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Chapter 596: women are made of water


Zhao Zhu's speed is very fast, and at this time it is a race against time. Seeing the situation when he was shot down by the beam, Zhao Zhu can basically infer what the other party's state is at this time. This time is the best time to shoot down the water dog, and Every strong man has his own secrets. If you give him a little time and space, it is a bit exaggerated to say that his strength will recover soon, but it is still easy to find a way to hide himself, just like Zhao Zhu at the beginning, relying on With your ability to understand the feng shui pattern, you can hide yourself by digging a hole.

However, Zhao Zhu hurried and chased him for nearly 20 minutes, but he still didn't see a figure, as if the person who had just been hit by the beam just evaporated from the world.

Zhao Zhu wouldn't naively think that the opponent was not seriously injured after being hit by the beam, so he moved calmly. If the group owner was not seriously injured, just scratching the itch, what's the point of the group owner's beam?

Definitely nearby, definitely around!

Zhao Zhu was certain of this.

But where?

Zhao Zhu's spiritual power has spread out long ago, but he has found nothing. Except for the desert or desert, there is no aura that belongs to a living person at all, and there is not even a trace of it.

The fist began to clench slowly. Zhao Zhu was unwilling to let go of the big fish that was almost sent to his mouth. It seemed that he had sensed the emotional fluctuations in Zhao Zhu's heart. It was getting heavier and heavier, it was like a firecracker, and it was only a little bit on. Coupled with the influence of Zhao Zhu's emotions, it had fallen into a state of madness, because it knew that if it could catch that person, it could devour it by itself. If you kill the opponent, it will be more effective than swallowing thousands of ordinary people.

"Don't worry." Zhao Zhu said to appease the Tai Sui Talisman's emotions, then he jumped off the Tai Sui Talisman, stretched out his hand, grabbed a handful of sand on the ground, and let the sand flow down between his fingers. Looking at these grains of sand, Zhao Zhu frowned slightly.

The sand is actually a little damp. You must know that this is not the sand below a few meters. The sand there is a little damp or even moist, which is not very strange, after all, it is in the desert. It's not completely true that there are no plants, there are always some drought-tolerant plants that can grow in the desert. But the roots are well developed and can absorb the water vapor deep below the sand layer.

However, this is the surface of the earth, and Zhao Zhu didn't say anything about drilling a hole in it. When he raised his head, Zhao Zhu looked at the scorching sun in the sky. Then, he stood up with a meaningful smile on the corner of his mouth.

This hidden means. Really, ingenious, and even, being able to do this is absolutely extraordinary.

"Yu Ling!"

Two fire dragons that were completely condensed from the spirit fire circled around Zhao Zhu, and then under the control of Zhao Zhu's consciousness, they began to loiter against the ground, and the flames on their bodies kept baking the sand.

soon. The surrounding water vapor became heavier and heavier, and condensed with this as the center.

Obviously, the other party couldn't take it anymore, and immediately, a rain curtain fell, condensing the figure of a woman. The woman wore blue clothes and looked graceful and luxurious. Her blue hair was even more mysterious and attractive. The **** red lips and fair skin showed a tenderness similar to that of a baby. There is a fundamental difference between a girl's large pores and thick hair. This woman has the tall figure of a Western woman and the graceful elegance of an Eastern woman, but at this moment, there is a raging anger in her eyes, and this anger is naturally directed at Zhao Zhu.

"I seem to have seen you somewhere," the woman said.

Indeed, I have seen it, but I haven't seen it for a long time. In the last campaign mission world that was like a scramble between the East and the West, this woman belongs to the class of Western demon geniuses, her name is Kana, and she and Zhao Zhu The real meeting was only when Matthews opened the barrier of the base and let everyone enter an area, because Zhao Zhu and others were teleported out by Matthews later.

In the administrator election world, the most dazzling one was naturally Bowen, but the next one was Zhao Zhu, and the bones and scum of Staff Officer Zhang had already explained everything;

In any case, being able to kill such a level of powerhouse is enough to demonstrate Zhao Zhu's strength, and the Western circle has always focused on the collection and research of intelligence. Anyone who is in the circle who is ahead in the Eastern circle will be arrested. On the record in the West, Zhao Zhu is no exception.

Even, I don't know if Zhao Zhu is too lucky or too bad. Every time the Western circles have some means and matters about the Eastern circles, there will be Zhao Zhu's shadow, and even many strong people in the Western circles, right The word "Zhao Zhu" is not unfamiliar at all, even Zhao Zhu just killed a strong man in the Western circle not long ago, and slapped the entire Western circle in the face again and again.

