Hong Kong: Rise of the Kings

Chapter 663 0651 [Original Company]

"What, your name is Steve Jobs?"

When Du Yongxiao heard this, he looked at the other party with wide eyes.

Jobs didn't expect Du Yongxiao to have such a big reaction. Instead, he was shocked, "Have you heard of my name?"

Without waiting for Du Yongxiao's answer, Jobs continued with a gloomy expression: "Yes, since you are in this industry, you must have heard of my name. Before that, I worked in a large company as the programming supervisor there, responsible for the most recent tasks in the company. Mainly computer programming, the salary is as high as 3,500 US dollars a month.”

After a pause, Jobs continued: "Both the company boss and my employees were very kind to me. They treated me as an elite. Indeed, I was really an elite at that time."

As he spoke, Jobs took out the briefcase tucked under his arm, opened it, took out a stack of information, and handed it to Du Yongxiao.

Du Yongxiao looked at it and saw that it was Jobs' resume.

Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco, USA on February 24, 1955. Abandoned by his parents when he was just born. Fortunately, Paul and Clara Jobs, a kind-hearted couple, adopted him.

Jobs lived near Silicon Valley in the United States, and his neighbors were all employees of Hewlett-Packard. Under the influence of these people, Jobs was obsessed with electronics since he was a child.

Seeing how obsessed he was, an HP engineer recommended him to join HP's "Discoverers Club," a party specifically for young engineers held every Tuesday night in the company's restaurant.

At a party, Jobs saw a computer for the first time, and he began to have a vague understanding of computers.

When he was in junior high school, Jobs met Steve Wozniak at a class reunion, and the two hit it off. Steve Wozniak is the president of the school's electronics club and has a great interest in electronics.

At the age of 19, Jobs dropped out of school after only one semester due to financial reasons and became an employee of Atari Video Game Console Company. He lived in the Woz's garage and often went to community colleges to audit calligraphy classes and other courses.

It was during this period that Jobs studied hard and officially joined HP and became an elite member of HP.

Du Yongxiao carefully looked through the files in his hand. Most of them contained Jobs' experience in HP. The column for the HP computer development team did contain Jobs's name, and his title was also the director of the development department.

Du Yongxiao continued to look through, and then there was Jobs' ID card and some photos, including a photo with HP president "David Pook" and other HP executives, but Jobs in the photos looked much more energetic than in real life.

"With all due respect, Mr. Jobs, if the information I have is true, I think you can find a much better position than this newly registered computer company." Du Yongxiao put the information back on the desktop and looked at Jobs said.

Jobs looked at Du Yongxiao and said with some frustration: "If I hadn't made a mistake, I would still be the director of the development department, and I wouldn't be afraid of others knowing about it. Anyway, I am now notorious in the industry."

Jobs took a deep breath and then plucked up the courage to say: "A month ago, I helped the company develop a new computer program and achieved great success. Many colleagues helped me celebrate that night. I drank too much and was a little mushy. , and finally left the company with a stripper. But just after I left, a fire broke out in the company's R\u0026D department, and all our hard work was wiped out."

"When I got the news, it was already one o'clock in the afternoon the next day. I woke up from a hangover with the girl from last night in my arms. At this time, the phone rang, and the company called me to ask me what happened last night. I didn't know the seriousness of the matter at the time, so I just said a few perfunctory words. When I arrived at the company at three o'clock in the afternoon, I found out that a fire caused by a candle during the celebration last night not only burned a lot of precious information, but also almost injured people's lives - —A security guard was almost burned to death while fighting the fire!"

"God, you can imagine how I felt at that time." Jobs covered his mouth and choked up.

After listening to Jobs's narration, Du Yongxiao felt that this guy was really unlucky enough to have the right place at the right time and the right people, so he was fired from HP.

This is truly "a great responsibility given to this man by heaven", which will definitely tax his mind and body.

Otherwise, this guy wouldn't be able to establish "Apple" in the future.

"Although you resigned from HP, based on your connections and personal abilities, you can definitely find a better company. Why choose Microsoft?" Du Yongxiao took out a cigarette from the cigarette case and handed one to Jobs. : "Come, sit down, let's talk slowly."

Standing behind Du Yongxiao, Yan Xiong and Liu He looked at each other, wondering why Du Yongxiao was so interested in this bad guy?

"It's like this," Jobs said bluntly, not hiding anything. "Those good companies basically have business dealings with HP. Since I am someone HP doesn't want, how can they dare to accept me?"

Jobs was right about this. In this era, HP was basically a giant in the computer industry. It was unrivaled in the industry and no company dared to challenge its majesty.

Since Jobs was fired from HP, other companies will certainly not hire him to avoid suspicion.

"I understand what you mean, but besides those big companies, there are many small companies that are much better than our new company!" Du Yongxiao lit the cigarette, took a puff and said, "Why did you choose us?"

"This--" Jobs gritted his teeth and said, "You Chinese have a saying: I would rather have a chicken head than an ox tail. I think you should understand what I mean!"

Du Yongxiao smiled and nodded, "I understand when you say that. Do you want to be a leader, not an employee?"

"Yes!" Jobs affirmed, "and the salary can't be less than three thousand dollars a month!"

This is definitely a lion's mouth.

It was normal for Steve Jobs to earn more than three thousand a month in a large company like HP, but how many newly established small companies like this could offer him such a salary?

"I'm sorry, Mr. Jobs! There is no problem with the salary, but -" Du Yongxiao paused, "But our company is not short of leaders now. To be precise, our leadership has been determined!"

"Ah, that's it!" Jobs thought that Du Yongxiao was rejecting him tactfully, mainly because he couldn't offer a high salary. "In that case, I'll excuse you!"

Jobs still had self-respect, so he started to pack his things and prepare to leave.

Seeing Jobs packing his things, Du Yongxiao said calmly: "Before you leave, I have a suggestion, do you want to listen to it?"

"Uh, tell me!" Jobs said casually.

"Although you can't be a senior executive at Microsoft, then -" Du Yongxiao said slightly, "Why don't you start a company of your own?"


Du Yongxiao chewed his cigarette and looked at Jobs who was about to leave with a smile: "Is it necessary to be the president of an original company?"

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