Hong Kong: Rise of the Kings

Chapter 693 0681 [Record company established]

"Mike, why are you back so late?"

When Michael Jackson returned home, his mother quickly heated up the remaining polenta and served it to him.

"Ha, maybe he had a big meal outside."

"Yes, otherwise I wouldn't have come back so late!"

Several brothers laughed at him.

Mike and his five brothers would inevitably have disputes when they get together.

Mike has a gentle personality and is extremely talented in singing and dancing, so some of his brothers are jealous of him.

"Shut up, you gluttons! Why don't you hurry up and dance?" their mother scolded them.

My mother still prefers Mike. This child is obedient and sensible, unlike the others who make trouble and are born to be devils.

"Did you hear that? Mom told you to shut up!" Jennifer, the younger sister, stuck out her tongue at her brothers.

Jennifer had the best relationship with Mike, so she always stood by him at home.

There were seven or eight people living in the narrow house, so eating, drinking, and urinating was a big problem. Fortunately, Mike's mother was hardworking and capable, and she was the best at washing and cooking.

"Mom, no need! I've already eaten."

"Have you eaten? Don't lie to me, you're so thin!" The mother and daughter still brought the hot polenta to Mike, "Don't listen to the nonsense of your brothers. Feeding your stomach is the first priority."

Mike looked at his mother with some gratitude. In this family, besides his sister, his mother was the best to him.

"It's true, Mom, I've eaten it! By the way, these are the pizzas I brought you!" Mike said, taking out half a slice of pizza wrapped in oil paper from his arms.

This pizza was packed back after he got permission from Du Yongxiao and Carter. It was very precious.

The mother was stunned for a moment.

My sister Jennifer ran over: "Wow, pizza, I like it!"

The brothers ridiculed: "I don't know where I picked it up from!"

"Yeah, don't eat it, you might get poisoned!"

The mother looked at the wrapping paper and said, "MGM Hotel? Oh my god, how is that possible?"

"What, pizza from the MGM Hotel?"

"That's a must-see!"

Several brothers rushed over to see what was strange.

A high-end hotel like MGM is beyond the reach of poor people like them, especially black people, let alone taste the delicious food produced there.

“Wow, it’s really MGM!”

“Jesus, the pizza at MGM Macy’s!”

The brothers were surprised.

With that said, they were about to attack the pizza.

But the mother put away the pizza and glared at Mike: "Son, tell me, where did this pizza come from? Did you do something bad?"

His mother has always taught Mike that a poor man must never do illegal or sneaky things.

The brothers and sister also looked at Mike, and they didn't believe that Mike could afford such an expensive pizza.

Mike knew that his mother had misunderstood, and hurriedly said: "That's right, I didn't steal this pizza..."

Mike was about to explain to his mother that he had packed the pizza from MGM, and that it was Du Yongxiao and Carter's treat...

At this time——


The door opens.


A gust of cold wind mixed with snowflakes rushed into the house.

Mike's father burst in from outside wrapped in snowflakes. Before he could stand up, he yelled at Mike: "Mike, are the rumors outside true? They all said that you have met a noble person and they want to sign a contract with you! "

Before Mike could speak, his father rushed over and hugged Mike: "God, how I wish all this was true! Three million, that's not a small amount!"

"What, three million?"

"Is there anyone willing to spend three million to sign a contract with my brother?"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Even to death, his brothers would not believe that Mike would be so lucky.

My mother was also startled and almost knocked over the table like polenta.

"Mike, what's going on?"

"Brother, are you rich?" This sentence was said by my sister.

Mike finally struggled out of his father's arms. Although he hoped that this embrace could last longer, he had never been embraced by his father so warmly since he was a child.

His father always spoke coldly to him.

Mike looked at everyone, his mother's surprise, his brother's disbelief, and his sister's curiosity. Finally, he looked at his father. His father's eyes were full of hope and longing, but there were also a lot of worries in them - worried that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. big.

"The thing may... be true." It took a long time for Mike to say this.

"God, what does it mean to be true?" his father said impatiently, looking at Mike longingly, "Just tell me, is there such a thing?"


"Yes?" The father became excited and held Mike's hand: "Tell me quickly, what exactly is going on?"

Mother and brothers all looked at Mike curiously.

Mike looked at the crowd and then at the bare-walled home. He knew what everyone was thinking at this moment, but he was really not sure. Although Du Yongxiao had promised him, he was still a little unsure.

He doesn't think he is so good that someone deserves to spend three million to sign him for thirty years.

Thirty years, he could accept it, as long as the status quo could be changed.

The problem is, all of this is so magical, like a fairy tale, so wonderful that it’s unbelievable.

"Here's what happened!" Mike took a deep breath and began to tell the story of meeting Du Yongxiao at the MGM Grand Hotel.

The family members were stunned.

