Fu Hua came to the Law of Knowledge and looked at her suspiciously.

“What are you laughing at?”

The person who knew the law coughed twice, and barely tightened his face: “I think of happy things.” ”

Fu Hua: “What happy thing?” ”

The Law of Knowledge: “Huh? Why should I tell you! You scammer leave me alone! ”

Fu Hua: “??? ”

No, how did she somehow become a fraudster?

It’s starting to back again, isn’t it!

Kiana suddenly scratched her head and spoke: “Speaking of which, squad leader.” I remember that the answer you chose before was not ‘the law of knowledge’? But so far, all that has been shown on the screen is your experience, and the answer to the law of knowledge… It doesn’t matter at all, does it? ”

Bronia agreed: “yes. So far, although many familiar faces have appeared in the picture, the most crucial person who knows the law has never appeared. ”

Bud Yi: “So, it seems to be really like this.” But according to Alicia, aren’t the Laws of Knowledge the type who are very good at controlling the mind? Is it possible that the reason why the squad leader became like that is the work of the lawyer of knowledge? ”

Alicia: “Bud Yi has a point! Bud Yi, I feel that you are more suitable for the Law of Reason than the Law of Thunder~?”

Bronia: “Already have a core, don’t cue!” ”

Hua: “In other words, the reason why I will become that strange personality in the future is because the future knowledgeable person is influencing my thinking?” ”

If you think about it, it seems quite reasonable!

After all, the future self and the current self, whether it is personality, temperament or even acting style, are very different, if not for the exact same appearance, no one would think that she is Fu Hua!

Even if the appearance is exactly the same, people who know Fu Hua also feel a little suspicious of the crazy and lively Fu Hua in the picture.

But if all this is done by the law of knowledge who can control consciousness, it can be explained!

Pardophyllis: “I just said, how can Ah Hua become like Brother Yu, this is really terrible!” ”

Fu Hua: “However, even if it is me in the future, I should have Yuduchen… Under normal circumstances, the person who knows the law should be unable to control my spirit…”

Mebius, who had not spoken much, snorted coldly: “Hmph, haven’t those memory fragments of Hua before been explained very clearly?” It was because her brain was very badly damaged, which caused the Law of Knowledge to take advantage of the void. ”

Eden: “So it is, worthy of Dr. Mebius.” ”

Alicia: “Oops~ dear Mebius, you are still here~ I thought you had left~?”

Mebius: “Humph, how?” Alicia, can’t I stay here? ”

Alicia smiled slightly: “How could it be~ Mebius can stay here as long as he want~”

Hua: “But if it’s really like what you say, then where is the law of knowledge?” What is her purpose in controlling the future of me? ”

Kiana: “I don’t need to say that!” Just now, the squad leader not only beat down the strongest Valkyrie of Heaven’s Destiny, Lauderdale, but even that Kevin was suppressed to death by the squad leader! ”

Bronia: “I also destroyed Bronia’s car…”

Bud Yi: “So, that person who knows the law actually wants the squad leader to destroy the human order and reduce the combat power of the human side?” ”

“Hey, hey, hey! Stop, stop, stop! ”

The people who knew the law on the side really couldn’t stand the gang of people frantically pouring dirty water on themselves, and finally couldn’t help but jump out and try to justify themselves: “In the end, you are all wishful thinking, and there is no real evidence at all!” Why blame me for all the fault… Blame on the Law of Knowledge! ”

Pardophyllis: “Oooh! The future Awa has begun to speak for the Law of Knowledge! It seems that eight or nine are not far from ten, and they are really controlled by the law of knowledge! ”

The Law of Knowledge: “??? ”

I controlled myself?

The Knower: “Pado, don’t talk nonsense…!” ”

Before the words of the Knowing Law were finished, he felt that his body was firmly bound by a pair of arms, and he couldn’t help but be stunned.

She turned her head and saw that a white fur was hugging her tightly from behind!

“Hey Kiana, what are you doing?” ”

Kiana: “Squad leader! Fast! I subdued the squad leader who will be controlled by the Law of Knowledge in the future! Grab her! ”

Bronia: “Bronia also wants to avenge the car!” ”

Bud Yi: “That, I’ll come too!” ”

The Law of Knowledge: “……… You, you…! ”

Fu Hua also rubbed his fists and walked towards the person who knew the law step by step: “Bind your hands, the future me!” ”

“Gee! You guys…… This group of fools! Idiot! A sucker! ”

As soon as the person who knew the law saw that he was being targeted by everyone, he immediately bit his lower lip aggrievedly, and his eyes turned red: “I wrote down this hatred!” ”

When the words fell, she jerked free from Kiana’s restraints, and held her right palm weakly: “I will, turn everything around!” ”

In the next second, the whole person of the Law of Knowledge disappeared into place out of thin air and lost a trace!

Kiana looked at her empty arms blankly and blinked: “Future squad leader, how did it disappear?” ”

Bronia: “After all, he is the class leader in his heyday, let alone Kiana now, even if you become a lawyer in the future, you may not be able to catch it.” ”

Nha Yi: “Actually, if the strength of the squad leader in his heyday really wanted to disadvantage us, maybe Kiana would have fallen to the ground by now.” ”

Fu Hua: “… It’s a pity that I couldn’t catch her, as long as everyone is safe. ”

Alicia: “Oh, it’s a pity~”

Pardophyllis: “Phew~ At least we know that Ah Hua will not really become that kind of bad girl in the future!” ”

Mebius: “yes. Otherwise, Grace will have to be far away from China in the future. ”

Hua: “……………………”

Just as everyone breathed a sigh of relief, the electronic synthesis suddenly sounded——

[Additional question: In the following options, who helped Fu Hua drive the Law of Knowledge out of his body and helped Fu Hua regain his body?] 】

[A: Raiden bud clothing].

[B: Bronia].

[C: Kiana Kaslanna].

[D: Kevin Kaslanna].



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