Hong Kong: Rise of the Kings

CH 328 CH 0328【No Reward】

"Get ready, let go!"

Bang bang bang! ! !

Twenty-one salutes were fired one by one.

Colorful fireworks are flying in the sky.

Today's Scotland Yard ushered in the most spectacular scene ever.

Du Yongxiao, who is the leading actor today, stood on the square stage in a police uniform, with salutes on both sides, a band below, and the audience below.

The ceremony was attended by the Mayor of London, MPs, and senior officials from Scotland Yard and MI.

When the twenty-one royal salute rang through the square, the band also began to play "God Save the Queen".

Amidst the melodious singing, a white gilded carriage meanders from afar.

It is not Her Majesty the Queen of the British Empire who is sitting in the carriage, but the famous Duke of Windsor. That is, the legendary Edward VIII who "does not love the country, but loves the beautiful".

The Duke of Windsor is seventy-five years old this year, and the sun is setting, but he is still in good health.

Today, on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen, he personally came to award Du Yongxiao an honor.

The superficial reason is that Her Majesty the Queen is busy with official duties and cannot take time off, but the fact is that Du Yongxiao has a special status, not only from Hong Kong, but also Hong Kong Chinese.

In the past, Hong Kong Chinese also had knighthoods, but because the distance was too far, the Queen never came forward, and the Governor of Hong Kong did it all.

In fact, the first Chinese knight conferred by the British Empire was "Wei Baoshan".

Wei Baoshan is also the prototype of the hero Wei Xiaobao in "The Deer and Ding Tale". She was born in Hong Kong in 1849 and died on December 16, 1921. She was also known as Wei Yu. The dynasty she lived in was the Qing Dynasty, her father was a local rich man, and her two younger brothers were both lawyers. .

It is reported that Wei Baoshan is a Hong Kong banker and politician. When he was 18 years old, he was sent to study in Western Europe. After graduation, he traveled in Europe. He is the third Chinese to receive a knighthood in history.

After returning to Hong Kong, Wei Baoshan worked in business, held public office, and entered the National Defense Bureau and the Statutory Bureau. In his later years, Wei Baoshan had been recuperating his body. He was knighted by the British court in 1919. Later, his illness worsened and he seldom appeared in public. He died of illness in 1921 at the age of 72.

When the martial arts master Jin Yong created "The Deer and Ding Tale", he referred to many deeds of Wei Baoshan, especially in the aspect of being promoted to the ranks.

Now, because Du Yongxiao was trained in Scotland Yard, since he was canonized as a baron, this ceremony should be presided over by the Queen, but after thinking about it, it is most appropriate to let Windsor replace the honor.

The carriage circled the square and stopped slowly.

Everyone stood up to greet him.

The Duke of Windsor got out of the car, with white hair and short beard, and a strong aura.

In fact, the Duke of Windsor was not happy when he received the news. He didn't know Du Yongxiao at all. He just knew that this man was so bold that he dared to sweep up the Kray Brothers in the East End of England. That was a big cancer in London.

Then he heard that Du Yongxiao saved hundreds of babies at one go in the London hospital, and the Duke of Windsor was willing to award Du Yongxiao an honor.

At this moment, the Duke of Windsor got down from the carriage and saw the young Chinese standing on the award platform for the first time.

It was also the first time Du Yongxiao saw the legendary number one "infatuated species" of the British Empire up close.

The two looked at each other.

Du Yongxiao immediately looked away, snapped, stood at attention and saluted, and respectfully said to the Duke of Windsor: "God bless the Queen!"

The Duke of Windsor was very satisfied with Du Yongxiao's respectful attitude, nodded to him, and then told the people next to him: "Let's start!"

He wanted to finish the award quickly and go back to the castle to train his pet dog "Rudolph".

The dog was a birthday present from Her Majesty the Queen and is the most cherished baby of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor.

The guard of honor begins to perform!

For a moment——

In the envious eyes of everyone, the Duke of Windsor received the "Baron" medal from the captain of the guard of honor.

Under the stage, a group of white policemen looked at Du Yongxiao who was about to receive the medal with envy and hatred.

"God, if it was me instead!"

"How embarrassing is it for me to wait for a Chinese to become a baron?"

As Du Yongxiao's friends, King Kong, Shahru Khan and others held their heads up high, honoring them.

Du Yongxiao's housekeeper and driver stood aside, raising their chins even higher.

In the future, they will be the servants of the baron's family, and their status will be upgraded. Even if they go out, they can enjoy high-qualified treatment. Just kidding, they don't even have to wait in line to buy vegetables.

"Salute, get ready—fire!"

The Duke of Windsor adjusted the medal and helped him wear it on the left chest in front of Du Yongxiao.

at the same time--

Twenty-one salutes bloomed again.

Bang bang bang! ! !

Fireworks are all over the sky!

At this point in the ceremony, it's almost time to end.

The accident happened suddenly.

The Duke of Windsor's car is composed of two white horses, and one of them became restless when the salute was fired just now.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of gunfire, and the horse was no longer under control, raised its hooves, neighed, and ran towards the awarding platform.


The mayor of London and others stood up in astonishment.

The bodyguard of the Duke of Windsor was even more frightened into a cold sweat.

At this moment——

Du Yongxiao rushed forward, blocked the Duke of Windsor, and grabbed the reins.

Du Yongxiao was almost thrown away by the huge force.

He held on to the rein tightly, bleeding marks on his hands!


A horse honked.

The carriage stopped slowly.

Du Yongxiao was very smart, the rein he grabbed was the rein of the most obedient white horse, after that horse stopped, even the frightened white horse had to stop running.

In full view, Du Yongxiao stopped the carriage with one arm, and the carriage stopped in front of the award platform so steadily, causing everyone to be stunned.


"He actually did it!"

"He protected the Duke!"

The mayor of London and MPs were all stunned.

The Chief of Police, Chief George and others were even more dumbfounded.

Old Henry, King Kong, Shahru Khan and the others even opened their mouths wide with disbelief.

Du Yongxiao stopped the carriage with one arm? !

Immediately after—

There was an uproar at the scene!

"I'm not watching a movie, am I?"

"Is this young man so brave?"

Amidst the exclamation, Du Yongxiao turned around and asked the Duke of Windsor respectfully, regardless of the gazes around him, "Are you all right, Your Excellency the Duke?"

The Duke of Windsor was frightened, and his head was in chaos. When Du Yongxiao asked, he regained consciousness: "It's all right! Yes, thank you!" After speaking, he stared at the attendants around him fiercely.

The attendants bowed their heads in shame.

The situation was critical just now, and none of these attendants stepped forward to rescue him. If Du Yongxiao hadn't acted, the situation would have gotten so bad.

The atmosphere is a bit awkward——

The etiquette officer didn't hesitate any longer when he saw this: "Certificate! The award is complete! Everyone applauds!"

Hush! ! !

Everyone stood up and applauded the Duke of Windsor and Du Yongxiao together.

The applause was like thunder.

It was as if the scene had never happened.

In the applause——

Du Yongxiao suddenly shouted again: "God save the queen!"

Everyone hesitated for a moment, and then shouted together——

"God save the queen!"

Amidst the shouts, Du Yongxiao looked at the Duke of Windsor, smiled slightly, and said in a low voice: "Your Excellency is frightened, you can take a trip to Hong Kong when you are free, and relax!"

The Duke of Windsor took a deep look at Du Yongxiao.




Is a rare talent!

The others also looked at Du Yongxiao, and at the same time a thought appeared in their hearts——

He saved the Duke of Windsor just now, if there is another reward, how should he be rewarded?

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