Hong Kong: Rise of the Kings

Chapter 669 0657 [Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger]

"Isn't this called being a god in marksmanship?"

"In today's society, who cares about fighting if you are not number one in marksmanship?"

"No matter how good your martial arts skills are, you are still afraid of bullets!"

Everyone thought of this first.

Many people who had despised Du Yongxiao before secretly regretted it in their hearts, and their heads were turning rapidly, wondering if they had offended him before?

But the white female student had other thoughts.

Compared with other male students, this Du Yongxiao not only has a handsome appearance, but also ranked first in the written examination. Now he has sharp marksmanship. He is just a little weaker in fighting, but overall he is very good, so he is not out of the question.

Especially the Japanese beauty Sakuragi Rin, whose expression became extremely strange, and her beautiful eyes looked at Du Yongxiao with an indescribable light.

Only the black female student's expression suddenly changed, and she quickly ran over to greet black Ali, "Are you okay?"

After all, they have the same skin color, and the black female student is still on Ali's side. She saw clearly that Ali was pursuing Sakuragi Rin just now, and now she finally has a chance.

"Don't worry, he's fine. He was just scared for a moment."

Du Yongxiao's voice suddenly came to her ears.

Not only did the black female student not appreciate it, she snorted and looked at Du Yongxiao fiercely, with hatred in her eyes - of course, these were all for Ali to see.

Du Yongxiao shook his head. These women are too scheming. No wonder they come to the FBI for further training. They are all human beings.

Du Yongxiao took a puff of cigarette and glanced around: "I really don't want to be good at free fighting or anything like that, but if anyone wants to compete with me in marksmanship, I'll always be with you!"

No one spoke.

Not only these trainees, but also the FBI agents and ordinary employees working in the FBI who were watching were silent.

Du Yongxiao's shot completely knocked away their arrogance and let them know what it means to have people outside the world and heaven outside the world.

"Since it's not available, forget it." Du Yongxiao shook his head, looked at Ali and said, "Your boxing skills are very powerful, but many times, we use guns the most!"

Ali turned a deaf ear and his eyes were filled with death.

What a arrogant person he was. When had he ever seen someone like Du Yongxiao in his eyes, but today he was shot in the face by Du Yongxiao, and it seemed to be an understatement. For a moment, I felt that my confidence was greatly affected.

"Humph, Du, don't be proud! This is the FBI, and your marksmanship is much better than mine!" A white student snorted angrily.

"Yeah, what's so great about you Chinese? There are hidden dragons and crouching tigers here. You'll know soon!" The other white students' eyes suddenly lit up and they shouted one after another.

"Oh? I believe this! Hidden dragons and crouching tigers, I like to compete with people on marksmanship. If anyone is interested, come to me!" Du Yongxiao didn't care at all. After speaking, he looked at the Thai Buakaw and the Koreans. Cobra, "Two Asian friends, are you interested in having dinner? I'll treat you!"

"If you have something to eat, of course you can go." Buakaw was stunned for a moment, then reacted immediately and looked at Du Yongxiao with a strange look.

He really didn't expect that this seemingly cowardly Asian friend could be so aggressive.

"In front of a pistol, all my efforts are in vain! Including my Muay Thai skills!"

Buakaw thought in his mind that he needed to adjust his position and could no longer treat Du Yongxiao as an ordinary student.

Du Yongxiao looked at the Korean Cobra again.

Cobra laughed: "I also like to eat free meals, Smecta!"

Cobra stepped forward and stood with Du Yongxiao and the others.

The three of them formed an Asian front in front of these whites and blacks.

Just when Du Yongxiao and the others wanted to leave-——

"There's me too!" A crisp voice sounded, but it was the Japanese beauty Sakuragi Rin.

Sakuragi Rin smiled slightly, walked forward, looked at Du Yongxiao with her beautiful eyes and said, "Do you mind treating me to a meal too?"

Du Yongxiao nodded: "A beautiful woman goes to the appointment and gets what she wants."

Sakuragi Rin smiled slightly at him, her eyes as soft as water.

The other white students and black students watched the four people walking out of the lobby of the FBI headquarters with inexplicable feelings.

Who would have thought that in this world where white people are respected, this Chinese Du Yongxiao seems to be low-key, and no one takes him seriously. But I didn't expect that he would stop singing, and the sound would startle the sky.

"From today on, he is well-known to the whole team."

