[In the pure white space, the Law of Knowledge and Fu Hua stand with their backs to each other, like the two extremes of yin and yang.

Both men remained silent, neither of them speaking.

Until a voice full of puzzles sounded-

“How strange!”

The person who knows the law seems to be asking Fu Hua, and as if asking himself: “Why did I lose?” ”

“Whether it is speed or strength, whether it is spirit or perseverance, I should far surpass you!”

The lawyer let out a sneer that couldn’t tell whether it was sadness or anger: “Just because I am a lawyer, am I doomed to failure?” ”

Fu Hua was stunned: “You found out?” ”

“Of course, no matter how much you lie to yourself… When all his strength is exerted…” said the Wise Lawyer, suddenly shaking his head: “No, in fact, it was earlier… I should have known for a long time. ”

“I just don’t want to admit it… Hmph, I’m a lawyer who controls consciousness! What do I want to deny, isn’t it easy? ”

The Law of Knowledge muttered: “In the end, what I always wanted to be was not me, but I was myself.” ”

“I laughed at everyone, hehe, it turned out that the funniest thing was myself!”

She took a deep breath, and her voice was slowly self-deprecating: “This world is really unfair.” “】

Alicia: “Alas, poor little knowledge… Hua, go and comfort her. ”

Alicia, who is also a natural lawyer, understands Zhibao very well, and even sees her own epitome from her, and she can’t help but feel a little empathetic.

A trace of empathy could not help but rise in my heart.

Fu Hua: “But it’s useless for you to tell me this… What is talking to the Law of Knowledge now is the future me in the picture. ”

Hua: “Speaking of which, didn’t the lady who knew the law come to the Q&A space before? ”

Pardophyllis: “But at first we all misunderstood her, which scared people away…”

Eden: “Well, that’s a shame. If we had known the truth, maybe we would have been able to sit down and have a good chat. ”

Mebius: “Indeed, I am also very curious about her~hiss~!” ”

Pardo Phyllis: “Wow, snake, snake sister, your expression is so terrifying!” ”

Mebius: “Shut up! ”

【“…… It is not your fault that you were born a lawyer. Fu Hua said slowly: “Honkai consciousness has been lurking in your heart, trying to pollute it, but you have not given in. ”

“I used to live there, so I know – you are not the embodiment of evil, nor are you a puppet of Honkai.”

“I abandoned this body, and you were born from it. It should belong to you, but I can’t give it to you right now…”

Fu Hua felt sincerely apologetic: “Sorry, there are still people who need me, and there are things I have to do.” ”

The Law of Knowledge: “… You know your spirit is broken, right? If I die, so will you!” ”

Fu Hua nodded calmly: “I know.” ”

The Man of Knowledge asked, “You know that the Avalanche consciousness is still watching us, right?” With your current state, even if you master your body, can you resist the erosion of Honkai? Can you bear the power of the Lawyer? ”

Indeed, as the Law of Knowledge said, even if Fu Hua was a fusion warrior of the pre-civilization era, he could not completely ignore it when facing the surveillance of Collapsed Consciousness and the erosion of the core of the Lawyer.

Fu Hua took a deep breath and extended an invitation to the person who knew the law: “I will try my best to resist.” So, I would like to ask you to help me. ”

The Wise Law Man was silent for a long time, then suddenly turned around and grimaced at Fu Hua: “No way!!! ”

Fu Hua: “………………”

“You still want me to help you? Hahahahaha, are you stupid?! I won’t help you! Go to hell! Share a body? It’s disgusting to think about! ”

The Wise Law stuck out his tongue in disgust and stopped laughing.

She looked directly at Fu Hua and snorted coldly: “You win, I lose – you are Fu Hua, and I am nothing!” ”

“Goodbye! …… No, never! I’m leaving, don’t think about it anymore – and you can’t stop me!” ”

Fu Hua asked her, “Where are you going?” ”

“What’s the matter with you!” The wise man turned his head and didn’t want to deal with the old antique: “I can go wherever I want, no one cares!” Hum! I am the lawyer of consciousness! Pray you don’t run into me again! ”

Fu Hua: “But without a body, the erosion of collapse will be more dangerous for you.” ”

The Law of Knowledge was silent for a moment: “… I will resist as best I can, even if I lose – at least I know someone who can overcome me. ”

Fu Hua looked at her quietly, and after a long while, he nodded slightly: “Thank you…”

“…… This is not for you! Old antique! The Law of Knowledge sighed impatiently: “Do whatever you want, I have nothing to do with you anymore, don’t!” ”

The moment the words fell, the person who knew the law disappeared. 】

“Squad leader, why does that person who knows the law have to leave?”

Kiana had a puzzled expression: “Obviously you said that you want to fight side by side with her?” ”

Before Fu Hua could say anything, she patted her head again with a look of sudden realization: “Oh, I know!” ”

Bronia glanced sideways: “What do you know?” ”

Kiana crossed her waist with both hands, and her expression was coaxing: “Hmph~ It must be because the person who knows the law was beaten by Miss Ben and felt very faceless, so he ran away with his tail between his legs!” ”

Bud Yi: “……………………………… Uh, I can’t say. ”

Bronia: “Stupid Kiana, if it weren’t for the help of the squad leader, you would have been beaten to the ground by the Law of Knowledge.” ”

“Honestly, I don’t understand either. Since I already have the idea of sharing the same body with her in the future, it stands to reason that the person who knows the law should have no reason to refuse. Fu Hua rationally analyzed a wave: “After all, a lawyer who has lost his body… In some ways, the situation will be more dangerous, not to mention her situation is more special. ”

Despite being a lawyer, Xiaozhi is obviously not controlled and seduced by the broken will like other lawyers, and still retains his own thoughts—or in other words, Fuhua’s thoughts.

This also means that the Honkai Will will always try to erode her and bring her back into the arms of Honkai.

In this case, without a body, her situation will naturally become more dangerous.

Fu Hua sighed: “I hope that the next time I meet her, I can convince her.” ”

[This Q&A ends here, and the next Q&A will open in 24 hours, so please wait and see.] 】

[There are still 10 seconds left before the Q&A space is closed——].

【9…… 8…… 7…… 6……】

Alicia: “Oh~ It seems that this time is about to end~ I really can’t bear everyone!” ”

“It’s okay, Alicia. We’ll see you tomorrow. ”

Alicia: “Hmm~Bud Yi, see you tomorrow~”

Kiana touched her head: “Well, how do you feel that something is wrong?” ”

【5…… 4……】

Fu Hua: “I’ll see you tomorrow in the past.” ”

Hua: “Well, the future me, see you tomorrow.” ”

【3…… 2…… 1……】

With the end of the countdown, everyone only felt a flash of white light in front of their eyes.

When they opened their eyes again, they were all back to reality.



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