My father opened his mouth wide in disbelief.

The mother looked shocked.

The brothers looked even more incredulous.

Only my younger sister, Jennifer, clapped and jumped and shouted, "Okay! Great! Brother is going to be famous!"

For a long time-——

Only then did his father recover from the shock, his mouth trembling a little: "Mike, you, you, what you said is true? What is that gentleman's name?"

"Du Yongxiao."

"Yes, Du Yongxiao - the name sounds like he is Chinese. Is he really that rich that he can sign you and promise to give you three million?"

After saying these words, my father could not help but swallow his saliva and stared at Michael Jackson.

His expectations had reached their peak at this moment, and if Mike said nothing happened, he would faint directly.

"Yes, that is indeed the case. That Mr. Du Yongxiao is - oh, by the way, here is his business card!" Mike suddenly remembered that even if he said it a thousand times, it would be difficult for his father and the others to believe it. Why don't you show evidence--

Mike took out his business card and handed it to his father.

My father hurriedly snatched it away, while my mother and several brothers hurriedly looked over to see——

"President of Phoenix Pharmaceuticals in the United States - Du Yongxiao, English name is John Du!"

"Phoenix Pharmaceuticals? Why is this name so familiar?" Mother murmured.

Several brothers couldn't help but look at their father together.

They all knew very well when their father took Viagra and threw away the box, and the box had "Phoenix Pharmaceuticals" on it.

My father's old face turned red and he coughed, "Ahem, what do you want to see me do?"

"No, father, don't you think the name Phoenix Pharmaceuticals looks familiar to you?"

"Yes, Father, we seem to see it often!"

"What a bullshit!" my father scolded, "You guys don't learn well at a young age, don't sing and dance well, why do you care about this bullshit Phoenix Pharmaceuticals!"

After speaking, his father patted Mike's shoulder solemnly: "Although I don't know much about it, I feel that this company is very reliable! Mike, have you decided?"


"What am I? I'll help you decide!" His father originally wanted to be a little more democratic, but when he saw Mike's hesitation, he directly said dictatorially, "I'll go with you tomorrow! Yes, God, the new tiger brothers, let's go to battle. Father and son, I can definitely help you with you!" As he spoke, his father put his arm around Mike's shoulders and said, "Believe me, Dad, I am your strong backing! I used to whip you with a belt for your own good! Because I know You are the best! Look, isn’t it proven now? Haha!”

Several brothers stepped forward together: "Why don't we go there too!"

"Yeah, maybe that company will sign us together!"

"That's right! It's better to be a family than to be alone!"

"This--" Just as Mike was about to speak, his father rolled his eyes and laughed loudly: "That's right! You all should go over too! This is called casting the net in an all-round way and fishing in a large area!"

Hearing this, Mike opened his mouth, but finally closed it.

Because this was the first time he saw his father so happy and hugging him.

"What a sin. I just finished the fierce battle with those two golden cats last night. I was asked to fly from Los Angeles to Washington early this morning. They told me what kind of entertainment company I wanted to set up and what kind of singer I wanted to sign!"

Yan Xiong had dark circles under his eyes, carrying his luggage, stepping out of the taxi through the snow, and babbled.

"This winter doesn't let you have a good rest! Oh my god, I miss that warm bed so much! I hate winter! Especially this American winter! It's freezing to death!" Yan Xiong cursed, shrinking his neck.

Just as he was about to leave, the white driver behind him shouted to him: “The fare hasn’t been paid yet!”

Yan Xiong hurriedly turned around to apologize and smiled: "Sorry, I forgot!"

Yan Xiong hurriedly took out his wallet, took out the car money and handed it over.

The white driver cursed: "Poor Chinese! Why pretend to be rich if you don't have money?"

"You say one more thing? It's okay to scold me, but don't scold us Chinese! If you are a fool, come down and see if I can beat you to death?"

The white driver drove away.

Yan Xiong was furious behind him while carrying his luggage: "In the past, when I was Detective Hua, I would have shot you dead! Po you!"

After cursing for a long time, Yan Xiong carried his luggage and walked upstairs.

A vacant office on the third floor.

Yan Xiong went in and looked around.

Du Yongxiao had prepared this office for him overnight, asking him to clean it up as soon as he arrived.

"There's nothing except sofas and chairs. How can we pack it up?" Yan Xiong frowned and said, but he put down his luggage and started to do it.

Wipe the table and mop the floor.

The room was rearranged again.

When everything was done, it was almost nine o'clock.

Yan Xiong bent his waist and looked at his masterpiece. He suddenly remembered something and knocked on his forehead: "Oops, I almost forgot the name of the record company!"

He hurried over and there was no time to make a plaque or signboard. He just followed Du Yongxiao's instructions, took a piece of white paper and wrote three big words with a thick pen: "PolyGram!"

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