Hong Kong: Rise of the Kings

Chapter 377 0346 [Taking fire from under the cauldron]

"Brother Xiao, oh no, Superintendent Du!"

Datou Wen, Zhuang Dingxian and others walked into the office and sat down in front of Du Yongxiao.

Douji Qiang originally crossed his legs, but was glared at by Datou Wen.

Doujiqiang immediately lowered his legs and became cautious when facing Du Yongxiao.

All fools know that they are still the same as they were before, but the Du Yongxiao in front of them is no longer the Du Yongxiao before.

Du Yongxiao ignored their little moves, opened the drawer, took out a cigar from it, knocked it on the table casually, then looked at the crowd and said, "Axian, tell me what happened yesterday."

Zhuang Dingxian didn't dare to sit down and stood up directly from the sofa.

At this time, the female secretary Sarah came in with coffee.

"Sorry, Superintendent Du, you want the coffee!" Sarah said in not very fluent Chinese.

When she served Ge Bai before, she never spoke Chinese. Even if she knew a lot of Chinese, she would not take the initiative to speak it, because in her opinion, her status was noble but her Chinese language was low.

But it's different now.

Du Yongxiao became the chief superintendent. As Du Yongxiao's daughter's secretary, she had to do what he wanted and take the initiative to speak Chinese.

"Put it down!" Du Yongxiao nodded.

Sarah arranged the coffee very quickly.

Zhuang Dingxian, who was standing, helped her place the coffee.

A moment——

"If you need anything, just ask!"

Sarah showed a charming smile to Du Yongxiao, then backed away with the tray in her arms, turned and left.

Watching the office door close, Datou Wen and others exchanged looks with incredible expressions.

As a beautiful secretary, Sarah had been on their radar for a long time.

Unfortunately, at that time, Sarah only had Chief Superintendent Ge Bai in her eyes, and was dismissive of them, the Chinese detectives.

but now--

This unattainable, goddess-like beautiful secretary was extremely flattering in front of Du Yongxiao.

"The boss is still awesome!"

"Yes, it's no problem to deal with this ghost girl!" The adults admired her.

Only Zhuang Dingxian sneered and said to himself, not only this ghost girl, but our Xiao brother also married Chief Superintendent Ge Bai's wife! That's called a power!

Du Yongxiao used a cigar cutter to cut off the head of the cigar in his hand, then bit it on his mouth, took out a lighter, opened it with a snap, and slowly burned it.

After taking a puff and blowing out the smoke, Du Yongxiao signaled Zhuang Dingxian to continue.

Seeing Du Yongxiao's big boss attitude, Zhuang Dingxian admired him so much in his heart that he said: "That's it, Superintendent Du! That Trident has been arrested by me for concealing firearms, drug smuggling and other crimes." !”

"While recording the confession, I learned that Chen Zhichao is now carrying out an anti-drug campaign in Hong Kong using your name. He not only raided the stalls of the four major societies, but also wiped out all stalls of all sizes!"

"Of course, these are not the main things! According to Trident, Chen Zhichao will emphasize that this drug crackdown is your instruction, and the purpose is to cut off all the associations' money and those Taoist friends. !”

Immediately afterwards, Zhuang Dingxian vividly recounted the gossip he heard from Trident.

Datouwen and others became more and more frightened as they listened.

All fools know that now Chen Zhichao has put Du Yongxiao on a stand and roasted it on the fire.

"Superintendent Du, the situation cannot continue like this!"

When Zhuang Dingxian finished speaking, Da Tou Wen was the first to stand up and said, "Obviously Chen Zhichao regards you as a scapegoat!"

"Yes, he puts all the blame on you. It would be strange if those gangsters and the big bosses of the society don't hate you to death!" Douji Qiang also said.

"There are a lot of complaints in the world now. They say you are ruthless and want to kill them all!" Buck-toothed Horse continued.

Du Yongxiao bit his cigar and remained silent until everyone finished expressing their opinions, then he said: "Do you think Chen Zhichao is using me? Wrong. In fact, I have always been using him!"

"You think I don't know what he is doing behind the scenes? But now, apart from the five of you, he is the only one who can really help me clean up drugs in Hong Kong!"

Du Yongxiao slowly exhaled a puff of smoke: "Lei Luo is Inspector Zonghua, but on the one hand, Liu Fu recommended him as Inspector Zonghua, and on the other hand, those Jianghu people paid for him! Where did the money come from? Aren’t you making money from smuggling and selling drugs? It’s a joke to ask Lei Luo to help with anti-drugs! On the contrary, Chen Zhichao has no such concerns!"

Datou Wen and others didn't quite understand, so they all looked at Du Yongxiao.

"Chen Zhichao is the chief inspector and the commander-in-chief of the Three Flags! Don't forget, he is in charge of two major departments, one is the 633 Death Squadron, and the other is the international anti-drug team! It can be said that anti-drug is his bounden duty! "

Only then did everyone understand and suddenly realize.

"So, from the beginning, I was actually using him! He wanted me to die, and I wanted him to crack down on drugs! Now it seems, the effect is obvious!" Du Yongxiao said this, holding a cigar and flicking it into the ashtray bomb.

"But Brother Xiao -" Datou Wen blurted out, and immediately corrected himself, "Sorry, it should be Superintendent Du! I used to be smooth-talking, and I can't change it!"

Du Yongxiao smiled and said nothing.

Sometimes things like dignity need to start from small things.

In private, Du Yongxiao doesn't mind if everyone calls him "Ah Xiao" or "Brother Xiao".

However, during office hours, you must abide by the strict superior-subordinate system. Only in this way can you better control these people.

"Now that Chen Zhichao has pushed you forward to block the gun, many clubs and drug addicts hate you to the bone! Fortunately, the trident was captured by Ah Xian, but there may be more tridents outside that will be detrimental to you, so you You must make plans in advance!" Datouwen said worriedly.

"Yeah, why not hire more bodyguards!" Doujiqiang said.

"I know a bodyguard company. The people there are all retired elites, and some of them are members of the US Navy SEALs!" Buck-Toothed Horse said.

"We are police, why do we need bodyguards? Wouldn't it be a joke if someone saw us?" Simon Yam thinks these ideas are LOW. As a policeman, he still needs bodyguards. Wouldn't it be funny?

Du Yongxiao couldn't help but laugh when he saw everyone arguing. He tapped his fingers on the table and said, "Okay! I know everyone is worried about me, but I have a plan!"

When Datou Wen, Zhuang Dingxian and others heard this, they immediately looked at Du Yongxiao.

"Chen Zhichao wants to put me on the fire, so I will put out the fire under his fire!"

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you. They didn’t understand what Du Yongxiao meant, but they saw Du Yongxiao shouting outside: "Okay! You two come in!"

As Du Yongxiao finished speaking, the office door creaked open, and then two people came in from the outside one after another.

"Why are you guys?"

"What the hell!"

When Datou Wen, Zhuang Dingxian and others saw the incoming person, they were all dumbfounded and looked astonished.

Look at those two people again——

One is a lame man,

The other one is Yan Xiong!

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