Hong Kong: Rise of the Kings

Chapter 722 0710 [Future Millionaire]

New York--

Wellington Street, No. 17.

"Hey, are you making a mistake? You can stand in line outside for so long in the middle of winter and almost freeze to death!"

"Yes, this security company is inhumane. At least let us go in to get warm!"

When Barton came to the recruitment office at the location designated by the newspaper, he found a long queue at the cold Malone.

There are all types of people in the queue, including homeless people, butchers, street gangsters, veterans, etc. Almost all of them are burly and powerful types who like to show off their ferocity.

At this moment, these people were all hunching their necks, putting their hands in their pockets, or rubbing their hands and stamping their feet vigorously, complaining and cursing in the cold wind.

Barton didn't complain or curse. He just walked to the back of the team silently and lined up in order.

A fat white man in front of him was obviously a former chef. He was cursing at this moment: "Damn it, this security company looks unreliable. Look at it, let us stand outside in the cold in the middle of winter. What does it mean? Why don't we all disperse?" , go back and have a good meal, then sleep with your pillow in your arms."

"Yeah, what's the use of being cold here? I don't see anyone coming out to say hello." Another thin white man said.

Unfortunately, despite what they said, the crowd remained unmoved.

Although it is cold, the salary of 100,000 yuan per year in the recruitment advertisement is very hot.

The fat white man didn't expect that his trick would be useless. He originally wanted to deceive a few and lose a few competitors, but he didn't expect that people nowadays are so tolerant.

The thin white man was also surprised. If nothing else, those street gangsters in the past didn't like hardship the most, but now they were willing to stand in the ice and snow for so long.

At this time, the queue not only did not dissipate, but grew bigger and bigger, with more and more people.

In this age where jobs are hard to find and survival is difficult, an annual salary of 100,000 yuan can completely change a person's life.

At this moment, whether it is gangsters, veterans, unemployed people, or those cooks, security guards, cleaners -——

They are all suffering in pursuit of an annual salary of 100,000 yuan.

Not far away, because the recruitment queue was too long and affected traffic, four white policemen in police uniforms came over to maintain order.

They asked the team not to step on the street line, so that cars and people could clear their way.

The cold wind was howling, but the four policemen in big-brimmed hats were panting from exhaustion.

"Damn it, which company is this? Why are so many people applying?" The tall white police chief took off his hat and fanned his cheeks.

"It is said that Pangu Security Company is called - Pangu seems to be a Chinese god, similar to God!" said a short policeman.

"God? That's the God Security Company!" the white police chief joked. “No wonder so many people come here because they want to get closer to God!”

"No. It's because-"


"It's because this security company offers a very high annual salary."

"Tall? How tall?"

"One hundred thousand!"

"Ahem, what?" The white police chief's eyes widened. "God, my annual salary is only thirty to forty thousand dollars a year, but they--"

For a moment, the white police chief’s eyes suddenly lit up.

The short policeman noticed it and immediately said: "Boss, we are about to get off work now. Look... do you want to try it later?"

The white policeman patted the short man on the head and said, "This is the most correct thing you have ever said in your life!"

Half an hour passed.

An hour passed.

Finally, some people couldn't hold on any longer, so they stood in the ice and snow, cursed and left.

If someone takes the lead, someone will follow.

Slowly, more and more people cursed angrily and left.

The originally long queue was suddenly cut in half.

Barton didn't leave. He rubbed his hands, breathed, and tried to move in place to warm himself up.

After so many years as a soldier, what he is best at is patience. During the Vietnam War in Vietnam, he could stay in the hot grass for three days, no matter how mosquitoes bite or venomous snakes and centipedes harass him, without revealing his identity.

Compared with that time, standing in the ice and snow now is like staying in "paradise".

"Damn it, why aren't you opening the door yet? Is the recruitment advertisement fake?" The fat white chef in front of Barton began to curse again.

"Yeah, this is obviously a trick. We've been standing here for almost two hours! Damn it, I've had enough, I'm quitting!" The thin white man cursed loudly. He couldn't stand the cold anymore and turned around to leave. .

When the fat white man saw this, he didn't wait any longer and hurriedly caught up with him: "Man, I feel like I'm destined to meet you at first sight. Why don't you go to the bar in front to have a drink to warm yourself up?"

