"Oh, I see. Did the man who picked it up come from the east to the capital?"

At dinner in the cafeteria, Yang murmured as he drank tea after hearing what Yu sister had reported back from the inner castle.

"I wonder if you were on the battlefield at the border to the east?"

As Yang spoke, Yu sister drank a cup of tea that Yang had brewed, and questioned while tilting her neck.

"I heard from Tachibin-sama that there are many battlefields for memory loss, but has the eastern region been at war for so long?"

After all, Rain's younger sister grew up in a neighborhood that was too rural to be associated with such bloody stories.

Because it was a land facing the desert, there was no delicious flavor to attack beyond the harsh desert.

Therefore, for Yu sister, the fact of war is not really true.

I asked my sister Rain and she seemed to wonder what Yang would say.

"Rather than a war, we're talking about a prolonged skirmish.

In fact, there are no generals standing up for the war, so it won't be a real war. "

As Yang put it, Sister Yu nodded "I see."

It seems that the common people can gauge whether it will be a war or not by being able to hold a general position specializing in war.

And now, it is true that only General Li, who is General Wei, holds the general position.

Even in the drama of the previous life, the theme of war was attached.

It is indispensable for sparks of war, such as inner rubbing in Japan or rubbing with neighboring countries.

Based on this, I don't hear rumors that large-scale conscription is taking place in Japan now, and rather, it seems that the war with Xuzhou has been stopped, so the war seems to be decreasing.

- So this country is peaceful now?

When Sister Yu thinks about it, Yang says, "Nevertheless."

"That man is as popular as ever."

Yang leaked in a daze and sighed.

"It must have been cheated to accompany you to the patience of His Majesty who inadvertently witnessed the favorites.

Seems like you can hardly change your sex, just like you. "

That's what Yang said, looking at Tilali and Yu sister.

It is said that it is the same as the Ming Dynasty, but there are other points of concern.

Is that what happened when Akesama was treasured by the Emperor?

Sister Yu inadvertently asks an exposed story that Yang leaked and could be perceived as disrespectful if someone listened.

Yang affirms this.

"Who wants to accompany someone who likes to be bothered by patience?

If anything happens to His Majesty, his neck will fly like a spa.

Even if I did, I'd just pretend I didn't see it and leave. "

Yang forcefully said so, and Yu sister thought, "Maybe so."

As long as it serves the family like Tachiyoshi for the Prince, Ming is a wage-earner who came out of other places to the city and did not have a connection with the Emperor from the beginning.

There can be no such thing as loyalty to such a person.

--I see, is Akesama a person who can't be left alone?

Surely, Yu sister, who felt a little closer to herself, slightly improved Ming's rating again.


As a waste of time watching the situation this time, Yu received red bean water (Hondowtan) - a small bean water - for the sweetness after dinner.

It is similar to Japanese juice powder, but it has a lighter texture than that.

The warm powder is delicious because it's getting very cold lately.

"Nfufu, happiness"

Rain sister's cheeks relax whenever she takes the red bean water to her mouth with a spoon.

Yang, who was watching the situation, was eating the same thing himself, and he said that he was eating it while the two of them were huffling for a while.

"Oh, yeah."

Yang shouted to the lid.

"Little sister, I need to talk to you about my work.

Cleaning up unpopular places is delayed, but will you go? "

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