However, judging from Tachiyoshi's "Lyon" attitude, Bear Man is probably the boss.

Which is higher, the light I've been seeing?

I'm worried about that as a Chinese drama geek, but now, first of all, we need to take measures against helicopters.

It seems that the use of the cafeteria is the same as that of the Miyagi.

Rain sister "Yui Mei" wants to eat recommendations here, so she asks the cook who was in the kitchen.

Tongue is good for meat dumplings today

That was the answer of a young man, a fresh adult man who would not be different from Rain's sister.

I would love to teach Mina "Maina" how to compare the taste of the hot water to that of the Miyagi kitchen.

"Looks like it's a 'win' today. It smells delicious."

I'm worried that Tachiyoshi will say such a thing.

Is there something that falls off the cafeteria?

"What kind of person is cooking here?

Miyagi can be divided from the Miyagi gathered, but what kind of talent is gathered here?

Tachiyoshi, who answered Sister Yu's question, said he seems to be a new junior soldier.

The top dish number seems to be a big veteran, but the bottom is often changed.

"The taste was split between the new arms at that time.

It doesn't taste bad because the veterans are watching, but sometimes it doesn't taste good.

But today is the day. "

If you ask me, I'm convinced, but I think it's like it's the turn of the sumo room of the previous life.

I have heard that the taste is also influenced by the arm on duty.

"But why would you do that?

It's a camp countermeasure.

If you don't cook for the soldiers, you'll be roasting dried meat and potatoes on an expedition. "

Well, that's an important education.

Of course, we can't let all recruits go through it, but we're going to give priority to those who are likely to be.

We both get to the table while we talk about it.

The recommended hot water will be filled with sweet and spicy stewed meat bundle "Paoz".

Tatsuyoshi is adding more stir-fried meat to this.

That's just the dining room in the men's quarters, and the meat is recommended.

I knew there was a difference between the canteens.

Well, there must be a big difference between Miyagi's cafeteria and here.

Tatsuyoshi agrees with Yu, who blinks her eyes and turns a hot eye to cooking.

First of all, the hot meat dumplings are larger than there.

It must be the difference in the size of the maker's hand. If I put one whole piece in my mouth, it would make my mouth bread.

Tachiyoshi saw her eating with a sip, and Yu Sister split it in half with chopsticks and put it in her mouth.

I thought it was a gorgeous man dish, but the meat dumplings are fluffy and texture is good, and the cheeks are unexpectedly loosened.

Since the wind has cooled down at night in autumn, the warmth of the water is gentle on the body.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

"Swallow and talk, or I'll choke you in the throat."

Yu Sister, who wanted to convey her feelings as soon as possible, received guidance from Tachiyoshi.

There should have been a lot in your mouth, but if you have already swallowed it, are you chewing it and eating it properly?

No, it must have been a helicopter just like Rain's sister.

Let's leave the trouble between the helicopters alone.

Next, Rain sister ate a bundle and said she was in a happy mood.

You're a delicious little girl.

That's what the Bear Man said earlier when he came to the table next to the Rain Sisters.

"It's a strange relationship between Prince and the lower end of the palace.

How did we meet?

As the bear man asks, he pours wine into the cup with his own cup as soon as he holds it in his hand and stirs it up.

"Lord Yang asked me to see this girl Ming."

"Ah? Did you go to Ming's place?

The abandonment of Ming meant that this bear man was in a better position than Ming, but Rain sister didn't stop eating hot water.

It is polite to eat warm food while it is warm.

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