived in Yu's room, and there was a futon in the corner of the room.

"Little sister, I'll take care of the rest."

If you have any problems, please contact me as soon as possible. "

Yes, I understand!

Yang said so, but Rain's sister nodded heavily.

When Yang left, Rain's sister gestured to Shizu, who stood uncomfortably near the wall.

"Come on Jing-san, let's have dinner."

The cafeteria here is quite delicious, isn't it? "

Rain's sister, who called out to her, puts a bowl on a small table and brews two cups of white water.

Jing suddenly sat down as she approached the table, grabbing her sister by the rain to arrange dinner.

Come on, let's eat!

Rainy's sister urged her, but Shizu, still looking puzzled, opened her mouth.

“Why aren't you listening to me?”

If you think of what to say, it was such a thing.

Shizu apparently thought that as soon as he arrived at Miyagi, he would be asked about the situation by digging a root and a leaf.

My sister returns the answer to this question.

"Well, I guess it's because I don't know where or who's listening?"

"... what about you?"

Although Rain's sister did not ask someone directly, but she said what she understood, Jing leaked out in a tone of voice that she did not know what she was told.

- Well, don't you know that yet?

She explains that she can't help it, so she is prepared for the porridge to cool down.

"Um, it's important, isn't it?

Then you have to choose who you want to talk to.

If you want to talk to His Majesty, you can't just talk about what you want to talk about outside of His Majesty.

Somewhere the conversation might twist and turn into something strange, right? "

What we have to watch out for in this harem is the damage of a massive message game.

People who are less trustworthy than mouth-to-mouth communication are particularly valuable because they can read and write more accurately.

Besides, if the intel is passed on to our allies and they are able to make good use of it, the situation will only get worse if it is passed on to the enemy.

A place called Miyagi, if you don't think someone is listening to you and talking to you on your own, you'll fail.

When Rain's sister threatened her like this, Shizuku glanced around.

Perhaps you really thought the walls had human ears on them?

"Look, the ceiling is normally a ceiling plate, but if someone is sneaking up on it, you can listen to it, right?

There are a lot of people who are secretly hiding in this place, this place is Miyagi. "

To Rain's sister's explanation, Shizu leaks, "What, that's it?"

But it's a very scary place.

Shizu, speaking like that, looked a little pale, but she couldn't be afraid of where the Emperor lived.

Besides, regardless of these circumstances, what kind of life has Jing lived so far, regardless of the Grand Duke?

However, I don't think Rain's sister will pursue these questions very often.

Because Rain's sister is only a caretaker for Shizu.

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