"What are you talking about now?" It's not a hassle, is it? "

Well, I just want you to rent a room.

Even though Ming looked disgusted, General Li laughed and said so.

I'm not a room renter, though.

General Lee slams his shoulders into a van, apparently dissatisfied with his convenient handling.

"Isn't it nice?"

Even though you're single, there are only a few rooms left. "

Even though General Lee said such a thing, Ming's face looked bitter.

"... this is the mansion I received, so I guess I can't help it."

The fact that you don't complain about the gift is that you don't want to be driven back somehow.

By the way, this Akira has been returning to Konoe since the beginning of the Spring Festival.

It seems that the gout still hurts a little, but it seems that it is not as severe as before, and the doctor has confirmed that it will be able to work unless it is fiercely fought.

"So, who did you pick up this time?"

You seem to like picking up people a lot. "

Ming talks to General Li and says something like raining on his sister.

But in fact, I haven't been looking at my sister since the rain.

It was the same when I visited you last time.

- I'm in trouble, Ming-sama.

Perhaps she finally understood who she was by naming herself as Rain Sister, and now she doesn't know what attitude to adopt.

At most, you should get lost and be in trouble.

It is true that Ming seemed to be a good person there, and there were some places that needed to be reviewed, but the story is different from that of leaving the baby's rainy sister alone and letting the water flow.

Anyway, Rain's sister laughed and said plainly.

"Then, Ming-sama is one of the ones who was picked up."

It stinks of alcohol, so I might not have picked it up without Auntie Yang's request. "

"That's right, no, no, no......"

Ming tried to say something back to Rain's sister, but she immediately swallowed her words with a happy face.

My conversation with Ming has been like this for a long time.

When Ming Yu's sister was observing her like that, General Li hit her lightly.

"Hey, don't play with the light."

Can you lend me a room anyway? "

General Lee paid attention to Yu-san and asked her to do so.

"... well, that's fine."

In the end, Ming Yu raised her sisters to the mansion.

Nevertheless, it wasn't the old lady from my family who first showed her face at the door, and it was quiet inside the mansion.

When I visited you earlier, the sound of the piercing that you practiced was ringing.

"I miss the Mansion now."

General Li seemed to have the same doubts as Yu-san, and asked clearly.

"Oh, Xu and Zhu went out to see the property to open the store together, and they weren't there."

My family is taking a nap because the weather is nice. ”

I see, that's why I didn't hear the sound of the peepers, and I was convinced that Ming, not the old woman, had come to ask about the front door herself.

And as usual, he was the Lord who could not raise his head to the old woman.

Nevertheless, it may be said that there are few people, which is just enough to hear from someone who seems likely to have a problem.

The room thus guided by Ming was separate from the room where we were staying.


Ming, the landlord, thought that she would be present, nodded her eyes with General Li, and closed the door behind her, saying, "There will be no tea."

Although he had entered the room, General Li sat down in the back of the room with Dokari, puzzled by the silence and Daja who remained standing.

When Rain's sister sat down next to her, they both sat down.

"So? What brings you to the capital?"

General Lee once again asked when everyone had calmed down.

Daja let out a great outcry before telling him.

"Here, here, here, here, here."

Well, what's the purpose, business or something?

In Daja's words, General Lee searches for possible reasons first.

But Daja did not answer this.


I looked at Shizu's face and was encouraged to do so.

Ah, ah, yeah!

Shizu, who had been nervous until now, asked for his opinion and pinned it! and stretched his spine.

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