Housekeeper of the Hundred Blossom Palace

Chapter 108 Alcoholic Diseases

Therefore, Yu sister calls out to Tachiyoshi who is evacuating behind her back.

"Tachiyoshi-sama, since it's hard to see, can you please lie back in Akeshi-sama's position?

Very well.

When Tachiyoshi comes closer again, he leans against the light, and holds it so that it doesn't move.

And Yu sister touched her body everywhere, and then rolled her clothes and asked Tachiyoshi to forgive her for being raised to heaven, checking one by one.

"I see, I understand."

Rain sister releases Ming's body and exhales.

Even though I touched it so much and moved my hands and feet a lot, the brightness of not waking up is in a sense amazing or something.


"Ming has symptoms like role models, so I'd like to paint them for future generations and leave them behind."

"What do you got?

Tachiyoshi asks Yu, who is impressed by the results of various investigations.

There was an old woman who seemed to have no idea what was going on next to her, and Rain opened her mouth to explain to them.

"Yes, to conclude first, Aki-sama has gout."


Sister Yu talks to Tachiyoshi and the old lady in her first ear.

"This is a disease called gout because it hurts violently even as much as the wind blows."

My sister looked into Akira's body and noticed of course that she had a terrible alcohol smell, but first of all, she could see that her feet were swollen a lot.

There was also a slight swelling on the wrist, joints and ears. Swelling of hands, feet, joints, etc., is a characteristic of gout.

"Gout pain can occur in seizures, but it will heal after a while.

As this pain heals and the pain is repeated, it gradually worsens and affects other organs ".

Hearing this explanation from Rain's sister, the old woman murmured, "If you say so."

"Milord can suddenly raise his head without any premonition.

Fearing that other family members were 'possessed by something', those offering free time came out in flashes. "

"That's a gout patient.

As the name suggests, the wind must have hit and hurt. "

It seems to be a symptom according to the textbook.

This really feels helpful for future generations if you draw a picture and verify and write down Chen and his symptoms one by one.

After all, because there was only information of strange diseases, there would be no reason to know the existence of the ingredient uric acid.

Although gout was a disease from ancient times in previous life, it was only after modernity that the cause was discovered.

I hear that Tachiyoshi is afraid that Yu sister has such an ambition.

"What is the cause of this gout?

Hello..... "

"As Tachiyo-sama imagined, in Akeshi-sama's case, you drank too much alcohol."

In response to Tachiyoshi's concern, Sister Yu replies in a frustrated manner.

Strictly speaking, gout is caused by uric acid, which is produced as the diet nourishes the body.

But it is liquor that makes the uric acid in large quantities.

In other words, it is a disease that is often drunk.

"I felt painful when I pushed my back slightly, so there may be stones in the kidneys - the organs that make urine.

What if you don't have enough water?

If uric acid accumulates in the kidneys, renal function will decrease and excretion will be hindered, and if stones are formed, the area where they occur will suffer severe pain.

It is highly likely that Ming will be in this state.

"If you leave it alone, stones will form in any small water path, and every time you host, you will experience the pain of hell.

It might already be. "

"... is that so?

After hearing the explanation, Tachiyoshi imagined such a thing. Even though her face was stretching, Rain Sister nodded heavily.

"People tend to get gout from drinking and eating.

Everything is much better. "

I can't believe the rumored illness was like that.

Tachiyoshi is like, "Oh my God," but the story is not over yet.

"In addition, the strong alcoholic smell of Akesama's body could be another disease."

"Is the smell of alcohol also a disease?

Talking about a new disease, Tachiyoshi nods again, even though she says, "Is it still there?"

"I'm sick.

If you're healthy, it doesn't smell like alcohol. "

Drinking too much alcohol causes a loss of liver function.

If the liver does not function well, alcohol cannot be processed in the body, resulting in the ingredients of alcohol remaining sweaty.

That's why it smells like alcohol.

And since this is the smell coming out of the body, it does not disappear even after bathing.

After listening to the story, an old woman with a blue face asks her sister Rain.

"Um, is your husband seriously ill?

Yes, it's a serious type, but it's also curable.

Sister Yu replied that way. I dare say, I wonder how bad the liver is, but I don't think it's the worst yet.

"I see!

The old woman looked relieved.

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