Hong Kong: Rise of the Kings

Chapter 315 CH0315【Chase Bank】

"I hate this damn rainy day!"

The drizzling rain flooded the entire city of London.

Du Yongxiao sat in the black Bentley car and complained while looking at the gloomy weather outside.

The black driver Jerry glanced at his boss through the rearview mirror.

Recently, the boss Du Yongxiao was not at home, and he didn't even use the car very much. Jerry was so happy that he even picked up his girlfriend by car, watched a movie, and opened the room.

In the past few days, his girlfriend's parents have been clamoring to see him, and Jerry is thinking about whether to drive there and pretend to be a rich man? London is a society where dogs see people as inferior. As a black man, he is always discriminated against.

Of course, the status of blacks is a little bit higher than that of Chinese, and the status of Chinese in England is the lowest. Many times, Jerry would fantasize in a very spiritual way that after being angry in front of whites, he could show off his power in front of Chinese. Pretty good.

Until the appearance of Du Yongxiao broke his spiritual victory.

No matter who he is in front of, Du Yongxiao is always so proud and powerful.

On the contrary, in front of Du Yongxiao, those white people who were originally proud had never seen a few people who dared to hold their heads high, and they all looked like bowing down.

Yes, Du Yongxiao feels like a king in front of everyone!

The same feeling as the driver Jerry is the old butler Tom.

From the first time he met Du Yongxiao, Du Yongxiao made a good idea to change the names of him and the black driver to "Tom and Jerry". You can't hide your arrogance.

Soon, everything that happened confirmed the guess of the old housekeeper. Du Yongxiao was arrogant and domineering in Scotland Yard, and he was even more defiant when he was transferred to MI6. It is said that even the police chief was shot at by him!

God, what kind of madman is this?

For a while, the old butler Tom didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse for him to have such a master.


"Yes, master, I am here!"

"I heard you have a girlfriend?"

"Yes, master! I'm not young anymore, and it's normal to have a girlfriend."

Du Yongxiao nodded, "Have you seen your parents?"



"Because my girlfriend is white, they discriminate against black people."

"Go in my car!"


"This car can give you extra points. If it's not enough, I'll advance half a year's salary and buy them more gifts!" Du Yongxiao said lightly, "In front of money, all discrimination is bullshit!"

Jerry was so excited that he didn't know what to say, "Thank you, master! You are such a good person!"

"You're welcome! And——"

"Please tell me, master!"

"You have to fill up the gas to borrow my car! In addition, you have to pay interest on the half-year salary advance!"


"Don't make a fuss! I did this for your own good! You are a black man, you have to learn to work hard!"

After hearing this, Jerry almost hit the car on the road pole, but fortunately he turned the steering wheel in time.

Before Du Yongxiao could speak, Jerry hurriedly said, "Master! Chase Bank is here!"


Chase Bank is an American bank.

The largest shareholder of Chase Bank is the Rockefeller family among the top ten families in the United States.

And Rockefeller is also known as the "oil empire" founder.

As an old empire, Britain has always had a well-developed financial industry. Among the four major banks in Hong Kong, HSBC, Citigroup, Standard Chartered and Bank of East Asia, two are British, namely HSBC and Standard Chartered.

With the rise of the American economy, the financial industry has also begun to expand globally. One of its goals is to strive for hegemony in England, and the bank opened by Chase in London, England is the vanguard.

According to the book "A History of American Banks" published in New York, USA in 1993: "Since 1957, the market share of Chase Bank in England has increased from 3% to 15% in 1967, which has soared by 5% in ten years. times! The reason is Chase Bank's 'privacy' service, borrowed from Swiss banks, which can store securities or cash for some black or gray industries."

"Sir, may I help you?"

As a Chinese, Du Yongxiao walked into the bank service hall in a well-dressed manner.

When the lobby manager saw him, he took the initiative to greet him very affectionately, and did not discriminate against Du Yongxiao at all because he is Chinese.

The main reason is still attributed to the white housekeeper Tom standing behind Du Yongxiao.

Du Yongxiao didn't speak.

Tom stepped forward and said, "Our master needs a separate VIP service."

"Uh, what? VIP service?" The lobby manager froze for a moment.

Anyone who is familiar with banking business knows that the VIP business must store the amount, or the transaction amount reaches a certain amount to be able to have this service, such as free coffee, free consulting room, and private consultants, even when you have to go back after completing the business, There is also a special car pick-up, and help you book hotels, meals, air tickets, etc.

"Yes, what's the problem?" Tom raised his chin in contempt for the lobby manager.

In fact, Tom was beating his heart. He didn't know what kind of business his master had here, whether he had saved money or something, and if he didn't have anything, he would be kicked out later.

"Ahem, I'm sorry, our VIP customers here need... proof! Excuse me, distinguished guest, what kind of business do you handle here?" The lobby manager looked carefully at the old housekeeper Tom who couldn't do it, and issued doubt.

Tom knew what a fart, so he had to turn his high head to his master Du Yongxiao.

Du Yongxiao smiled slightly: "Oh, nothing, just some bearer securities!"

"Ahem, bearer securities?" The lobby manager was startled, and even the old butler Tom looked incredible.

You must know that the bearer securities opened in big banks will only be processed for you if they are tens of millions, otherwise the handling fee will not be enough.

"So, I'm sorry, can I ask, how much is your certificate fund?" The lobby manager couldn't help asking. "Of course, I'm not asking about your privacy. It's actually our bank's regulations. Different VIPs have different service procedures."

This time the lobby manager was right. Many banks actually divide VIPs into three, six, and nine grades. Some are purely VIP, you can enjoy many services with a deposit of 500,000, while some are P in VIP, and the services you enjoy are not just VIP-level.

Facing the lobby manager's doubts, Du Yongxiao smiled again: "The specific amount needs to be approved by you. I only know that it is about 300 million U.S. dollars!"


The lobby manager opened his mouth wide in horror.

His exclamation caught everyone's attention.

The old housekeeper dropped his jaw in surprise, looked at his master Du Yongxiao, and suspected that he heard it wrong.

Du Yongxiao shrugged: "I don't like to wait for a long time, so——"

The lobby manager couldn't care less: "Please!" He bent down and bowed ninety degrees!

The attitude is extremely humble!

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