Hong Kong: Rise of the Kings

Chapter 779 0767 [Shocking the world]

A week later——

"Du, there is a total of 300 million US dollars here!"

In the office of Qiangwei Group, the boss Chen William handed a check of 300 million to Du Yongxiao.

"I will deposit all this money into Chase Bank in accordance with your wishes - I know that you and Rockefeller, the boss of Chase Bank, are good friends."

William Chen opened the cherry wood cigar box from the desk, took out a cigar, cut it with a cigar cutter, and handed it to Du Yongxiao.

Du Yongxiao took the cigar, toasted it, took a puff, looked at the checks with a smile and said: "This is our first cooperation. At this level, how much more do you estimate we can earn?"

William Chen also lit a cigar and smoked: "

You can't run away with 500 million. If you get those babies from Fox, it will be at least 800 million. "

Du Yongxiao smiled, "Okay, it's a deal."

"Well, you answered so succinctly, it makes me a little jealous."

"What are you jealous of?"

"I've been doing auctions for so many years, and it's rare that I help someone earn 300 million in one go, but you did it with ease, and now you're going to earn 800 million. Do you think I'm jealous?" William Chen shrugged and made a jealous expression.

Du Yongxiao laughed: "You also charge a lot of handling fees, don't you?"

"Well, I also made a lot this time, 300 million, and I also have several million!" William Chen said sincerely, "So we have a happy cooperation!"

As he spoke, Chen William stretched out his hand towards Du Yongxiao.

Du Yongxiao shook hands with him.

"Chen, to be honest, have you ever considered--" Du Yongxiao sat down again, biting his cigar and thinking about what to say.

"What to consider?"

“Get the Christie’s.”


"After all, Christie's—" Du Yongxiao shrugged, "I'm not happy with them."

William Chen smiled: "You want me to acquire you if you are unhappy?"


"Will you help me?"


"Are there any conditions?"

"What do you think?"

William Chen sighed, "I knew it! Okay, tell me, what are the conditions?"

"I'll help you win Christie's, and you can help me contact Murdoch. I want to invest in Murdoch's media group."

"Ah, this -" William Chen thought for a moment, "Merctor is a very authoritarian person. I'm afraid he -"

"Just ask him out for me." Du Yongxiao flicked his cigar with a determined expression, "I'll take care of the rest."

"Okay then, deal!"

The two covered their hands again.

golf course.

Mercado swung the club over the green and hit a nice line drive.

Du Yongxiao appeared from behind him, chewing his cigar and applauding: "Good shot!"

Merkel smiled and looked at Du Yongxiao: "Du, William Chen has already told me that you want to invest in my media group, right?"

"Yes." Du Yongxiao held his cigar between his fingers and watched Merck take another puff of smoke. "You should know that I now own PolyGram Records, as well as Fox and Paramount Pictures. If you want these companies to do well, To develop, we must control public opinion - for me, the best way is to use your media group, which can save a lot of time."

Merck played with his cue and said with a smile: "Indeed, my media group has various resources in Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. It also owns more than 30 newspapers and magazines, five television stations, and more than a dozen radio stations, and I'm also currently preparing to acquire The Times and The Sun, as well as Sky America."

After Murdoch finished speaking, he looked deeply into Du Yongxiao's eyes: "Mr. Du, to be honest, I admire you very much. You are a powerful figure. It can be seen from the last time that many big guys are willing to associate with you." , I am also honored to know you. But--"

Merkel paused for a moment, his eyes glaring: "But if you want to invest in my media group, this matter is still a bit difficult to handle."

"Why?" Du Yongxiao walked to the rest chair under the sun lounger next to him, turned around and sat down.

Someone next to you brought fruit plates, snacks, beer, soda, juice, etc.

Du Yongxiao picked up a broad bean and threw it into his mouth, chewing it and looking at Mokedo with a smile.

Merck hesitated for a moment, then walked over and sat next to Du Yongxiao: "The reason is very simple. I don't want my company to be influenced or controlled by others."

Du Yongxiao nodded: "Indeed, if I become a shareholder, I will become a major shareholder instead of making small fuss. I will probably influence your company."

Mercado handed the club to the caddy next to him, "That's what happened. As I said just now, you are a heroic figure and will be very strong no matter what you do. And I, similar to you, am also a very strong person. "

"I'll let you buy shares in Fox!" Du Yongxiao suddenly said.

"Huh?" Mercado was stunned for a moment.

Du Yongxiao happily ate broad beans, looked at Mercado and said: "If you feel dissatisfied, you can add Paramount. From now on, you have me, I have you, and we are all great friends to each other." Shareholders, is O not OK?”

