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Vol 3 Chapter 112: return to the past!


Volume 1 Terror Comes Chapter 112 Go back to the past!

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In the past, every time I was enveloped by the white light of the group owner, the group members felt a sense of steadiness in their hearts, yes, steadiness, especially after ending a mission world, when being enveloped by the white light at that time meant a kind of relief and ending , can go back, finally can go back. ⊙. ⊙

As a senior, Zhao Zhu has experienced a lot of task worlds, and he has been shrouded in white light a lot of times, but this time, it feels different, because in his heart, there is still a little... uneasy.

I was riding Wang Hong's coffin and crashed into the door, and then for some reason, I entered the mission world of "The Great Summer Palace" by accident, and, most importantly, the time was still another time. If the time point of the quest world that I entered last time was 10, then the time point of the quest world I entered this time is 5. This kind of thing is not difficult for the group owner. The quest world is just The stage created by the group owner, or the dojo, in the mission world, the group owner can do whatever he wants.

However, one thing is difficult to determine, that is, where will the time point after I leave this mission world?

Is it the point in time that originally followed the habits of thinking, or is it also a point in time ahead of time?

If it's the latter, then the problem arises.

Originally, according to Zhao Zhu's cognition, the real world should be a constant world, a basic world. If the rest of the task world is compared to the clay that is arbitrarily kneaded, then this real world is made of reinforced concrete. However, since entering the door, Zhao Zhu also knew that whether it is the mission world or the real world, it is a virtual plan, and there is nothing that cannot be changed. The reason why the real world does not look like the mission world is only because The group owner deliberately maintains and protects it, not because it cannot be changed.

Whether it's the real world or the mission world. For the group owner, it is a toy that can be changed arbitrarily in its hands.

Therefore, it is also possible to "traverse" back by yourself.

At least it is. There is a theoretical possibility.

However, if he travels back and does something, can it affect the future?

If it can affect the future, it will even affect the rest of the group and even those who have already entered the door. Didn't it also affect the real world behind the door?

If this can really trigger the butterfly effect,

this virtual world,

Is it really just virtual?

Before the white light disappeared, Zhao Zhu had been thinking about these worlds. When the white light disappeared, he found himself standing on the street in the evening. It was a commercial pedestrian street, and there were not many people because only luxury goods were sold here. Some cafes and tea houses are not affordable for ordinary people.

This commercial pedestrian street was developed by a large consortium, and the whole street was planned with great vigor. It was very measured, courageous, and the decision makers had a big mind. She insisted on this. The commercial street has become a concentration of luxury goods and has become synonymous with a high-end location. It has abandoned the previous business district's consistent policy of attracting a large number of people, but it is indeed successful. For a long time, this street was equivalent to the real "identity paradise" in this area of ​​Shenzhen.

Well, the owner of this consortium. It is Zhao Zhu's mother.

Wu Xiuya is indeed a strong business woman. Although the medical industry is Wu Xiuya's main brand because of her family status and her husband's status, it is like a group called Suning in China. In the eyes of some domestic people. Suning is a business that sells electrical appliances. Zhang Jindong was a small owner who started an electrical repair shop at the junction of Suhe Road and Ninghe Road 20 or 30 years ago, but in fact, with China's reform and opening up, Suning's subsidiary Suning Real Estate and Suning Finance have long become real financial giants, and their industrial chain has long been not limited to selling electrical appliances, and because of everyone's preconceived impressions, the brand Suning is not like those real estate groups. There is a natural aversion in the public eye.

Zhao Zhu remembered this street. Wu Xiuya transferred out in the year after he beat the foreign professor back to China, because Shenzhen was already very prosperous at that time, and there were many sales gold caves and high-end business districts. So Wu Xiuya chose to shoot when the water level was the highest.

Looking at his hands, Zhao Zhu walked to a fountain, lowered his head, and looked at himself at this moment.

In the water, there is no reflection of his own image.

Zhao Zhu gritted his teeth,


Really won the bid.

Walking forward, Zhao Zhu came to a cafe. At this time, a party was being held in the cafe, a very small and fresh party.

It takes a lot of financial resources to cover this cafe, and there are basically high school students in it. Obviously, it is easy for people to associate with the identities of various second-generation people.

In the cafe, there was a melodious piano sound, not a CD, but a live performance.

Listening to the piano live is completely different from listening to the piano on CDs and other recording devices. The piano is spiritual, and it is necessary to listen to it live to truly feel the delicate emotions conveyed by the pianist and the piano.

The level of the pianist who is playing now is actually very good, but it is still a little immature, but in terms of attainments and spirituality, it is really good, especially the other party is also a high school student, which is even more remarkable.

Zhao Zhu thought so in his heart, and then lightly touched the tip of his nose. Now that she is selling melons and boasting, it is indeed a bit unkind.

At the end of the song, the students below applauded together. One of the very sweet women stepped forward and gave the performer a hug, and there were even more roars from below.

