Horror Inn

Chapter 395: law

These words of Yi Wei gave me some hope again, because as he said, the ghost in the Ghost Cry Cave also escaped from the ghost nest.

And he mentioned the white flower. I think the way he came out was to find the white flower that belongs to him. In this case, he can choose the white flower that belongs to him. Why don't we have a chance?

So I once again looked at the blooming white flower in front of me, my brain was constantly running.

Now it is obvious that we have concluded that what my sister said is true, so that means that now we only have nine opportunities for temptation.

If you want to find the memories of the princess within these nine opportunities, and while looking for the white flower is difficult, it may not be impossible, but the premise is that there is really any law in the position of these white flowers.

It takes a certain number of times to test out this pattern, so it is really not a simple thing to find the kind of white flowers that belong to the princess within ten times.

"If it is a regular pattern, is there any particularity in the placement of each white flower? For example, we usually store things, and the same kind of things must be stored in one place."

While I was thinking, Yi Wei also gave me some hints and gave me some of the content he is considering now, and I think what Yi Wei said is really reasonable.

"Storing things will be stored according to their attributes, but if they are white flowers, does he arrange them according to their memories?"

I followed what Yiwei said and figured out my own thoughts, so I also told Yiwei what I had figured out.

After Yiwei heard what I said, he was very happy, and nodded, and then said: "I think what you said is very possible. They may be classified according to their death method, or they may be classified according to a certain category of conditions. They divide the area.

Each of these white flowers is probably under one of their sorting arrangements, but we can't see them, so we think that these white flowers are just arranged in disorder. "

Yi Wei continued on with my guess, so I also felt that my previous analysis was indeed correct.

"It seems that there is no proof. It seems that we still have to test it. Although the opportunities are limited, if we dare not test, we will never find a pattern.

After saying this, I looked at the current flower field, but at this moment, I found that there seemed to be a faint boundary in the center of the flower field.

All of a sudden, I felt that the existence of this dividing line definitely meant something.

However, the flower I touched before is on the right side of the dividing line, so if you want to find out what the two sides of the dividing line represent, I just need to touch a flower on the left side of the dividing line to understand.

So I told Yi Wei of my discovery, and we two walked to the left of the faint dividing line together.

"Since it is a dividing line, the two sides of the dividing line must be different, but what is the basis for such a large division? Or try to touch a flower first."

When I said this, Yi Wei also nodded, so the two of us picked a white flower on the extreme edge of the dividing line. I squatted down and took a deep breath, and then touched it.

I saw this white flower trembling like the white flower just now after being touched by me, and then a projection was reflected from the stamen.

However, when this scene was mapped out, I immediately understood the meaning of this dividing line.

The flower I touched just now reflects a memory before modern life, which means it is closer to my time.

And that flower is at the boundary of the entire flower field, so I can guess that the ghost that this flower represents was not far away from the present time.

However, the time reflected by this flower now looks like ancient times, but it looks like it should have been in a more developed era, so it is relatively late for ancient times, that is, closer to the current time, so he is in The boundary of this dividing line.

So this dividing line separates the ancient and the modern, and also arranges their years according to the position of the flower.

"It turns out that their law is actually the age. When did the age of their death come from, they are arranged according to their time."

After seeing this scene, I immediately stated what I had just thought, and Yi Wei was exactly the same as I thought.

I roughly recalled the illusion that the princess showed me at the time, and guessed his age based on his clothes and some things I saw at the time.

However, it is obvious that their country and dynasty did not appear in the history we generally recognize, but despite this, the timeline is very different, so I can roughly determine what era she should be in.

So I walked forward slowly according to what I saw just now, just to be able to roughly lock the Baihua area where his dynasty was located.

So I squatted down again and touched one of the white flowers, only to see that the memories before death reflected by the white flowers were indeed almost the same.

But I wanted to lock in this area, so I walked forward again, and after two more trials, I was able to lock the white flowers in this small area, which was exactly the same as that of the Mingyue Palace Master .

But even so, the scope of this white flower is still not small, I now only have six opportunities left.

At this time, I dare not tentatively anymore, because I have no way to determine what laws can be distributed in this dynasty.

But just as I was looking at this white flower, they changed. I saw a small cluster of white flowers turned slightly yellow, and it gave me a kind of extravagance.

"Could it be that this bunch of white flowers represents the royal family?"

I thought about it in my heart, but I also knew that if I didn't try it, I would never know if this idea was right.

So I gritted my teeth and walked over again, clicked one of the flowers, and found that the memories in it were indeed memories of a princess.

This discovery made me ecstatic, because in this way I can once again determine the classification inside.

And I discovered that there was a dividing line among the white flowers in this small team. I quickly learned through trial and error that this dividing line represented gender.

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