"Mr. Knight, in the past, whenever I had the idea of ​​leaving, this day would not allow me to say goodbye to everyone. It would forcibly interrupt everything and bring me back to the starting point."

"But now, I don't know why... it doesn't do that"

"So...this is a rare opportunity, right?"

Little Gracie said slowly.


The knight nodded.

"Well, it's up to me to do that."

Little Gracie laughed.

"You don't need...I'll accompany you?"

As usual, it made such a suggestion and, deep down, expected a positive answer.

"No need, I have to be brave once in a while."

That's fine, it told itself.

Just like Gratius said, she is no longer a child.

However, as the other party's back recedes, a certain picture quickly unfolds in front of the knight's eyes.

It is a The picture scroll that has been painted by the sideline for thousands of years, even if it is dark in color, still contains the knight's extremely familiar brushwork and the emotions that are difficult to ignore.

Maybe the picture scroll has existed here for a long time, and now, it is just because of her shared choice with it... return to reality


【Kiana:"So, now little Gratius knows that she is trapped in a cycle."】

【Himeko:"She wants to break the cycle and wake up in reality"】

【Theresa:"There is something preventing her from waking up, but I believe that Gracie will succeed!"】

【Ji Zi:"Gratius has recovered some of her memories, she should have remembered them."】


"Sister Hua."

Little Gracie came to Hua


"How's it going? Did you sleep well this time?"

Hua asked

"This... was probably the best sleep I've ever had."

Little Gracie replied truthfully.

"When you fell asleep, you frightened Mr. Knight."

"Even Danzhu took this opportunity to give me a good lecture when my clothes were torn in several places when I came back."

"Regardless, we all need to be more mindful of each other when it comes to taking care of ourselves and not always worrying those who care about us."

Hua said seriously

"Um! I understand."

Little Gracie smiled and nodded.

"Speaking of which, Sister Hua, can I ask you a question?"

"Um? sure."

Hua nodded.

"Okay, then I asked"

"When I sleep in the dormant cabin, I always wear a jade pendant that Sister Hua gave me before—guess, why?" little Gratius asked

"Because... you think it can keep your journey safe?"

Hua thought for a while and replied.

"Half right."

Little Gracie showed a mysterious smile

"So, is this jade pendant giving you a sense of security??"

"Just like in the past, you always liked to pile the gifts everyone gave you into categories on your bed to create your own exclusive space."

Hua thought for a while and said


"However, there is the most important point, which Sister Hua failed to guess."

"I chose to bring it because, like Sister Hua, it is always warm"

"Even if I go into sleep, this temperature will constantly remind me and let me know that I am still dreaming."

"But now, even though I have realized that this is a dream I created, I still don’t feel the temperature of the jade pendant.……"

"This means...something bad may have happened outside."

Little Gracie said seriously.


【Theresa:"Sure enough, little Gratius realized"】

【Leiden Meiyi:"The monitor's jade pendant also plays an important role."】

【Kiana:"Can people in dreams really realize that they are in a dream? Inception? Totem?!"】

【Padophyllis:"Wake up! Little Gratio!"】


"……Therefore, everything here is your dream. And I am also the flower in your dream"

"Sure enough, is that so?"

Hua seems to have realized something

"Sorry, Sister Hua."

Little Gracie apologized.

"Why say sorry? Do you think... you shouldn't tell me the truth?"

Hua asked

"No. On the contrary, I feel that I should have told you earlier, earlier"

"This way, you don't have to stay here with me and repeat this day over and over again."

Little Gracie shook her head and explained.

"You're wrong, Gratius"

"No matter how many times you ask me, I'm afraid my answer will never change——"

"The moments with you are the happiest and most relaxing moments for me."

Hua said, turned into feathers and disappeared.

"Me too, Sister Hua"


【Alicia:"Hua knows the truth and is freed from the dream, right?""】

【Kiana:"So if you realize you are in a dream, you will disappear, right?"】

【Bronya:"It should be like this"】

【Padofyllis:"Gratio should be trying to make everyone realize that they are in a dream."】

【Raiden Meiyi:"Can this break the dream cycle?"】


"Next, it’s time to find Sister Danzhu"

"However, even if I don't go to her, she will come to me in a hurry, right?"

Little Gracie came to the front of Sister Cangxuan.

"Sister Danzhu, sister Cangxuan." she greeted

"Woohoo, little Gratius——!"


Before explaining her purpose, she was hugged tightly by the other party.

"Little Gratius, I didn’t think carefully this time and asked you to draw so many pictures in one go."

"While I'm really, really looking forward to those paintings... I also don't want to see what happened today happen again."

Danzhu said with a hint of crying.

"Gratius, Danzhu... I've been blaming myself all morning for this matter."

"But fortunately, you really only slept for such a long time because you were too tired."

"Otherwise, the person who stayed up late today might have to change again. Cang

Xuan breathed a sigh of relief and said

"Sorry...for making everyone worry."

Little Gracie apologized.

"Don't say that, nothing is better than nothing"

"However, from the look on little Gratio's face, it seems that she has something else to say?"

Danzhu seemed to have seen through little Gracie's thoughts.

"I guess...it has something to do with your future plans?"