This thought comes to many people's minds.

Since Du Yongxiao defeated the black man Ali, many people's attitude towards Du Yongxiao has quietly changed.

Those Asian students who have always been looked down upon by whites and blacks, as well as Asian FBI agents, are now gradually forming a circle with Du Yongxiao as the center.

And those white people who had always been superior, and the black people who looked down on Asians and called Asians yellow-skinned monkeys, began to become silent and stopped showing off their power and preaching white supremacy and black priority.

However, for these white and black students, Du Yongxiao has not yet completely won, nor has he completely crushed the outstanding ones like them. The reason is very simple. This is the FBI, and what matters is the detection rate, not just fighting, but also marksmanship!

As the largest department in the United States with the highest crime detection rate, the FBI has always faced the most cunning criminals in the world. Only by truly catching these criminals during internship can you be considered truly strong.

On this day, after the students finished their training-——

"Damn it, look at those Asians, they don't even take us people seriously!"

"Yes, these Asians are all arrogant these days, with their nostrils pointing in the sky. God, I have never seen them so arrogant!"

"Isn't it because of that Du Yongxiao? His existence has inspired those Asians, and everyone obeys him!"

White cadets and black cadets gathered together and complained.

The black man Ali did not speak. The white leader came over, patted Ali on the shoulder and said, "I see you have been a little absent-minded these days. What's wrong?"

Ali forced a smile, he was still thinking about how to defeat Du Yongxiao.

The black female student said angrily next to her: "Isn't it because of last time? That guy named Du stimulated him and made him unable to recover!"

Ali's face turned ugly, "I'm not as good as him in shooting, but I'm very confident in fighting -"

He didn't say the following sentence. In this era, fighting is not popular.

The white leader's name is Tom. He is a tall man and a calm guy. He has been watching with cold eyes these days, watching the black ghosts and the yellow-skinned monkeys confront each other.

As a white man, Tom has an indescribable pride. In his opinion, when Du Yongxiao's group and Ali's group fight among themselves, he will reap the benefits.

In short, they white people are the smartest and the best, and everyone else is a fool.

Seeing that Ali refused to admit defeat, the white man Tom suddenly smiled and cheered him up: "You are right! God, you are so strong, how could you lose to him?"

"I heard that we will start assigning teams tomorrow and follow the FBI agents for field practice. I believe you can beat him!"

Encouraged by Tom, Ali's eyes gradually brightened, and his confidence seemed to have returned.

The black female student stood aside and hesitated, and finally could only sigh.

Du Yongxiao is not just a showman who only knows how to shoot a gun. Don't forget, he ranked first in the written test, and the content of the written test is a criminal psychology test, which is closely related to solving crimes.

But if the truth is told at this time, the confidence that Ali has finally built up may be gone again.

At the end of the day's training, Thai trainee Buakaw was extremely excited: "I've been here for a week, and every day I either study theoretical knowledge or do running exercises to train my physical fitness. Now it's finally over!"

"What's the end of it?" Korean student Cobra asked.

"Didn't you hear? Tomorrow we will be officially divided into groups, and we will start practicing cases with those FBI agents! Oh my god, I am so looking forward to this day. I want to say no to those criminals!"

After spending so many days together, Du Yongxiao knew that Buakaw had a strong sense of justice. When he was in Thailand, he was punished for castrating and lynching criminals who violated children. Later, he was protected by his superiors, so he was not dismissed.

As for being able to study at the FBI, he has to thank his brother who became a general. Buakaw came to the United States on the recommendation of his brother, and like Du Yongxiao, he would be promoted when he returned to Thailand after completing his studies.

Cobra's eyes lit up and he smiled: "I'm looking forward to it too! I heard that the cases handled by the FBI are all weird and serious cases, which are a huge test for us police officers."

After the two of them finished speaking, they looked at Du Yongxiao, who was silently flipping through the newspaper: "Boss, what do you think?"

The two of them had been impressed by Du Yongxiao for a long time, and they usually called Du Yongxiao boss.

Du Yongxiao flicked the newspaper with his fingers, raised his head and said, "I hope we can all be assigned to a good group. The most important thing is not to hold us back!"

"Haha, how could it be possible? We are so good!" Buakaw waved his fist, "We don't want that nigger Ali, who only knows how to eat brains except for his fists."

