Is the man who showed up the emperor or a eunuch like him?

Unsure of either, Yu sister glanced at Yang to find the answer, but his face turned away and his eyes did not match.

--Aunt Yang, won't you help me!?

As Yu's sister pointed her scratchy eyes at Yang, the eunuch said, "Wow!"and coughed.

"My name is Du Jun [Du Jun].

Is that you? I'd like to hear about Myeong Yong Ming. "

That said, he smiled and had a friendly atmosphere.

--Hmm, which one?

Rain sister has only heard the emperor's reluctant voice, but I feel like this might happen if she talks brightly and openly without being so great.

No matter how much I think about it, I can't help but read it here.

At least, even if it was the emperor himself, he came here dressed as a eunuch.

No matter how suspicious he is, he is a eunuch.

On closer thought, it is the same as Tachibin.

- Oh, I see!

As soon as I thought about it, Rain sister felt lighter.

This man is a eunuch, and when he grows a beard, he is the emperor's sockery.

Talking like that doesn't mean Yu sister gets scolded.

Rain sister takes a deep breath and calms her feelings as she comes up with the answer.

"Yes, I want to know what happened to Akechi-sama."

Well, let me tell you something.

When Yu sister said so, Du got to the point.

"Did you know that there used to be a beautiful woman who was banished from the Hundred-Halla Palace to the nearby Neiji Temple?

…… Yes, somehow. "

Starting from the beginning, she talked about her mother, and Yu sister nodded with a thrill.

Du continued, saying, "It's a famous story, I know it and it's no wonder."

"The Emperor asked me personally to escort the beauty to the Neiji Temple on the border."


Rain sister also spoke for the first time and unexpectedly shouted.

Speaking of which, even though my mother was banished to the Neiji Temple on the border, she may not have thought very deeply about how one woman went to the border.

I was just vaguely wondering if he was being taken like an escort.

But the story seemed worse than that.

"Initially, the beauty was supposed to be thrown out of the city on her own by whoever ordered her exile.

They don't have anything to wear or luggage to carry. "

The news of the deportation of beauty had spread in the neighboring village before, and it was so thorough that they were told not to provide protection.

It would be impossible to reach the border in such a state.

It is Mt. Seki who hangs in the field on some side of the road and dies.

The emperor who discovered it asked his trusted bodyguard to deliver the beauty safely.

And the Emperor seemed to have other thoughts.

"Ming Ming was a man who didn't hate the beauty."

What another love story of my mother came out of Doo's mouth.

--That's so hot, isn't it, Mother!?

Du continued to talk to Yu sister, whose posture of listening to nature made her uncomfortable.

"Isn't it so unnatural for Ming to have intimate thoughts while accompanying the Lord and the beauty on their nostalgic journey?

Of course the Emperor... I knew you too, but I pretended not to see him. "

"... why?

It was Rain sister who was trying to ask without pinching her mouth as much as possible, but the doubt came out of her mouth.

However, if this is a Chinese drama, it would be the scene where the relationship between jealousy and drowsiness begins.

Isn't that too light?

--No, I've never moved to peace.

I answered my troubled Rain sister with a nostalgic look between reality and the Chinese nerd brain.

"Because Ming is a subordinate and an important friend.

If that beauty wanted to let me go outside the Hundred-Halla Palace, I knew it would be enough to consider my descent to the Ming Dynasty "

However, the emperor thought that the opportunity had come at the worst.

"I said unto him, Give the beauty, and do as the LORD will."

I thought it would be good if Ming ran off with the beauty. "

Du said, Ming nodded deeply to the emperor, who repeatedly reminded him, and left the city in pursuit of the beauty.

However, my mother arrived at the Neiji Temple on the border, and Ming is now in the capital.

Myung-sama didn't choose to run away.

Du affirms "yes" to Yu's murmuring.

"Ming brought the beauty to the temple on the border, and returned to the city.

The beauty's obituary was heard shortly after that. "

"That's right...."

So Ming broke up with his healthy mother and was told she was dead when she got to the city?

The speed with which the letter arrives will be much the same as the time until the light returns, so as soon as she broke up with the light, she will have lost her life.

It would have been hard for Akira too.

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