Hong Kong: Rise of the Kings

Chapter 301: 0301 [The person who needs to tie the bell to untie the bell]

"What did you say? Damn it!"

Fred was furious.

Director George was stunned, "Du, how dare you—"

"It's not him who dares, it's our FBI who dares!" While speaking, the FBI inspector Quinn came in, biting a cigar.

"I'm sorry, everyone! I came here uninvited! Don't you mind?" After speaking, Quinn and Du Yongxiao exchanged a look.

What the hell?

Fred, George and the others were dumbfounded. They didn't expect Du Yongxiao to have ambushes.

"Mr. Fred from Beecham Group, I'm Quinn, the FBI detective!" Quinn stretched out his hand.

Fred looked disdainful, "So what, can your FBI still control our British company?"

Quinn smiled, "Originally it was impossible, but because your company is suspected of making false financial accounts with our US branch, and the taxation is not transparent, so now we have the right to investigate."

Fred was taken aback.

Director George and the others were also taken aback.

The first reaction is that the FBI is really lenient!

"Do you think our FBI has a very wide control?" Quinn flicked his cigar in the ashtray. "Actually, we will intervene in anything that harms our American interests."

"Especially in terms of taxation, you should know that our United States is different from your United Kingdom, and the requirements are very strict!"

After finishing speaking, Quinn glanced at Fred, "It's even stricter than drug trafficking and arms!"

Only then did Fred and the others remember that the United States is the most stringent tax country in the world. For this reason, the U.S. Tax Investigation Bureau even specially equipped troops to collect taxes, and these people were equipped with heavy weapons, which was even crazier than drug enforcement.

On the contrary, compared with taxation, drug and arms trafficking in the United States is a child's play, and many times the punishment for drug trafficking is not as good as that of a tax evader.

"Ahem, even if it is, so what?" Fred vaguely felt that something was wrong, and a crisis was coming.

He and the UK branch did falsify the accounts, and they also gave false testimony to each other. Now that the FBI suddenly arrived, he was caught off guard and had no time to destroy the evidence.

George and the others didn't know what to say. Now that the matter has risen to an international level, the US FBI has stepped forward, and their British Intelligence Service has become a younger brother instead.

In fact, with the strength of the United States, the big brother of the United Kingdom has long been reduced to a follower, and the intelligence is only followed by the United States.

"Since Mr. Fred thinks so, he is not afraid of our investigation, so now I invite MI6, represented by Mr. Du Yongxiao, to investigate together, do you mind?"

"Ah, this—"

Director George really didn't want to wade into the muddy water, but the other party had already spoken, so he couldn't refuse.

"I'm against it!" Fred said, "I'm firmly against it! Even if you really want to investigate, it's a matter for the tax bureau, and it has nothing to do with your intelligence bureau!"

Quinn bared his teeth and smiled: "Don't tell me, sir, you still don't understand that now your matter has already belonged to the international scope, does your British tax office have such great power?"


Fred was speechless.

"Okay, Director Du, let us act together!" Quinn stopped talking and invited Du Yongxiao to join the investigation.

"It's a great honor!" Du Yongxiao nodded, then turned to Fred and said, "Please actively cooperate!"


"Sir! What should we do, our fake accounts will be found out by them soon?"

Waiting for Du Yongxiao and the others to come immediately, the secretary said in a hurry.

"Damn it!" Fred slammed his fist on the table, "Even if it is found out, so what. This is the United Kingdom, not the United States. Tax evasion is not so strict, even if the punishment is not so severe."

"It's not sir, besides fake accounts, there are other things on our accounts..." The secretary hesitated to speak.

"You mean--bribing members of Congress?" Fred remembered that every time he gave money to members of Congress and those political leaders, it was the company's accounts.

Bicheng used to have a leather bag company that specializes in helping bribes, but it has recently ceased operations due to special reasons. I did not expect these things to happen suddenly.

Tax evasion may not be a big problem in the UK, but bribery is.

This is also the particularity of each country.

The United States belongs to the federal system, and the taxation is not strong enough, so there is no money to help the machine of the country to operate.

The United Kingdom belongs to an old democratic empire, and it is desperate to save face, so it strictly controls bribery.

"What should I do?" Fred tapped his forehead, "Once the damn FBI gets involved, things will become difficult and the nature will change."

"Actually, there is a saying in China that says to untie the bell, you need someone to tie it."

"you mean--"

"This matter was caused by Du Yongxiao, if you can bow your head and admit your mistake—"

"What are you talking about? Let me apologize to that lowly, despicable Chinese? Impossible!" Fred shook the table and roared loudly.

"But this is the only way now!" The secretary boldly said, "The surname Du has made every step of the way. After beating Master Simon, he has reached this point today. He deliberately teamed up with the FBI to suppress Bicheng Company. If you can't save face, sir, you insist on making him your enemy." , the result may also be a lose-lose situation.”

"You mean I can't beat a little policeman?"

"He's not just a policeman, he's a military director, and he's someone Mr. Howard wants to protect!"

"Uh Howard?" Fred was taken aback for a moment, but Howard was the one who overwhelmed him.

In England, only a few people like Howard made Fred afraid.

"Why didn't the young master tell you?"

"tell me what?"

"That Du Yongxiao is Mr. Howard's savior! To be precise, he saved Mr. Howard's beloved daughter, Miss Michelle."

Fred was completely stunned, he really didn't know about this!

The secretary also understood that Master Simon really didn't say anything, otherwise Fred wouldn't underestimate that Du Yongxiao, and Du Yongxiao didn't dare to be so lawless.

"Simon, that bastard—" Fred grabbed his hair, "he's going to be a prodigal, this time he wants to kill me!"

"I'm afraid Master Simon has something to hide."

"What unspeakable secrets can he have? Is it because he is afraid that I will not avenge him?"

Fred thought it through thoroughly, this Du Yongxiao couldn't move, although Fred really wanted to tear him into pieces.

Now being caught by Du Yongxiao's pigtail again, he dare not act rashly.

"Call over—"


"Call that Du Yongxiao!" Fred ordered, "Just say I want to talk to him, talk to him personally!"


The secretary called immediately.

Soon the phone was connected, and the secretary talked to Du Yongxiao according to Fred's instructions.


"Sir, he asked you to answer the phone."

"Really?" Fred took over, "Hi, I'm Fred!"

"Ten million!" Du Yongxiao said, "Ten million! I'll settle it for you!"

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