Hong Kong: Rise of the Kings

Chapter 789 0777 [The Jazz’s next lackey]

"Boss, what should I do? There are more and more police!"

"Yes, we don't have weapons here, they all have guns! They also have tear gas and smoke bombs!"

A big man with a black face and a big man with a yellow face said to a man with a leopard head.

The man with the leopard head is the organizer of this demonstration and the boss of this group of rickshaw drivers.

"What are you afraid of? These policemen are so weak. They can only scare people when they pick up their guns!" Leopard Tou glanced at the riot squad blocking the front of the Hong Kong Governor's Office, curled his lips, and said with disdain.

"No, if we really want to break in, they will beat people!" said the black-faced man, "I think we should stop attacking the Hong Kong Governor's Office and just shout slogans here."

"Yeah, don't fight these policemen, you will suffer a loss!" The yellow-faced man also said in fear.

"You cowards! Revolution requires sacrifice. Without sacrifice, how can there be success?" Leopard Head said angrily.

"But ours is clearly a rebellion!"

"Failure is a rebellion! Success is a revolution!" Leopard Head said disdainfully, "Remember my words, you are my brothers, we are doing big things now, so we must stick together as a team and never give up!"

The man with black face and the man with yellow face have nothing to say.

at this time--

One of his men came over quietly, found Leopard Head and whispered a few words.

Leopard Head frowned, "Really or not?"

"Of course it's true. How about it, boss, do you want to go over?"

"This--isn't it some kind of Hongmen Banquet?"

"Probably not. I think the other party is very sincere. Besides, boss, don't you always say that if you don't get into the tiger's den, you won't get the tiger's cub?"

"Haha, you're right! I, Chen Ziqiang, have never been afraid of anyone!" The leopard-headed man showed an unruly expression.

There is a teahouse nearby.

The place below the teahouse is heavily guarded.

The entire teahouse was booked.

Leopard Head Chen Ziqiang led his men to the bottom of the teahouse. A plainclothes man stopped him and said, "Search him!"

"Search me?" Leopard Head smiled ferociously, "Do you think your grandpa and I look like the kind of person who carries weapons?"

"I don't know who you are. I only know that there is a noble person upstairs. This is the rule."

"Rules? Your grandfather and I go to the banquet alone, what else is he afraid of?"

While there was a commotion downstairs, someone upstairs said: "Sir, please let people come up without searching you!"

"Yes!" The plainclothesman nodded, turned to Chen Ziqiang and said, "You can go up!"

"Where are they?" Chen Ziqiang pointed to the black-faced man and the yellow-faced man.

"You're the only one allowed to go up there, do you hear me?" the plainclothes man said rudely.

Chen Ziqiang took out his ears: "I heard it, I'm not deaf, watchdog!"

After cursing, he said to his companions: "You guys wait here while I go to the meeting alone!" After that, he walked upstairs in a swagger.

Upstairs, Sir Bailiqu was enjoying tea leisurely, with his subordinates standing next to him.

After a while, there was a knock on the door.

Chen Ziqiang came in from outside.

He glanced at Gui Lao Bailiqu and felt that he looked familiar.

The people next to him scolded him: "Why don't you bow quickly when you see Sir Sir?"

Only then did Chen Ziqiang realize that the person in front of him was Sir Bailiqu, the famous judicial boss. He felt a little nervous, but he pretended to snort, and then he cupped his fists towards Bailiqu and said, "Hello, my name is Chen Ziqiang."

Bailiqu put down his tea cup and smiled at him: "Mr. Chen, please sit down." He pointed to the chair opposite.

Chen Ziqiang sat down in front of Baili Qu anxiously.

"Come here, give Mr. Chen a cup of tea."

Someone served Pu'er tea and then left.

Bailiqu pointed to the tea: "Please!"

Of course, Chen Ziqiang knew that the other party would definitely not treat him to tea, so he coughed: "What on earth do you want to see me for?"

Bailiqu smiled: "Actually, it's nothing. I just want to ask you a few questions."

"ask questions?"

"Yes, first of all, I want to know why you led those rickshaw drivers in a demonstration and attacked the Hong Kong Governor's Office?"

"For food!" Chen Ziqiang said firmly, "Taxi took away our business and we didn't make any profit. Will the whole family starve to death?"

"Then what are your demands?" Bailiqu continued to ask.

"It's very simple. Ban taxis or divide taxi areas to give us a way to survive."

"Abolition of taxis? This is absolutely impossible. The reason is simple. Times are progressing and taxis are an emerging product. On the contrary, rickshaws have fallen behind."

"As for the division of areas you mentioned, even if I agree to you, what if we divide the areas now and then later? People will still choose taxis to travel. The reason is very simple. They are fast, can protect against wind and rain, and are very fashionable."

Chen Ziqiang stood up and spread his hands: "Then there's nothing to talk about!"

The smile on Bailiqu's face disappeared and his tone became sharp: "So I'm going to talk to you in another way!"

"what way?"

"Sit down first. I don't like people talking to me standing up."

"Ahem!" Chen Ziqiang sat down again.

Baili Qu glanced at him and said, "I know what you're saying. If you lead those rickshaw drivers to succeed, what will you get?"

Chen Zhiqiang was stunned for a moment, "Uh, what do you mean?"

"I mean, how much wealth can you get, or how much power can you get?"

"Ahem, we are all brothers from birth to death. I am not leading them for money, let alone--"

"Don't talk about useless things!" Bailiqu interrupted him, "You just need to tell me, what can you get?"

"for this I--"

"If you can't answer, I'll answer it for you." Bailiqu picked up the tea cup and said, "One hundred thousand Hong Kong dollars, and a taxi!"

"Uh, what?"

"What I mean is that if you do something for me, I will give you Hong Kong dollars for fun, and I will give you a taxi - it is difficult to get a taxi license. If you get it, you will have an iron job. Think about it." Bailiqu said in a seductive tone.

Chen Ziqiang was stunned, "You want to bribe me like this? They and I are brothers from life to death -"

"Twenty thousand more."

"We share joys and sorrows together and pull a rickshaw together. I can't betray them just to enjoy happiness."

"Add thirty thousand more, for a total of one hundred and fifty thousand, no more!"

"No, I don't do things for money, I do it for loyalty!"

"Talk about loyalty? That's great, one hundred thousand! I won't add a penny! I don't believe it. The yellow-faced man and the black-faced man outside are just as loyal as you!"

Chen Ziqiang was stunned.

"I'll give you one last chance, 150,000, to be my dog, okay?"

"Jazz is wise! What are you going to do?" Chen Ziqiang hurriedly clasped his fists and looked like he was obeying orders.

Bailiqu smiled, "Very good! In fact, what I asked you to do is very simple. I have a friend who is coming back from the United States, and I am going to give him a big gift."

After saying that, Bailiqu stood up, grabbed his crutch and said, "And you are the gift!"

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