Cang Xuan guessed. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Well, the sisters guessed it right"

"I want to leave here with Mr. Knight, because...this place is just a dream of mine."

Little Gracie said seriously.

"……Cang Xuan, what do you think?"

Danzhu looked at his sister[]

"Gracie can't lie. Rather, I felt relieved when she said it"

"Sister Cangxuan……"

Little Gracie's expression is very complicated

"However, since you realize that this is a dream...those of us who live by imagination should be able to reintegrate into your memory in a short time."

"and before that……"

She suddenly turned around and looked at her sister, Danzhu

"Maybe I have gotten the answer outside of the dream; but at this moment, I still don’t know anything about it."

"——Danzhu, what does creating myths mean to you?"

Cang Xuan asked

"I thought it was some big deal? So this is what you have been wanting to ask?"

Danzhu said with a smile.

"It's just because it's not important that I keep putting it off until now. Cang

Xuan replied

"……Well, since sister you are so serious all of a sudden, I can't just do it casually."

So, Danzhu stared at the lotus by the pool, and she thought quietly for two minutes.

Until the lotus leaves rippled in the breeze.——

"Sister, we are ordinary people after all. Now that the new civilization has just been born, it is considered a miracle to live to be a hundred years old."

"Of course, this hundred years is nothing for civilization...but for us, it is long enough."

"You also know that I am not as responsible as Hua; no matter the past or the future, I do not intend to let them affect my life"

"……If I have a choice, I will definitely not accept a job that is consistent, has no material rewards, and has to be driven by will and belief."

"——By the way, can you? Danzhu said seriously


【Bronya:""Ordinary People"》"】

【Youlandel:"Can an ordinary person live for more than a hundred years and still be a girl?"】

【Herrscher of Consciousness:"That is indeed quite ordinary."】

【Alicia:"Does such a job really exist?"】

【Teresa"If fighting against Honkai is a job, then it is."】

【Tesla:"That's what Danzhu means, right?""】

【Raiden Meiyi:"But this is something that threatens myself and even the whole world, so I have no choice but to resist."】

【Padophyllis:"What does it mean to lose one's life?""】


"If there was a choice in this matter, who would do it?"

Cang Xuan knew what Danzhu was referring to.

"So, when I finally realized this, I came up with an idea: Since it is so difficult to persevere, then of course we must create an environment that allows everyone to persevere happily?"

"I want to twist the will of all future people and let them pass on everything we have."

"Not only do I want the efforts of the pioneers to be praised by everyone, but I also want those people to be able to create my favorite things by themselves in the distant future."

"Whether it’s figurines, comics, novels, or games, I want them to exist forever in civilization and become immortal monuments for everyone – this is the starting point of all my creations, and also……"

"……What being a pioneer means to me."

The more Danzhu talked, the more excited he became.


【Alicia:"So this is what Danzhu thinks.……"】

【Himeko:"The fact that Honkai exists objectively does not depend on people’s will, so Danzhu wants to change the will of others and let people persist in fighting Honkai until victory."】

【Leiden Meiyi:"And once this idea succeeds, it will be a kind of inheritance and a kind of spiritual sustenance, encouraging the lost people to move forward."】

【The Lawyer of Knowledge:"It is indeed a great deed."】

【Youlandel:"Whether it can be done or not, at least Danzhu has this idea and she is moving in this direction."】


"Really ego"

"……But it's not bad. Cang

Xuan said with a smile.

"of course~"

"Even if three, four, or five thousand years have passed... my myth will still be imprinted on this land."

"And one day……"

"One day, they will know that reclamation is not a fantasy and is possible day by day."

"As for whether they will do better?……"

Danzhu Fantasy Road

"Gratio, please paint another picture of yourself at that time and tell us about it."

Cang Xuandao


Little Gracie nodded.

When her voice fell, the Cangxuan sisters disappeared.

Then (Wang Qian Zhao), she came to Kevin and Su

"Gracie, long time no see."

Seeing little Gratius arrive, Kevin said hello.

"Long time no see, Uncle Kevin, Uncle Su."

Little Gracie laughed.

"I can't believe that we have just met and we have to say goodbye again."

Su's words surprised little Gracie.

"Uncle Su...is this also your ability?"

She scratched her head

"It has nothing to do with ability. The look in your eyes tells me everything"

"It is not at all confused and is full of longing for the future, just like when you decided to leave our temporary residence last year and travel alone."

Su replied

"During that time, I was really grateful to Uncle Sue and Uncle Kevin for their care. Of course, it still is."

Little Gracie said gratefully

"If we talk about taking care of... I'm afraid we can't even talk about it."

"After all, in addition to a slightly crude room, a short-term companionship, and the ending of one old friend after another……"

"We have nothing left for you, Gratio."

Kevin looked at her regretfully

"uncle kevin……"

Little Gracie is a little sad


【Ji Zi:"Kevin and Su Yuan have noticed it a long time ago, but they didn't say it out loud." Changchun】

【Hollander:"I guess I want Gratio to notice it. After all, this is Gratio's dream.""】

【Alicia:"It’s also to help little Gracie grow up."】

【Padofelis:"Oh, it’s just a dream after all.……"】

【Teresa:"You can't indulge in the happiness in dreams."】

【Kiana:"Indeed, reality is often more cruel... But dreams must end after all."】

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