Hong Kong: Rise of the Kings

Chapter 702 0690 [Du Yongxiao’s ambition]

"What? Did I hear correctly?"

"One hundred million, Hong Kong dollars, US dollars?"

Everyone at the scene was shocked, staring at Du Yongxiao in disbelief.

McGovern and others looked at Du Yongxiao in disbelief, their eyes full of surprise.

As Du Yongxiao's best friend, Carter, Director George, and Captain Quinn all almost choked to death on their drinks. One hundred million? real or fake?

"Yes, it's 100 million U.S. dollars!" Du Yongxiao seemed to be able to read everyone's thoughts, and said calmly, "But it's not a one-time thing, but I will establish a democracy fund and use 100 million U.S. dollars to support democratic leaders. .”

Everyone looked at me, and I looked at you, and then they suddenly realized.

A 100 million fund?

Doesn't that mean you want to take money from him, not just once, but again and again?

Kennedy and Bush looked at each other, then looked at Du Yongxiao again, and said one word: "High!"

Others also figured it out.

Du Yongxiao is taking a long-term approach to fishing for big fish. On the surface, he will spend 100 million US dollars to establish a democracy fund. In fact, he will gradually gain the support of the Democratic Party of the United States and gain dark power with the help of donations.

According to this estimate, 100 million is not much.

After all, the Morgan family and the Rockefeller family spent at least billions of dollars in order to control the Democratic and Republican parties respectively.

What's more, Du Yongxiao is still a foreigner,

While everyone was thinking silently, Du Yongxiao seemed to understand everyone's thoughts again: "I know what you are thinking. I am Chinese. I will not interfere with your control of the United States. On the contrary, I will only strongly support you!"

"So Du, you don't donate money just for charity, right? What do you want?" McGovern asked directly.

Everyone else also looked at Du Yongxiao.

Du Yongxiao smiled, raised his cocktail and raised his glass to the crowd: "What do I want? I am a businessman, and of course I want to make profits! And I support your Democratic Party, and I only hope that you can give me the green light in some aspects!" "

"What about?" McGovern didn't think it would be that simple.

"For example--" Du Yongxiao paused and smiled: "I have now opened two new companies, one is called Microsoft and the other is called Apple, so--"

Du Yongxiao looked around at everyone: "I hope everyone can support me and use our Microsoft system to work in the future and use our Apple products to improve our lives!"

As someone who has experienced it, Du Yongxiao clearly knows that if you want to promote any new thing as quickly as possible, the best way is to collectively purchase it from government units. Only when the government and the upper class recognize it, will the domestic people take the initiative to recognize it.

Now Microsoft and Apple are in the early stages of development. According to the rules of the previous life, they need to wait for almost ten years to take shape. If Du Yongxiao wants to become the world's richest man, he will have to wait another ten years.

Du Yongxiao couldn't wait.

He is ready to take a shortcut and opportunistically, and that is to use the support of the Democratic Party in the United States to vigorously promote future Microsoft systems and Apple systems.

If done properly, the time it takes Du Yongxiao to become the world's richest man can be shortened by at least half.

In addition, Du Yongxiao has other plans.

In the United States today, finance and oil are the two pillar industries. However, these two industries are monopolized by Morgan and Rockefeller, and he, a foreigner, cannot get involved at all.

Then the only things Du Yongxiao can target are the booming IT industry in the future and the entertainment industry!

That's right!

Another plan of Du Yongxiao is to enter the American entertainment industry, including the music industry and Hollywood.

And his signing of Michael Jackson was the first step.

But as we all know, Hollywood in the United States is the place with the most severe racial discrimination. If a Chinese like Du Yongxiao wants to control Hollywood, he must have strong background support, so the Democratic Party is undoubtedly his best backer.

"In addition, I am very interested in singing, dancing, and acting - I can't help it, I am a young man and I like these very much." Du Yongxiao once again revealed another plan in his mind, "So I It also became a record company not long ago, and is planning to acquire a Hollywood film company, but I know that Hollywood film companies have local protectionist policies and do not allow foreigners to acquire or control major shares, so now - "

Du Yongxiao looked at McGovern and others again and said with a smile: "I have to rely on everyone!"

McGovern, Bush, Kennedy and others looked at each other.

They did not expect that Du Yongxiao would have such great ambitions in business.

Not only has he opened two new IT companies, he has also established a PolyGram record company and is planning to acquire a Hollywood film company.

Apart from anything else, it is indeed easy for an American to acquire a Hollywood film company, but it is very difficult for a foreigner.

Through the practice of World War II, the United States learned for the first time the importance of controlling the right to speak and the position of public opinion propaganda.

During World War II, the United States relied on the production of many Hollywood movies to unite people's hearts and break the myth of German invincibility.

After the end of World War II, the United States relied on Hollywood movies to promote its values ​​and ideologies around the world.

For the U.S. government, Hollywood is the sharp sword they control to dominate global ideology, and they must not fail.

Now, as a Chinese, Du Yongxiao wants to acquire a Hollywood film company and shoot movies here. Who knows if he will mix in private goods?

If no one endorses and supports him, the plan to acquire the film company will probably go bankrupt.

After thinking about this, McGovern and others felt that Du Yongxiao's $100 million to establish the Democracy Fund was indeed "worth the money."

"How about it, let's think about it, do you want to accept this political donation from me?" Du Yongxiao did not hesitate to directly throw the choice to McGovern and others, holding a wine glass and looking at everyone with a smile.

The scene was quiet.

McGovern did not hesitate and turned directly to discuss with Bush, Kennedy and others.

For them, Du Yongxiao's political donation is not a small amount. US$100 million is enough for the Democratic Party to survive for two to three years.

What's more, Du Yongxiao also made the situation very clear just now. He just wants to make profits in business and gain the support of their Democratic Party. He does not have much political ambitions.

But how did they know that the Chinese were the ancestors of those who played tricks and maneuvers, and Du Yongxiao knew very well that money and power have always been interchangeable. When money reaches a certain level, it can check and balance, and even control power!

The current American political arena is actually a true portrayal. Morgan controls the Democratic Party and Rockefeller controls the Republican Party. So what about Du Yongxiao in the future? If he really became the world's richest man, surpassing Morgan, Rockefeller, and even Rothschild in wealth, wouldn't he still have a voice in the United States?

A moment——

After McGovern finished the discussion, he turned back and smiled at Du Yongxiao: "We accept it!"

"Very good!" Du Yongxiao smiled and raised his glass again: "Cheers!"

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