"Ahem, let's get back to it."

The Emperor's sister, [Yumei], who had calmed down after she fell in love with the Emperor, continued the conversation as she was ashamed.

"So it's Xu [Shu] 's rheumatism, but I think it can be improved if you treat it properly."

Treatment is about taking medicine and improving your daily life. ”

It is important not to accumulate exertion, try to exercise and rest moderately, act in a way that does not burden the joints without cooling them, eat nutritious food, etc., Rain sister says.

I'm concerned about Xu's excessive bi-pa practice, her irregular sleep after work at the banquet, and how she was eating afterwards.

Especially when Xu was at the banquet, she might have eaten the leftovers from the banquet.

It is common for meals left over from such seats to be eaten by lower-levels.

However, at the banquet, most of the sake would have been a snack, and only very biased nutrition would have been available.

Also, I may have been smoking a cigarette in order to deceive my mind.

I don't know if it smells like cigarettes now, but it's hard to keep it going, because there were many patients who went to the hospital to quit smoking in their previous lives.

Du [Du] nodded, "Hmph" at what Yu's sister had said.

Why, aren't you going to do some eloquent training?

Du looked like a beatout, but it was a mystery what he imagined he would do.

Do you think I would do something like a waterfall walk because of the way I said training?

"There's no such thing as that."

Rain's sister shook her head sideways and said with a kipper.

“It's more important to continue with your everyday trivial actions than to make it really hard for you to do it once in a while.”

Rain's sister explained to Du, "I see."

"Overcoming the disease is like training a new recruit."

Even if you skip your usual training, even a man with a natural talent is useless on the battlefield. ”

Du made his own way of understanding, but I don't know if the analogy is true for my sister Rain, who is not familiar with the soldier situation.

Anyway, I hope you understand about the treatment of rheumatism.

"Even if you can play the piercing with only the treatment, how did you motivate the treatment...?"

I was troubled when Du said that.

From that look, I felt that it was not just "I want to listen to Xu's pippy".

Is Master Du going to have to ask Xu-san to play the piercing?

When Rain's sister asked, Du's face turned serious.

Hmm, you've been living in the Mansion of Ming. Have you met the man from East [Dong]?

"... you're the amnesiac?"

As for the name Du gave, Rain's sister had just spoken to [Lyon], so she was dumbfounded.

Did Du know about the east because he asked someone or went out to check for himself?

My sister thinks that Rain may be the latter.

About the east.

According to Du who cut it out, there was consultation in the form of a letter from Ming to General Li, and it seemed that there were some people who were aiming at the eastern side recently.

Is that so!?

Rainy's sister shouts with surprise.

When the rain sisters visited, they didn't hear that it was such a dangerous situation, and it seemed like they were walking alone in the east.

But why is the East being targeted?

Speaking of which, [Lyon] looked at her and said, 'Are you a soldier?'

According to what Rain's sister told her, Du had a thoughtful face.

"Ming [Ming] said the same thing.

And the man who was Xu's lover was also a soldier? "


According to the information brought by Du, Rain's sister stares at her.

This raised the possibility that the man named Dong was Xu's lover.

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