Mercado's mind hasn't come to his senses yet.

"You mean, are you willing to let me invest in Fox and Paramount?"

"Yes, I made it very clear just now. As long as you are willing to speak, I promise you." Du Yongxiao threw the last broad bean into his mouth, pulled the napkin to wipe his hands and mouth, crumpled it into a ball and threw it into the wastebasket.

Murdoch: "That I——"

"I will invest in your media group for 300 million U.S. dollars!" Du Yongxiao held out three fingers, "If you are willing, I can sign a contract with you now and pay you!"

"Similarly, if you want to invest in my film company, you can also personally invest 300 million US dollars. How about you think about it?" Du Yongxiao smiled and made an invitation gesture to Merck.

Murdoch couldn't laugh or cry, "Du, please stop playing with me! I know you recently held an auction, and you can easily take out 300 million US dollars! I am different from you, all my money is in the group, and I am very poor personally. Don't tell me Three hundred million or one hundred million is a bit difficult.”

Murdoch thinks Du Yongxiao is playing tricks on him.

Du Yongxiao invested 300 million in his own name to invest in Mercado Media Group. In this way, Du Yongxiao can become a well-deserved major shareholder.

As for Mercado, he seems to be very rich, but all that money is in the company, especially since he is an acquisition maniac. In order to acquire newspapers, magazines, television stations, etc., he still owes a lot of money to many banks.

Du Yongxiao asked him to come up with 300 million, which was absolutely difficult and difficult.

Du Yongxiao shrugged: "Now, the situation is clear now. I am willing to spend 300 million to invest in your company to solve your company's urgent needs. And I also agree that you will invest in my company in the same way, and we will become the best partners. We all have the opportunity It’s equal. Now it’s up to you to choose. Should you use 300 million to pay off the debt and let me invest in your company, or should you continue to borrow money from the bank and also invest in my company? You must think it through!”

Only now did Murdoch finally understand that Du Yongxiao had been setting a trap for him from beginning to end.

What is equal opportunity? If you invest in me, I will invest in you.

Du Yongxiao has 300 million, but does Merck have more? No! And he still owes a lot of debt to the bank!

From the very beginning, Du Yongxiao was killing people with soft knives, forcing Murdoch to submit obediently.

Seeing that Murdoch is still hesitating.

Du Yongxiao's smile slowly faded, he picked up the soda, bit the straw, took a sip of Fanta, looked at Merck and said: "To be honest, I really like being friends with you. I'm sorry if you still refuse my kindness. , I might ask you to buy shares through the board of directors of your group, instead of playing golf with you here and begging you to buy shares!”

Hearing this, Merkel felt a chill in his heart.

Indeed, if Du Yongxiao took 300 million, even if Murdoch wanted to stop him, those board members who were jealous of money would applaud and welcome Du Yongxiao.

After all, no one in this world has trouble with money.

When Mokdo thought of this, his face became extremely ugly.

Du Yongxiao put down the soda, stood up and walked to him, slapped him on the shoulder twice, and said seriously: "Don't think about it anymore, I will take over your group!"

One month later.

Two major news came from the American business community.

First news.

The US FBI teamed up with the US Taxation Bureau to investigate Christie's, the world's largest auction company, and the results of the investigation shocked the United States.

Christie's auction company is suspected of selling illegal art, helping gangs launder money, and evading taxes, etc.

As soon as the news came out, the share price of Christie's Group immediately plummeted, and the Tiger Woods family, the head of the group, was invited to drink coffee.

As the dominant player in the auction world, Christie's became a street rat overnight and everyone wanted to beat it up.

At the same time, facing the nearly 10,000 employees of Christie's around the world, William Chen, the boss of Rose Group, was compassionate and promptly purchased Christie's shares to save Christie's from fire and water.

In just a few days, Christie's changed owners, from the Tiger Woods family to the Chen family.

Christie's was fully taken over by William Chen and became an auction group that kept pace with the Rose Group.

Of course, this sudden change has also made the entire American business community excited.

Some insiders revealed that the person behind the change of Christie's banner was not William Chen, the boss of the Rose Group, but a mysterious Chinese who could influence the joint actions of the US FBI and the US Taxation Administration.

As soon as this news came out, the identity of the mysterious man became a popular rumor.

The second biggest news in the American business community is that someone suddenly invested US$300 million in the media empire that Merck has been running for many years and took a strong stake in it!

You know, Murdoch has always been a powerful figure. In order to build his own media empire, he has spent countless efforts. In addition, he has gone crazy and acquired major newspapers, magazines, television stations and other media in Australia, the United Kingdom, the United States and other countries.