"OK! Damn it, I'm so angry!"

"Me too! This shabby company! It's a complete liar!"

The two cursed loudly and left side by side.

Barton took a deep breath, looked at the sky that was about to darken, and the company door that was still closed, and felt a little shaken in his heart.

But when he thought of his wife and children, and the vow he had made, this wavering immediately dissipated.

There was talk from behind.

"Boss, I can't hold on anymore, why don't we leave too! It's too cold!"

That's right, standing behind Barton were the white police chief and the short policeman who had just finished their duties.

The white police chief frowned: "Look at your ability! People have stood for two or three hours, but you and I have only stood for more than an hour and you can't hold on?"

"No, look at it. It's almost dark, and the snow is starting to fall heavily again. The most important thing--" the short policeman pointed to the door of "Pangu Security Company", "The door here is always closed! It seems that there is no one at all. ! If we wait any longer, we will turn into popsicles, yes, we are big fools!"

The white police chief was a little shaken, but he still patted the short man on the shoulder and encouraged him: "Meagan, I have taught you that you must know how to persevere when doing things!"

"I know, Sheriff An Zhui, but -"

Just when Meagan couldn't hold on anymore and retreated -——


The door that had been closed for a long time suddenly opened slowly.

"Oh my God, the door is open!"

"Yes, there really is someone!"


Those who waited patiently and did not leave let out shouts of surprise.

Barton and An, who were behind him, chased Sheriff, and Guard Migen also smiled. After all, the wait for these few hours was not in vain.

As the door of the company opened, Yan Xiong walked out of it wearing a Tang suit and brocade coat and a mink hat, with his hands behind his back and a boss attitude.

"Uh, why is he Chinese?"

"Damn it, we've been waiting for a long time and a Chinese guy showed up!"

All of these interviewers looked unhappy.

For them, the United States has serious racial hierarchies, with white people supremacy, then black people, and then Asians. Among Asians, Chinese are at the lowest level, not even as good as Koreans, and Japanese, but only better than Vietnamese. People, as well as Filipinos and Thais, have a slightly higher status.

Faced with the disdain and ridicule of these interviewers, Yan Xiong remained indifferent.

In the United States, a capitalist world where money is paramount, capital has to speak for itself regardless of race or discrimination.

If you have money, you can ask white people to lick your ass and black people to bathe you!

For Yan Xiong, the best thing about the United States is that there is nothing in this country that money cannot buy!

"Congratulations! You guys have passed the first test!" Yan Xiong said slowly.

"Uh, test?"

Everyone was stunned.

"That's right!" Yan Xiong explained with a smile, "If you can't even withstand the cold, what qualifications do you have to be the best security guard in Pangu? What we want is a strong person who can fight the severe cold and the scorching heat. Excellent soldier!"

When Yan Xiong was a police detective in Hong Kong, he often mobilized his subordinates, and he was able to capture all kinds of inspiring words and impassioned speeches at his fingertips.

Most importantly, he found it not difficult to deal with these simple-minded ghosts with strong limbs.

"So congratulations! An annual salary of 100,000 yuan is beckoning to you, and a future bonus of 1 million yuan is not a dream!"

"Ah, a million-dollar bonus? What do you mean?" There was a commotion in the crowd.

They all came here to pursue an annual salary of 100,000 yuan. They did not expect that there would be an incentive method of "one million bonuses". For a while, the whole crowd became excited.

Despite the ice and snow, everyone felt hot and dry.

Yan Xiong saw that this trick was effective and felt extremely proud, "The meaning is very simple. As long as you can join our Pangu Security Company, you will have the opportunity to make meritorious deeds. As long as you make meritorious deeds, you will have the chance to get millions of rewards! So - —" Yan Xiong suddenly stretched out his right index finger and pointed at everyone, from the first to the last: "So, you are all the future--"

Yan Xiong paused deliberately and looked around: "Millionaire!"

"What, we are millionaires, did I hear that right?"

“Is this fat Chinese kid kidding me?”

"An annual salary of 100,000 yuan, and a reward of one million yuan? Oh my God!"

This time the scene was boiling.

