Hong Kong: Rise of the Kings

Chapter 612 0600 [Loyal Servant and Rebellious Boy]

"Report to the Chief Superintendent! This Hong Kong-wide anti-pornography operation seems to be a great success so far!"

At the Wan Chai Police Station, the male secretary smiled and handed the documents in hand to Chief Superintendent Charlie, saying flatteringly.

Charlie took the document and took a look at it. It showed the results of the anti-pornography campaign in Hong Kong.

Charlie took the coffee, took a sip, and looked at the report-——

A total of 57 entertainment venues, secret prostitutes, and horse stables were investigated and dealt with on Hong Kong Island.

A total of 35 entertainment venues, secret prostitutes, and horse stables were investigated and dealt with in the New Territories.

Kowloon investigation - eight families?

"Uh, why are there so few in Kowloon?" Ghost Charlie asked the male secretary in surprise, raising his head.

The male secretary hurriedly stepped forward and said cautiously: "That's it, sir! Kowloon is the place where Du Yongxiao thrived. When he controlled Kowloon and was known as the Emperor of Kowloon, he began to crack down on pornography, gambling, and drugs, and swore not to fight against pornography, gambling, and drugs. Dai Tian, ​​so during that time the entire Kowloon Huang industry was hit and almost went bankrupt, but now there are eight companies which is pretty good."

Ghost guy Charlie was surprised, touched his chin and nodded: "This Du Yongxiao should not be underestimated, he is so sharp! You must know that Hong Kong is a mixed bag of dragons and snakes, and pornography, gambling and drugs are rampant. Even I may not be able to put an end to this phenomenon, but he can Come on, awesome! Really awesome!"

This was the first time that the male secretary heard such praise from the boss Charlie, and he smiled flatteringly: "No matter how powerful I am, I can't compare to you, sir! In my opinion, now he is like an ant in your hands. No matter how hard he struggles, he can't escape from your grasp!"

"Hahaha! Well said!" Ghost Charlie laughed, "No matter how powerful Du Yongxiao is, he is still just a Chinese? This is Hong Kong, a colonial place of our British Empire! We enslave the Chinese like we enslave dogs! Just like dogs How can my things compare to mine?"

Feeling extremely comfortable, Ghost Charlie told his male secretary, "Go and get me today's newspaper! I want to take a closer look at my achievements!"

"Yes, sir!"

The male secretary went to get the newspaper.

Soon, a stack of newspapers was brought.

Ghost Charlie happily took the newspaper, spread it out, and looked at it with a proud look on his face——


He looked surprised, but there was no news about him in the newspaper in his hand.

"Impossible!" Charlie continued to look through other newspapers. They were all the same. There was no mention of him being responsible for the anti-pornography operation in Hong Kong.

"How could this happen?" Charlie's face was already bad, and he went to look at today's front page headlines gloomily.

Then he was stunned——

"Blood-Hand Man-Slaughter vs. Man-Eating Pig"!

"Du Yongxiao leads the school police to fight a hundred wild boar"!

"The wild boar is tyrannizing Hong Kong Island, the hero wipes it out in one fell swoop and restores peace to Hong Kong Island"!

Ghost Charlie's face can no longer be described as ugly, but ferocious and twitching!

"Why are they all Du Yongxiao, why are they all wild boars? Are you crazy? These media reporters did not report on my god Shenwu's anti-pornography campaign, but they reported on Du Yongxiao's hunting of wild boars?" Ghost Charlie grabbed the newspaper, tore it apart, and pulled the The newspaper was torn to pieces.

The male secretary was trembling with fear and said with a pale face: "These Hong Kong people are very boring. What can we report about wild boar?"

"It's not a wild boar, it's a cannibal pig!" Ghost Charlie waved his fist angrily, "One pig stole all my limelight! Do I, Chief Superintendent Charlie, have to lose to Du Yongxiao?"

The male secretary was so frightened that he didn't know what to say.

At this moment---

Boom, boom, boom!

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Charlie roared.


The door opens.

Douji Qiang and Buck Tooth Ju, two young men, poked their heads in and said, "Chief Superintendent, why are you so angry?"

"Damn it! It's really disgusting!" Ghost Charlie sat back in his seat angrily, huffing.

"Is it because of today's headlines?" Douji asked forcefully.

"You guys also know?" Charlie glared at them.

Fighting Chicken took a strong look at the buck-tooth colt, then cautiously stepped forward and said, "Sir, you don't have to be so angry!"

"Yes, sir! We have been with Du Yongxiao for a long time and know that he is cunning and good at public opinion hype! Now he has brought a pig to steal your prestige. It is obviously an anti-drug and you have excellent results in anti-pornography!"

"That's right! What Buck-toothed Horse just said is exactly what I want to say!" Douji Qiang continued, "Sometimes it's not a good thing to have too much limelight. After all, the anti-pornography operation that you are responsible for has now been depleted. As we all know, it doesn’t matter whether the media reports it or not, it has already reached the ears of the Hong Kong Governor!”

"Yes, what we want is the result, not the process! Now, we should open our minds and embrace the results!"

"Uh, what do you mean?" Ghost Charlie asked suspiciously.

Doujiqiang glanced at the male secretary with ambiguous eyes.

Charlie understood and waved his hand, "You show up first!"

"Uh, me? Sir, are you letting me out?" The male secretary pointed to his nose in disbelief.

"Of course, get out quickly!" Charlie said impatiently.

The male secretary had a confused look on his face. He had been serving Charlie, following him around, and was very loyal. He didn't expect that he was now worse than two young men.

The male secretary sighed, "Okay, I'll go out!" Then he turned around and left with a sad and angry expression.

"Please, close the door!" Fighting Cock said from behind.

"You guys?" The male secretary glared at Dou Chong Qiang and Buck Tooth Ju.

The two of them smiled playfully at him.

"That's too much!" the male secretary said through gritted teeth, then turned around and left, taking the door with him.

"I'm sorry, sir, this matter is confidential. The fewer people know about it, the better!" Fighting Chicken stepped forward and said mysteriously.

"What on earth is going on?"

"Here's the thing." Douji Qiang took out an envelope from his arms and handed it to Charlie, "Now, these are some of the kindnesses given to you by the bosses of those bars, nightclubs, dance halls, and stables. I hope you will accept them!"

"Ah? I can't accept these!" Ghost Charlie waved his hand, righteously, "I, Charlie, have always enforced the law and been clean and honest. How can I do that kind of thing?"

"Haha, we all know this, but you should take a look first!"

"Yes, sir, let's see if it's not illegal, right?" Buck-toothed Horse also said from the side.

Ghost guy Charlie's eyes flickered and he thought for a moment: "Okay, I'll just take a look!"

As he spoke, Charlie took the envelope and opened it to see several checks inside.

When he looked at the checks again, his eyes immediately lit up!

A check for half a million!

There are six in total!

That's three million!

Charlie's heart was pounding.

When he was in the UK, he heard that it was very easy to get money in Hong Kong. Many officials who went to Hong Kong made a fortune. When they returned to the UK, they either bought houses or cars, which made Charlie extremely jealous.

For this reason, Charlie worked hard to smoothen the relationship and insisted on being transferred to Hong Kong.

Seeing Charlie's moved expression, Douji Qiang stepped forward again and said closely: "Sir, I wonder if you have heard of that sentence. It is a famous saying in China - knowledge in all things is knowledge, and knowledge is the result of human kindness!"

The buck-toothed horse also stepped forward: "Yes, whether to accept or not to accept is actually a science!"

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