It can be said that in his media empire, Murdoch is a well-deserved dictator and does not allow anyone to become his potential opponent, especially not a major shareholder with "veto power".

But this time, it is reported that Mercado not only allowed the other party to invest 300 million US dollars in one go, but also allowed the other party to hold 23% of the group's equity, becoming the second largest shareholder after his own 28% equity. .

In other words, from now on, Murdoch's media empire is no longer dominated by him alone. The mysterious second largest shareholder has the ability to compete with Murdoch.

As for who the second largest shareholder is, Merck's media group has not disclosed it to the outside world. It is said that it was requested by the second largest shareholder himself. The purpose is not to disrupt the normal operation of the media group, nor to affect the major media's view of Merck. Mr. Duo’s cognition.

Moreover, the mysterious major shareholder also publicized that he himself had no intention of competing with Mr. Murdoch for the power of the media group. He trusted Murdoch and believed that the group would prosper under the leadership of Mr. Murdoch.

After these news came out, the major media in the United States became silent.

However, many people are still speculating about this mysterious major shareholder. Who is he? Where does that much money come from? Is the U.S. or the global media field also about to change?

Just as the outside world was speculating about this major event in the business world, another major earthquake occurred in the American political world.

Insider information about the "Watergate Incident" that had been suppressed once again broke out.

One of the seven people involved, McCord, chose to confess in order to obtain a reduced sentence. He took the initiative to reveal in court that more White House members were involved in the Watergate eavesdropping incident. He and his accomplices had previously committed perjury under pressure and threats. McCord's recantation was widely reported by the media, and the Watergate scandal once again attracted national attention.

At this time, Nixon could no longer pretend to be innocent. He could only admit that he knew what the White House had done and publicly apologize to the American people.

Originally, the matter could have ended here. Although Nixon's behavior was bad in nature, it was still not enough to cause him to be impeached and removed from office. At most, his reputation would be damaged.

However, Nixon couldn't stand it and dug a hole for himself!

Congress also took this opportunity to send an investigation team to interview White House staff to dig deeper into the Watergate scandal.

In the process, investigators made new discoveries. In order to facilitate the writing of his memoirs in the future, Nixon installed recording equipment in the White House, which recorded many of Nixon's secret conversations.

Investigators, citing the Watergate scandal, demanded that Nixon hand over the tapes. However, Nixon refused to hand it over on the grounds that the tape contained state secrets. Since Nixon was the President of the United States, his recordings did have a certain level of confidentiality, so the two sides reached a deadlock.

However, at this moment, Nixon made another bold move. He used his power to arbitrarily fire Cox, the independent prosecutor who investigated the Watergate incident, in order to end the Watergate incident.

The U.S. Attorney General and Deputy Secretary also resigned because they were unwilling to follow Nixon's wrong decision. As we all know, the United States is a country with three separate powers. The executive, legislative and judicial branches are independent of each other. This is the foundation of American democracy and something that Americans have always been proud of.

However, Nixon's behavior was undoubtedly interfering with justice and opposing American democracy. In the eyes of the American people, this is undoubtedly outrageous and despicable. What makes them even more unbelievable is that this was done by a democratically elected president.

As a result, Nixon offended the public and was boycotted by the entire American people. Simply put, Nixon's behavior broke the rules because he abused the power given to him by the process, thus shaking people's trust in the process. Behind this was the credibility of the entire US government.

It didn't matter what was in the tape now. Nixon, abandoned by the American people, knew that he was doomed. He had to compromise, hand over the tapes, and resign to Congress.

On August 8, 1974, Nixon delivered a nationally televised speech from the White House, announcing his resignation. Of course, even if Nixon did not take the initiative to resign, he would be expelled from office by the impeachment resolution passed by Congress two months later.

The legendary "Watergate Incident" ended here.

at the same time--

There are rumors that the person responsible for the real investigation of this incident is actually a mysterious Chinese, a Chinese FBI agent.

He was almost involved in this incident from beginning to end, which means that the poor President of the United States was actually brought down by him, by this mysterious Chinese!

There was a big earthquake in the political world and a big earthquake in the business world. A mysterious person was involved three times. This made countless people start to wonder, who are these three mysterious people?

Some even boldly speculated, could these three people be the same person?

When this idea spread, it was ridiculed!

the reason is simple,

How can it be?

Even if I kill these Americans, I won’t believe that the mysterious person in the three major events that shocked the world is the same person!

And could this mysterious man be Chinese?


How can it be?

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