Housekeeper of the Hundred Blossom Palace

Episode 169 Important Memories

I see, that's why.

After listening to Xu [Shu] 's long story, Rain Sister [Yuimei] gave a complacent expression.

Isn't Xu eager to die?My sister's conjecture of rain was correct.

"Now you know, don't you?

I'm a cheating woman who's willing to help her parents, inviting them into dangerous things, putting their lover at risk, and living on her own.

I thought I could starve to death, but I ate the potatoes you offered me.

I'm a sinful and shallow man. "

Xu said such a thing as if she were making a mockery of herself.

Rain's sister frowned at Xu's way of saying it.

“It's human instinct to try to live.

The act of trying to live by instinct is never shallow. ”

Xu was told something unexpected by Rain's sister, who spoke with a slightly strong tone, and her face turned dull for a moment.

However, she immediately tries to argue something, so Rain's sister spins her words like a fold.

"What is your sin against Ms. Xu, who just played the pipa for her family?"

I don't know if you'll get bored, but don't look at the truth by mistake.

It's the person who framed Ms. Xu's family that's to blame, and Ms. Xu is the victim. "

That's how Rain's sister asserted that she was a kipper.

Sometimes in my previous life, a patient who was hospitalized for an injury caused by an incident or accident, said, "I think I was wrong, too?"and someone who tries to find sin in himself.

No matter who sees the victim, the troublesome post-processing and the fact that the other party justifies themselves too grandly, it seems that they will not understand their position.

That was exactly what Xu was doing.

And perhaps what was lost is too big to hold the empty hole with its own power.

There are people who fill holes well over time and people who do not look at holes, but it seems that Xu cannot accept the benefits of such time.

It seems that the final decision was the news of the death of the lover who went to earn money at the border.

According to Rain's sister, Xu said, "But", but the words that followed did not come out.

She opened her mouth and repeatedly closed it. Gradually, Rain's sister bent over and sat down on the couch.

"Did the person you miss say, 'If you die, you'll die with me'?"

Rain doesn't blame her sister, she just asks quietly.

"...... I've never been told that before."

Xu was puzzled by this and often leaked it after being silent.

"You don't remember me saying, 'Die with me.'"

Rain's sister confirms Xu's statement.

“So, how did you talk to him?

Didn't you say you wanted me to do something? "

"What do you want me to do...?"

Xu opened her eyes wide, but apparently she hadn't thought of anything like this before.

"Let's recall, you were an important person, weren't you?"

Rain's sister gradually urged her.

― ― It's unbearable to recall only the last parting scene over and over again.

I don't know if the last sight is the most burnt in my head.

But I must have had more memories with my lover.

Although Xu was lying face down as he thought about it, his expression was not at least dark.

Here, a man opens his mouth, watching a series of flows so far.

"Apparently, we should leave today's interview to this point."

Now that Xu Zi's [Shu Ji] feelings have settled down, let's hear it again. "

With the man saying so, Xu's interrogation was opened today, and Rain's sisters left the room with Xu alone in their thoughts.

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