Zhao Zhu walked into the cafe, he was a soul body, and others could not see him.

Looking at me who is young, but hugging a woman without being young at all, I also feel a little bit of self-examination in my heart. It turns out that when I was so young, I was able to face women with ease and ease. .

Ha ha.

With a dry laugh in his heart, Zhao Zhu sat down at a table. On the opposite side, a girl sat. The girl sat alone in this corner, drinking orange juice. playing with the phone.

At that time, smartphones were just becoming popular and not yet widespread.

The girl is holding a Nokia.

The reason why Zhao Zhu sat down beside her was because. She is Yuxin.

It seems to be the fetters of fate. Here, I met her, but in my memory, I have no memory of her.

At least. At that time, she was indeed a classmate with her, but she should not have developed the kind of love that lasted until her death.

Facts have proved that the Yuxin in his mind is just a one-sided love of his own concocted by Gou Zui.

At this time, Zhao Zhu didn't have much anger, not much hysteria, and there was no jealousy when the enemy met, Zhao Zhu seemed very calm.

This is a fancy cafe. Naturally needs an equally styled heart.

I was deceived, and I was deceived badly, but I deserved it because I believed that at that time, there was a girl, a girl who was fighting in the group, who would actually give her a thorough and sincere heart.

I have already entered the urn. According to the calculation of the other party, I have already done what the other party wants to use. Although Zhao Zhu didn't know what Gou Mudi's plan was, the other party must have succeeded, because he really regarded Yuxin as the biggest guilt in his life.

At the front desk, Zhao Zhu, who had finished the performance, walked down slowly. Sitting at a table, holding a bottle of beer and blowing on the mouth of the bottle.

The real b-frame and romantic, not the kind of pretending to be gentle, that will look very loafer and contrived, and everyone else is drinking coffee. Sitting upright, made himself feel very worthy, with a serious reservedness.

On the other hand, Zhao Zhu was wearing a shirt with his sleeves rolled up, and he was lying on the chair and drinking from the bottle. Instead, he showed a kind of difference that belonged to him, not the feeling of a nouveau riche, but this period. The best interpretation of that one in the hearts of teenage boys and girls of this age.

Sao bag.

Zhao Zhu, who was sitting on the other side, looked at himself when he was young, and couldn't help but feel the urge to laugh.

Yes, at that time, it should be the time when I am the most carefree. I don't need to think about life, I don't need to think about my future, I don't need to struggle for survival, and I feel very comfortable and relaxed.

This was a birthday party hosted by Zhao Zhu for a female classmate in the class. The party was a success. At the end, the classmates said goodbye and left. The last ones left were Zhao Zhu and the well-dressed female classmate.

By the way, Yu Xin was gone, and she also left, but Zhao Zhu could sense that her breath was nearby, but Yu Xin at that time couldn't sense Zhao Zhu's existence.

Have a party, be handsome, and you can trick a girl into bed.

Zhao Zhu couldn't help but start to lament the simplicity of the folk customs at that time.

At that time, Zhao Zhu was already 18 years old, he was an adult, and he also had a car, a limited edition sports car. In this regard, Wu Xiuya was very doting and tolerant towards Zhao Zhu since he was a child.

At that time, Zhao Zhu took the girl's hand and sat in the sports car.

The girls were shy, but more than that, they were still happy and excited.

Zhao Zhu leaned against the door of the cafe, looking at his beastly behavior at that time, a little embarrassed.

The sports car started, and Zhao Zhu also took advantage of the situation to sit in.

Not long after the sports car left, Zhao Zhu saw a dark shadow appear at the entrance of the street.

Oh, are you here?

The corner of Zhao Zhu's mouth lightly sketched an arc, did his memory fragment start from here, because since Yuxin is really his classmate, he doesn't remember her at all~www.readwn.com~ The next moment, Zhao Zhao Zhu, who is casting and driving, is integrated into one,

The next moment, the sports car was overturned by the shadow.


Some people say that Long has good grades, so the code words are not as diligent as before, and there are not as many updates as before, but if Long wants to earn manuscript fees, writing one more chapter means earning one more chapter money, and there will be many readers rewarding, Would a dragon be stupid enough not to make money?

"Terrorist Web Articles" is almost 3 million words. Now every chapter is written to coordinate the previous plot, which takes a lot more thought than when it started. Writing a chapter now, from conception to completion, it takes about four In an hour's time, although it has three million words, everyone should be able to feel that "Terrorist Web Text" does not start running accounts after the number of words in other books. This is the attitude of the dragon, and it is also the mind of the dragon. , and then the writing collapsed, then Wahaha...

Now each chapter is written, the dragon has to weigh for a long time, walking on thin ice, so I hope everyone understands. (To be continued.) () "Terrorist Web Articles" only represents the author's views of pure Di Xiaolong. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing healthy and green reading. platform. 【】,thank you all!

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