However, Kana is an arrogant woman. In her eyes, apart from Bowen, no other man can let her care anymore, so even if she knows who the person in front of her is, she will pretend not to. know;

This is a very superficial approach, but you must know that Kana is seriously injured at this time, so she subconsciously wants to maintain a feeling that she is still very strong and invincible in front of this oriental person, she feels like this Do it to make yourself...safer.

Yes, she was scared. Her family knew about her family affairs. After being hit by that beam, even if she was as strong as her, her injuries were extremely serious. I met an oriental man who was galloping over and said that I was not afraid or panic, that was impossible.

Like Zhao Zhu before, strength is the support of self-confidence. Before Zhao Zhu's strength was restored, he was ready to face the female lord. Now Kana is almost the same, but her situation is similar to Zhao Zhu's back then. Different, this is not to say that a little yielding and judging the situation can be fooled, because the contradiction between the East and the West has been intensified, and it is an absolute mortal enemy in itself!

When the three top beings in the West came to the old forest in the northeast, they planned to kill Ye Xiu and Zhao Hejing to destroy their mission, and then go to the whole of China and register all the potential people in the Eastern circle. , kill them all.

If Zhao Zhu didn't give up anything, even when Kana was at her peak, he wouldn't really scare her. Even if she was a genius in the West, Zhao Zhu wasn't easy to chew on, not to mention that the other party was still seriously injured. At this time, if you don't hurry up to kill the killer and talk nonsense about something, it is estimated that you should become a very conventional villain in the movie. When you can kill the protagonist of justice, instead of attacking, you will talk about it. Then wait for various plot twists.

"Too old!"

The Tai Sui Talisman and Zhao Zhu have the same mind, sneaked into the ground quietly before, and then got out of the ground with a "bang", covering Kana's whole body.

It doesn't have the slightest bit of pity on Xiangxiyu. It devours it directly, curses all kinds of negative emotions, etc., and smashes it at Kana. It is a complete lunatic, and its fighting method is so crazy, because it is Zhao Zhu The product of negative emotional hysteria, in addition to having an instinctive closeness to Zhao Zhu, it has a kind of destruction and suffocation for everyone else;

Therefore, Zhao Zhu is also considering whether he should start to seal the Tai Sui Talisman on himself after returning to the real world, or if he leaves it at home, God knows what kind of trouble this guy will cause, but there are local dogs at home. Now, it shouldn't be a problem to suppress a Tai Sui Talisman with the terrifying manipulation power of the earth dog over any magic circle and rune.

Kana let out a screeching cry. Women are made of water. This sentence has been fully reflected in her. Even if she is seriously injured, her capital is much richer than Zhao Zhu, because her The body has been reshaped;

The body shaped by the essence of water can help her to explore and research the profound meaning of water and ice. Now when she is seriously injured, when her strength is seriously damaged, her body is a form of energy, and it can also After completing many things, if she is given enough time and space, she will find a way to recover faster than Zhao Zhu will definitely!

And these days ~www.readwn.com~ will also be better than Zhao Zhu, just like the previous way of hiding, this is when I meet Zhao Zhu, if you change to other people, you will not be able to find it at all, and it is very easy to find it. It was difficult to force her out. You must know that Zhao Zhu's spirit fire can kill the soul very strongly, so she was forced to pull her out of her original shape. Ordinary fire did not do much damage to her body.

In an instant, Kana turned into a water snake, graceful and graceful, breaking through the shackles of the Tai Sui Talisman in one fell swoop. Of course, a series of negative attributes of the Tai Sui Talisman were also successfully applied to her body, which changed her current situation. To make things worse.

At the same time, Zhao Zhu's eyes suddenly entered an empty state, and the frequency of his consciousness increased a thousand times. Na actually changed her swimming direction in an instant. She deserves to be a monster-level existence. She has a lot of fighting awareness and experience, but Zhao Zhu's fist gang still scratched her body. She let out a scream, and her figure had to be transformed again. At the same time, the clothes were torn to shreds by the fist, and after landing, she was completely naked, and all the secrets of her body were exposed in front of Zhao Zhu.

Below, there is actually no hair. A pink and lovely abalone just appeared in Zhao Zhu's eyes. Because of his physique, the bottom was already soaked, like a woman who was completely emotional.


Zhao Dashao couldn't help whistling, and then his left index finger was placed between his eyebrows,

Feng Shui kill bureau,

open! (To be continued.)

Source of this book & book@net http://www.vodtw.com/book/html/27/27804/index.html

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