For them, an annual salary of 100,000 yuan is beyond their imagination, which can allow them to live without worries for life. As for a salary of one million yuan, they have never even thought about it, but now-——

This breaking news spread quickly.

In just a few minutes, the cold wind spread to the alleys in front and back of Wellington Street.

The fat chef and the thin white man who had just sat down and whose buttocks were not yet warmed up and were ready to drink wine to warm up soon heard the shocking news. Immediately, they dropped the whiskey they had not started drinking and rushed back along the same route. .

There were also other runaways who were also rushing towards them.

They held the thought of being lucky and hoped that they could rejoin the interview team.

Unfortunately, they didn't have the chance.

Seeing that these people were about to queue up again, some were even ready to force their way in, muttering: "I was already in line here!"

"Yes, God can prove it!"

Yan Xiong ignored them, just waved his hand, and four armed personnel immediately walked out from Pangu Company. They were white FBI agents Tom, black Ali, Park Guochang and Buakaw.

The four people mercilessly drove out those who had queued up again and blocked the queue, and some directly used force to throw them back into the street, just like throwing them into the street.

At first there were some gangsters who wanted to resist, but in the end they were beaten up by four people.


Bruised nose and swollen face!

Four FBI elites beat up a few gangsters, but they still won't be able to catch them?

Seeing that it was impossible to fight alone, the others gathered together and shouted for resistance————

"Damn, we've all been in line!"

"Oh my God, we've been waiting in line for three hours and we just had to pee!"

"Yes, please, give us another chance!"

These people use both soft and hard tactics, hoping that Yan Xiong can show his favor.

Yan Xiong still ignored them and waved his hands.

This time the four of them showed their guns directly! "Get out! If you don't take the gun away!" White Tom scolded the troublemakers with his gun.

"Don't be afraid, they don't dare to shoot!"

"Yes, we have to fight for the opportunity, we can't stand there for so long in vain!"

White Tom laughed.

After hanging out with Du Yongxiao for so long, he finally understood one thing -

Sometimes actions speak louder than words.


"Da da da!"

White Tom fired a series of shots into the sky.

"Oh my god, he actually shot!"

"Damn it!"


Those people didn't hesitate and fled in droves.

Looking at these people running away, Yan Xiong put his hands behind his back and snorted coldly, "There is no need for people who are afraid of the cold here! If you can't even withstand the cold, I send my regards to your mother!"

The scene became quiet again.

Looking at the expelled "companions" who once lined up as "comrades" in the same team, the remaining people were all very happy.

Many of them had wavered in their thoughts before and felt cheated, especially when they stood here for three or four hours in such a cold weather, but for some reason, they finally persisted.

For example, Barton was so glad that he persisted and didn't leave at this moment.

"To be honest, you people are really lucky." After clearing the scene, Yan Xiong said calmly with his hands behind his back, still looking like a boss.

When Barton looked at Yan Xiong, he felt like he was seeing God - although he didn't know whether the real God was a fat Chinese man with a smile like the one in front of him.

But at this moment, he really wanted to hold Yan Xiong, kiss him, and tell him: "Damn it, I love you!"

Equally excited are Officer An Zhui and Guard Meagan behind Barton. They both had very respectable jobs and came here just to queue up for the legendary "100,000 annual salary", but now -

In addition to the annual salary of 100,000 yuan, there will be a reward of one million yuan, which is simply not good!

"Chief An Zhui, am I dreaming? Pinch me!" Mi Gen put his smiling face in front of An Zhui.

An Zhui pinched him hard.

"Ouch, it hurts! I didn't dream! This is all real! God, we lined up right!"

Seeing that Yan Xiong had aroused the fighting spirit of these people, he coughed, and everyone immediately focused their attention on him.

If everyone didn't care much about Yan Xiong at the beginning, and even looked down upon and ridiculed Yan Xiong because he was Chinese, then in their eyes Yan Xiong is a real "savior" and a "representative" sent by God. .

Everyone looked at Yan Xiong respectfully, without the previous contempt.

Yan Xiong was also very impressive. He stepped out of the way and extended his hand towards the door of the company in an inviting gesture: "Now, you are about to lead the road to happiness and become a millionaire. There are thorns and opportunities ahead. It's all up to you! "

After saying that, Yan Xiong smiled slightly and said to everyone: "Please—!"

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