Hong Kong: Rise of the Kings

CH 203 CH 0203 [Big Hero]

"Du, what are you doing? Military order? God, you still let me see this kind of thing! You don't need to think about it, you must have coerced the signature on it, yes, it must be!"

Marine Police Headquarters, Office of the Inspector General.

On the left is a water sand table, and on the wall behind the desk is a bust of the Queen of England.

At this moment, Chief Inspector Charles, the ghost, walked around the desk and was furious at Du Yongxiao.

As one of Charles's personal secretary and translator, he also imitated Charles' tone and waved his fist at Du Yongxiao angrily to translate.

Du Yongxiao pointed to his nose, "Shut up, I can understand English."

"Oh, is that so?" The middle parted slightly embarrassed, "Sorry."

Du Yongxiao turned to look at Charles, "Continue."

Charles was very dissatisfied that the momentum of his speech was interrupted by Du Yongxiao.

"Ahem, where did I go? Oh, by the way, don't think that I don't know anything just because I'm sitting in the office. You were very dignified yesterday. I heard that the plainclothes, military police, and fire brigade were dispatched to make those The boss of the fleet couldn’t get down the steps, so you forced him to sign his name! Say it, don’t you?”

Charles is usually very close to those fleet bosses, and those bosses often give him confessions during the holidays.

So many things happened yesterday, those bigwigs called Charles afterward to accuse Du Yongxiao of "lawlessness".

Charles didn't have a good impression of Du Yongxiao at first, knowing that Du Yongxiao was known as a "stab head" on land, and now he is not being honest when he is sent to him.

The last time Du Yongxiao stepped on Zheng Tianxiong madly and angered the ghost to help Charles, he, the Chief Inspector, had already turned a blind eye to it. Unexpectedly, Du Yongxiao, ignorant of repentance, would intensify and make such a thing happen.

So Charles called Du Yongxiao to the office early in the morning, and gave Du Yongxiao a severe blow.

"Sir, things are not as you imagined..."

Before Du Yongxiao opened his mouth, Charles said angrily again: "Why do I imagine that? I really don't know what you think you are doing? You can do anything on land, but this is on water, yes, it is on my territory , you have to be honest! Don’t make so many tricks—”

"Did you hear that, our inspector asked you not to play tricks—" Zhong split his head at Du Yongxiao and pretended to be a tiger.

As he said that, Charles prepared to tear up the military order in front of Du Yongxiao in a demonstrative manner.

Du Yongxiao said: "Sir, I can guarantee that if you tear it up, you will definitely regret it!"

"What? Bold guy! How dare you threaten me?" Charles sneered, "I'll tear it up for you today, so you know what a superior-subordinate relationship is!"

Split heads in the middle and continue to pretend: "That's right! You have to see clearly, our Inspector Charles only performs once!"

Charles picked up the military order and was about to tear it off in front of Du Yongxiao.

Jingle Bell!

The desk phone rang.

Charles froze for a moment, then winked at the secretary.

The middle part hurriedly ran over, picked up the phone: "Hi, this is the chief inspector's office, who are you looking for? Ah, what? Yes, yes, yes!"

The face of the middle part immediately became tense, and he said to Charles in a panic, "It's the Chief Superintendent! Let you answer the phone!"

"Chief superintendent? Ge Bai?" Charles had a look of surprise on his face, and hurried over to answer.

"Hello, sir, I'm Charles... Ah, what, military order? Yes, yes, it's in my hand! What? The superior already knew about this, and praised our marine police department, saying that we are determined to fight pirates-- —Of course, I prepared this military order for Shangfeng, and it is indeed my determination to show it!" Charles smiled.

"Don't worry, we are definitely not shouting slogans this time. We, the head of the 12th Fleet of the Marine Police, all support Sergeant Du in fighting pirates. That's why we specially issued a military order. We must unite with Sergeant Du and advance and retreat together!"

"Yes! I will submit this military order by myself right away! Yes! Thank you for the affirmation and commendation from the superiors. Our marine police department will definitely continue to work hard and make better results!" Charles became excited.

Ge Bai on the other end of the phone was actually more excited.

Ge Bai didn't expect surprises to keep coming.

Rampant piracy has always been the biggest headache for the British Hong Kong government.

Pirates wantonly plunder at sea, but the Hong Kong government has done nothing, which has made those politicians and intellectuals in Hong Kong criticize.

Unfortunately, pirates are not so easy to fight.

Even though the marine police department has twelve fleets, they are still terrified of pirates. No fleet has ever volunteered to fight pirates, and they are all trying to make money.

This time, Du Yongxiao jointly signed ten fleet bosses to issue a military order, vowing to fight the pirates to the death. Even him, the chief superintendent, was also honored by Shangfeng.


For a moment——

Charles hung up the phone, put his hands behind his back, looked at Du Yongxiao and said in a very gentle tone: "Dear Du, congratulations! You have passed my test just now! In fact, I am very supportive of your military order! The fleet Bosses are full of brains and stomachs on weekdays, doing nothing, and they run faster than anyone else when they hear that they are fighting pirates! This time you did the right thing, you must use extreme measures against them!"

"As for just now, I was also testing your determination to fight pirates. I'm glad you passed!" Charles applauded Du Yongxiao.

The middle parted his head and saw clearly from the side, feeling that his boss, Charles, could change his face faster than turning the pages of a book, and fortunately, he just made a few gestures at Du Yongxiao, and didn't really offend him.

"Thank you, sir!" Du Yongxiao raised his hand in salute.

Charles is very satisfied with Du Yongxiao's attitude. He knows how to advance and retreat, and understands the general situation, which is much better than those fat guys.

"As for this military order——"

"Also ask the Chief Inspector to help his subordinates submit it to their superiors!"

"Hehe, easy to say! Easy to say!"

Submitting it, this is a great achievement.

Charles became more enthusiastic, "Dear Du, now I just need you to remember one thing, I will fully support you when you fight pirates! Yes, God, it's been a long time since our Marine Police Department has a warrior like you. This time, we must Give it a shot!"

Charles was very happy, and patted Du Yongxiao on the shoulder: "To be honest, I didn't expect the above to be so supportive of the fight against pirates. It seems that it is difficult for our Marine Police Department not to develop this time. Well, how to do it? We must make the momentum bigger and bring Spread the slogan of fighting pirates! I, Charles, want to let everyone in Hong Kong know that our Marine Police Department is not a coward!"

Finally, Charles put his arms around Du Yongxiao's shoulders, and said solemnly: "So, dear Du, I am going to make you a hero! A great hero with Scottish romanticism!"

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