Housekeeper of the Hundred Blossom Palace

206 stories emergency meeting

The Spring Festival was approaching, and while the whole capital was in a hurry, people were gathered in a certain hall in the Miyagi castle for discussion.

Moreover, it was before the Emperor.

At the back of the hall, there was a place where the floor was raised, and there was a chair for the emperor, Zhi Wei [Siei], to sit on.

Although there was a figure in the chair, it was hard to see inside now that the palace was lowered.

Since some time ago, the Emperor's visit with the Emperor came like this, so he said, "Isn't it fake to be sitting in a chair? Rumors are whispering here and there.

Some of the officials who are here right now may be suspicious, but of course, they don't say anything.

I was just listening to the words of the Right Honourable Minister, who was conveying the message from inside the palace.

Among those people, there was also the figure of Akihito [Macyn].

A small number of people are gathered here to play the central role of the country.

Among them, it can be said that the role of the young man, Akechi, although he is allowed to be here, is to stand without holding his mouth shut.

This is also a study for the future.

Tachiyoung [Lyon] stood silently in the midst of it, following his wisdom.

--Naturally, I don't want to show my face in public.

Tachi Yong muttered inside, looking at the temple.

After all, Zhi Wei dropped his beard in order to dress up as an eunuch.

Until the beard grows to a certain extent, this cup won't go up.

Since the person above me thinks about this, even if the "Emperor's Fake Doctrine" is whispered, the Emperor's closest friends will not raise their voices to consider the problem.

The meeting began as the people in the gaze of such a part of the humans gazed warmly.

General Li [Lee], did you roughly hear the story from the man in question?

Encouraged by the Prime Minister, General Lee stepped forward.

Yes, this is the place to discuss Yuan [En] Prefecture.

And do you know anything about Yuanzhou? Therefore, it was urgently necessary to hear from Zhu Ren [Zhu Ren], a man who had just recovered from his memory loss.

Thanks to Xuzi [Shu Ji] 's approval to stay at Ming's Mansion, it was easy to listen to the story.

It was Xu who had been a prostitute in the palace for a long time, so perhaps she had such an idea.

Originally, Ming should come to report after hearing the story directly from Zhu.

However, it seemed that Zhu had been attacked by someone before, and since he could not leave the mansion to keep his eyes open, it was said that General Li was reporting instead.

"Yes, Zhu is so good that he can forgive his subordinates' loyalty to Ming, so I know most of the circumstances"

That's what General Li, who had the prefix, told Ming, was talking about Zhu Ren.

Zhu was involved in a dispute at the border with his neighbor in Yuanzhou.

Although there was a fort on the Yuanzhou side of the border, Zhu Lai soldiers were said to be prohibited from entering.

There are many things that should not be known by the enemy, so it is said that we are strictly controlling the entrance and exit in order not to divulge information to the enemy side.

Therefore, it seems that Zhu and the others lived in a barracks near the village and passed from there to the border.

It was said that the fort would monitor the border at night, and the generals were returned to the barracks.

Moreover, he stood guard to prevent him from returning to the fort.

Although there was a skirmish every day, Zhu did not feel that it was as fierce as a life-threatening battle, but that the quarrels between neighbors had become exaggerated.

It seemed like it was a very warm battlefield again.

It must be someone from the old stock who had followed the emperor on the battlefield. His voice leaked out.

"Zhu also said, 'To this extent, did you deliberately conscript me to the capital?' and it seemed strange."

General Lee explains that.

One day when Zhu was spending such a day, he noticed that he had dropped something.

I heard that it was an amulet bag that I gradually received.

I'd like to go back and find him, but if he does, he'll be in trouble.

In fact, a colleague who returned to the fort in the middle of the night with half the interest hasn't seen her since.

However, Zhu, who wanted to look for it, said that the moon was sometimes bright, and he walked back on the road to avoid the guard without the lights.

And when Zhu was looking for where he was during the day, he saw.

What a fortress gate opened and a neighboring carriage, supposed to be an enemy, entered.

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