Hong Kong: Rise of the Kings

Chapter 395 0394 [Charity]

Du Yongxiao did not appear at the press conference.

He left the limelight to Police Commissioner Rosen.

This was something the two had discussed before. Du Yongxiao prepared a joint letter and asked Rosen to help submit it.

Rosen is also an ambitious man. As the police commissioner, he still wants to move up a level.

He was deeply afraid of the judicial boss Bailiqu, but his ambition to get a higher position broke through this fear and made him dare to join forces with Du Yongxiao to destroy Bailiqu.

Bailiqu suffered the loss of being dumb and prepared to launch a massive campaign to "abolish polygamy under the Qing law", but Du Yongxiao and Luo Sen stole the limelight.

For a time, Rosen took his speech and trumpeted the greatness of the proposed proposal to the media.

"History will remember this moment! Mr. Du Yongxiao and those people from all walks of life who signed the petition will remain in history forever!"

Finally, Rosen closed his speech and bowed to the media to thank him.

There was applause.

Du Yongxiao's name has been written down by the media, and it will be covered with overwhelming coverage tomorrow.

At the same time, Du Yongxiao, a person involved, appeared at the University of Hong Kong.

The University of Hong Kong is located on Pok Fu Lam Road on Hong Kong Island. It was formerly formed from the merger of the Hong Kong College of Western Medicine and the Hong Kong Institute of Science and Technology. Many well-known figures have appeared here, such as Sun Yat-sen, Zhang Ailing, Zhu Guangqian, etc.

Du Yongxiao was wearing a simple white shirt and wide-leg jeans that were very fashionable in this era. He looked like the big boy next door who came to this institution of higher learning and was ready to inquire about his admission.

Du Yongxiao was carrying the "admission notice" that Rosen had helped him get, so he didn't think much about entering the University of Hong Kong. He thought it was just a formality and he could just say hello to the person in charge here. Done.

To this end, Du Yongxiao has already called Hengchuang Real Estate and asked them to donate 1 million to the University of Hong Kong in the name of Hengchuang Real Estate to support students here and the construction of the school.

Everyone comes and goes, and Du Yongxiao doesn't like to owe favors.

After Hengchuang Real Estate received the news, Liu Jianxiong, as the person in charge, immediately contacted the trustees of the University of Hong Kong and others.

According to what Du Yongxiao said, he planned to find a time to hold a donation ceremony. While funding the University of Hong Kong, he would also advertise for Hengchuang Real Estate.

When the University of Hong Kong received the news, they were overjoyed.

Nowadays, Hong Kong's education industry is developing rapidly, but the supporting facilities cannot keep up with the development. Hardware facilities such as libraries, music rooms, and stadiums are not enough. Now that Hengchuang is willing to spend one million in one go, it will definitely provide help in times of need.

You must know that one million Hong Kong dollars in the 1970s was definitely not a small amount. In many cases, the total donation to HKU in a year would not reach this amount.

For this reason, President Xue of the University of Hong Kong personally called Hengchuang Real Estate to express his gratitude and had a cordial conversation with Liu Jianxiong on the phone.

When he learned that it was the big boss behind Hengchuang who asked for the donation, Principal Xue was even more grateful to Boss Du and shouted: "Boss Du's kind deeds can be learned from the sun and the moon! We will use it carefully!"

If things go so far, it can be considered a good story.

Unexpectedly, the University of Hong Kong is known as the "Asian Ivy League" and it trains the most proud people. Each of the teachers is more arrogant than the last. Du Yongxiao came to the University of Hong Kong and went through three or four offices before he found the dean in charge.

At this time, Du Yongxiao felt a little unhappy. In order to successfully obtain the graduation certificate here in the future, Du Yongxiao could only endure it for the time being.

Director Jiang of the Education Department received Du Yongxiao with a smile. When Du Yongxiao said that he once studied at Huang Yan Middle School, he even said enthusiastically: "Huang Yan Middle School is also one of the best schools in Hong Kong! But I don't know where your hometown is?"

Du Yongxiao said honestly: "The end of Shixia."

"Uh, Shixiawei?"

Director Jiang's smile turned cold when he heard that Du Yongxiao lived in a famous slum in Hong Kong, Shixiawei. He looked at Du Yongxiao up and down with a look of disdain: "Although this is a public university, the tuition fees are also very high. Plus accommodation and food expenses, Can you afford it? It would be wise for me to find a cheaper school!"

Du Yongxiao thought that only those private schools would care about the origin of their students. He did not expect that such a well-known prestigious university would be the same. He originally wanted to explain his current family situation, but when he got there, he said: "Since you are a teacher, you should understand that a noble son comes from a poor family. Meaning! Is it possible that those of us from Shixiawei are not worthy of studying here?"

Director Jiang was stunned for a moment. Unexpectedly, this poor student was so bold. He opened his eyes and was about to speak.

Du Yongxiao had already picked up the phone on his desk and dialed a few numbers. Director Jiang was so angry that he stood up and wanted to have a fit, but he heard Du Yongxiao say: "Is this Hengchuang Real Estate? Let Mr. Liu answer the phone! Yes, Tell him that our donation of 1 million to HKU is cancelled!"

Director Jiang was stunned. He didn’t know who Mr. Liu was, but he knew about Hengchuang Real Estate!

The donation from Hengchuang caused an uproar in the University of Hong Kong. The school directors were beating gongs and drums and almost stopped dancing to celebrate. Principal Xue, in particular, told everyone that this was the largest donation HKU has encountered in recent years. , must not run away.

After a while, Du Yongxiao finished the phone call, threw down the phone and went out of the room. Director Jiang was stunned for a long time and wondered who this young man was. Could it be that he was really on the phone with Hengchuang just now? If so, then Millions of donations——

Director Jiang is still thinking wildly————

Jingle Bell!

The desk phone suddenly rang.

Director Jiang was startled. Seeing the phone constantly bouncing, he hesitated and grabbed it!

Suddenly, Principal Xue's overwhelming curses came from the other end of the phone, "Pushing, what did you do? Why will the one million donation be cancelled?"

Director Jiang felt his legs go weak, and he slumped down in the chair, with cold sweat all over his forehead, letting Principal Xue curse at him on the phone.

When Du Yongxiao returned home at night, he immediately received a call from Liu Jianxiong, saying that Hengchuang Real Estate was extremely busy now.

Principal Xue brought Director Jiang to apologize, insisting that Liu Jianxiong forgive him. He also said that if Liu Jianxiong did not forgive, he would bring Director Jiang to visit and apologize directly to Du Yongxiao.

In short, Liu Jianxiong didn't know whether to laugh or cry on the phone. He also said that the two of them were still waiting nearby and asked Du Yongxiao to give a reply anyway.

Du Yongxiao smiled and said to Liu Jianxiong on the phone: "Tell that Principal Xue that the donation ceremony can continue; but the donation amount will be 500,000!"

Liu Jianxiong was stunned: "Okay!"

Then over the phone, Principal Xue could clearly be heard yelling at Director Jiang: "It's all you who jumped on the street! I lost half a million in one fell swoop!"

Du Yongxiao hung up the phone and shook his head, some people are just mean!

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