"Now, I solemnly tell you that in view of your hard work during this period, our FBI headquarters has decided to let you directly participate in solving the case, and now we will start grouping--"

On the podium, the blond instructor announced loudly.

The audience was crowded, and the eighteen advanced trainees all looked excited.

Tom, the white man, approached Ali, the black man, with a proud look on his face: "Ali, I just got good news!"

"what news?"

"That damn guy you hate the most is going to be in trouble!"

"You mean Du Yongxiao?" Ali looked at Du Yongxiao who was sitting not far away.

"Of course!" White Tom said with a smirk, "Do you know who is the most terrifying among the FBI team leaders?"


"King of Killers—Quinn!" White Tom said excitedly, "I heard that this guy has always been strict, and he especially doesn't treat newcomers very well! Also, this guy likes to use violence the most, and almost everyone who follows him gets beaten. !”

Ali became excited when he heard this: "Really? God, it's so good! I really want to see Du's unlucky appearance."

"Quack, you'll see it soon!" Tom put his eyes on the stage, "Just watch, the killer king Quinn will appear later and he will scare everyone!"

Another place——

"God, please don't put me in the group of murderers!"

The white female practitioner made the sign of the cross on her chest.

The black female students also prayed: "He is a devil! Yes, I have heard of him before. Anyone who follows him will either fail to graduate, or be beaten and scolded, and will soon be tortured into a mental illness!"

Hearing this, Sakuragi Rin was slightly startled: "Is he so scary?"

"Of course! Since you are not in the United States, of course you don't know how scary he is!" The white female student's name was Mary, and she vividly began to describe the terror of "King of Murderers" Quinn.

It is said that every time the murderer king handles a case, he will enforce the law violently and beat the suspects to death. Those who follow him to handle the case will also be unlucky and be implicated by the innocent.

If his subordinates don't listen to him, they will be beaten crazily by him.

"The most important thing is-"

A black female student named Jenny added.

"Quinn, the murderer king, really likes to kill people! Every time he handles a case, someone will lose their life, even the new students who are interns with him!"

After a pause, Jenny added: "It is precisely because of this that even though this murderer King Quinn is very senior in the FBI, he has never been promoted because he killed too many people!"

When Rin Sakuragi heard this, he immediately imagined a tall and vicious detective in his mind, biting a cigar, with a ferocious face, and rivers of blood flowing from his feet.

Suddenly, someone next to him said, "Don't worry, we won't be assigned to the group of murderers this time."

"Uh, why?"

Sakuragi Rin, Mary and Jenny couldn't help but ask.

The man said mysteriously: "I got news from inside that the terrible murderer king has actually appointed a candidate!"

"What, a designated person? Who is so unlucky?"

Sakuragi Rin was also surprised, feeling that the guy who was favored by the Killer King was indeed an unlucky guy.

The man smiled sinisterly, looked at Du Yongxiao who was sitting in front of him, pointed at him and said, "That's him!"


Sakuragi Rin and the other three looked stunned.

Mary and Jenny had different expressions, some were surprised, some were gloating.

Only Sakuragi Rin looked worried and his eyes were full of worries. He looked at Du Yongxiaoxin and said, "God, bless him! Don't let anything happen to him!"

The blond instructor continued to announce the group members on the stage.

The FBI team leaders came on stage one after another to get to know each other and say hello to their assigned team members.

"Quick, quick, quick, the murderer King Quinn is about to appear." Sitting in the auditorium, the lights were bright, and the white man Tom looked at the stage excitedly.

Black Ali is also looking forward to it, waiting to see what kind of terrifying figure this murderous king is.

The blond instructor obviously regarded the "King of Murderers" as a key figure. After taking a look at the team members, he said solemnly: "Obviously everyone has been waiting for a long time. Next, let us invite the oldest person in the FBI and the ability to handle cases. The strongest detective of the Thirteenth Detective Team——Mr. Quinn appears!"

After saying that, heavy footsteps sounded.

A huge shadow slowly moved towards the stage.

Everyone held their breath and the scene was quiet.

Everyone has been waiting for so long, isn't it just for this finale?

Boom, boom, boom!

The footsteps are getting closer!


Lighter lights up!

A figure hit the wall.

The man was as tall as a giant mountain and was lighting a cigar with a lighter.

Everyone felt heavy and stared at the stage.

"Hello everyone, my name is Quinn, and my nickname is the Killer King!"

The tall figure finally appeared on the stage.

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