Housekeeper of the Hundred Blossom Palace

Episode 147: Let's talk, let's do it.

"What is it, you?

Don't surprise me anymore! "

Yu Xiao "Yui Mei" smiled with a nice face.

On the other hand, Xu "Shu" sent a suspicious gaze to Yu sister.

"You're the Miyagi.

What are you doing here?

This isn't where you come from. "

That's what Xu told me. Apparently, it seems that Yu sister is wandering around on her own.

"I was cleaning. I'm the cleaning lady."

When Yu sister said so, Xu blinked her eyes.

"... that's how I met you. Was that a garbage dump?"

Xu apparently saw Rain's sister bring garbage and burn it when she first met her, but it didn't seem to be tied to cleaning.

--This person may have been a nice young lady.

People who have never done cleaning don't know what cleaning is like.

If you see someone baking garbage, you may not think it's part of the cleaning.

Without a wealthy family in the first place, you won't be able to experience playing instruments.

If you're a musical instrument owner, you might have a family of musical instrument enthusiasts or a rich family preference.

When the daughter of such a rich house goes bankrupt and becomes a prostitute, her cultivation makes her a musician's prostitute.

And the daughter of a poor house who doesn't have that kind of culture will have to turn her body into a commodity.

Yu said that she makes such guesses about prostitutes who didn't think very deeply in her previous life.

"This is a place where annoying people wander around.

It's a mess to watch them, so you go somewhere with Sassa. "

After Xu tightened his expression a little, he waved his hand, and now Yu sister blinked his eyes.

"Maybe you went out of your way to tell me that?"

I didn't realize she was Rain Sister at the time I spoke to her, and she must have been a stranger.

I didn't expect to talk to the other person for advice because they might be disgusted by the fact that they are Miyagi prostitutes.

--This guy could be such a nuisance.

With such kindness and joy, Xu frowned on Rain Sister who became Niconiko's face.

"... I just don't like trouble, just go."

As she waved her hand again, Rain decided to leave the scene honestly.

Well, I'll see you again!

"I don't want to see you anymore."

When Yu sister greeted her like that, Xu turned away.

When I crossed paths, I saw a smoke pipe stuck in the slope, but she didn't smell of cigarettes today.

My sister Rain, who had moved away from the priest, came near the palace.

Hmm, what should I do?

I was wondering what to do from here.

I've never visited the Palace myself, so I don't know how to summon anyone here.

--I wonder if you can connect with Ribin-sama?

Rain sister stretches the palace from the outside of the wall and peeks into it, wondering if anyone who knows how well it goes.

"What are you doing?"

I was called from behind, and it was the voice I knew, so Rain Sister Gyun! and looked back.

"Yes, he's here!"

"What is that?"

Tachibin "Livin", the Lord of the Voice, looks suspiciously at Yu sister who is delighted.

If she could speak up, I thought she would be the eunuch of the gatekeeper looking at us suspiciously from afar, but I was surprised that the target came from there.

"Akechi-sama said, 'Isn't it Rain sister who's stroking there?I thought I'd come and see what's going on. "

Tachibin looks at Jiro and tells him why he is here.

My God, it seems that Rain Sister was discovered by Prince.

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