"Dear Du, this time the situation is very serious! As a friend, although I really want to help you, I still have to consider the rules and regulations!"

In the chief superintendent's office, Ge Bai sat behind his desk and said to Du Yongxiao who was sitting on the sofa.

"Originally, according to your rank, I don't need to meet with you at all, let alone talk to you about this, but this is a big matter, so I'd better explain it to you clearly! Inspector Chen Zhichao is from Johnson, and apart from the above few Boss, Johnson is second only to me—this time you hit Chen Zhichao, it is equivalent to hitting him in the face, so you understand?"

"I understand, sir! I won't make things difficult for you!" Du Yongxiao got up and said, "It happened because of me, and I will bear all the consequences. Especially I can't let you be implicated, yes, you are my friend, best friend! "

Du Yongxiao's attitude made Ge Bai very satisfied.

"Du, you don't have to say that. In fact, I know what happened very well. From the beginning to the end, the surname Chen was the first to find fault. It's a pity that he was unlucky and met you with a bad temper!"

While speaking, Ge Bai stood up from his seat, walked around the table and walked in front of Du Yongxiao, looking at Du Yongxiao very relievedly: "To be honest, I admire you very much! You played well and rightly! In fact, I was very early It’s just that Johnson is upset. He thinks he can succeed me and become the chief superintendent. He usually has his nostrils upturned and his eyes above the top. He doesn’t take me seriously most of the time! You beat him, which makes me feel very comfortable !Of course, I’m only talking to you alone, understand?”

"Understood, sir!" Du Yongxiao raised his hand in salute.

"So——" Ge Bai patted Du Yongxiao on the shoulder, "I'm on your side!"

"Thank you sir!"

"You don't need to thank me! Now I still want to punish you!" Ge Bai turned around and picked up a document from his desk, and said to Du Yongxiao: "I have approved the secondment of you to the Marine Police Department, at least three months, at most Half a year, what do you think?"

Du Yongxiao raised his eyebrows and raised his hand in salute: "Obey the arrangement of the superior!"

Ge Bai looked at Du Yongxiao appreciatively again, whoever said he was arrogant, let's see how knowledgeable and sensible he is.

"Don't worry, it's just a secondment! And you are the sheriff." Ge Bai said, "The previous sheriff of the Flying Eagle Fleet died in the line of duty, and now there is no leader in the group. I am optimistic about you. Since you can dominate the land, then Even if you go to the water, you will definitely be able to ride the wind and turn into a dragon!"

"Sir, you think too highly of me."

"No, I trust you!" Ge Bai said, "You are my people—my people, there is no mediocrity!"

"Yes, sir!"

"Okay, what's your last request? If you have a request, just ask!"

What Ge Bai said was also a kind of compensation to Du Yongxiao.

Without hesitation, Du Yongxiao said, "The five tigers around me are in charge, and I hope the chief will help me!"

Ge Bai smiled, "That's right, smart! I will help them find jobs, don't worry! And before you are transferred to the Marine Police Department——"

"Thank you sir!"

"You don't need to thank me! It's them who thank you!"


Kowloon Inspector Du Yongxiao was finally transferred to the Marine Police Department by Shangfeng for beating the probationary inspector Chen Zhichao.

As soon as the news came out, the pot exploded immediately.

You know, the marine police can be described as a "special existence" in the Hong Kong police system.

Hong Kong has had a serious smuggling problem since 1843. The police who relied on land simply couldn't handle it, so in 1845, the Hong Kong police force formed a marine police force. In the initial stage of the establishment of the Marine Police, there were only more than 10 people and two sailboats. However, the performance of the marine police was very good, and various smuggling cases were seized.

As the current situation is turbulent, piracy activities in Hong Kong have been repeatedly banned. Many pirates choose to rob merchant ships, take goods and hostages, and then exchange them for ransom.

At that time, the equipment of the Hong Kong Marine Police was very general. Due to the huge cost of marine police equipment and the limited funds of the Hong Kong police force, the marine police force has not received much equipment. Facing the problem of rampant pirates, the marine police force is no longer powerless. In order to combat piracy, even the British Navy needs to be invited to help.

For this reason, in the 1930s, the Hong Kong Marine Police Force began to expand its establishment, and various types of ships began to be equipped one after another. In response to such a situation, the land police team was dissatisfied because the funds were tilted towards the marine police.

As the saying goes, "10 years of army and 100 years of navy", even the marine police can't burn money so fast. If you want to fight pirates, the equipment can't be worse than that of pirates. When it comes to pirate plans, the first sentence is to buy the latest fast gunboats.

This will naturally lead to the dissatisfaction of the land police, Qi Bangban's face is the best proof. The conflict between water and land was vividly displayed in the fight in the bar. The army police complained that there was no bonus for three years, and all the money was given to the gang of water snakes to fight pirates. Hong Tianci also let the army police Shar-Pei dog who was sitting with the marine police go back to his hometown When it grows wings and flies back.

Of course, the marine police are not to be outdone, a nursery rhyme: one, two, three, four, ABCD, green clothes with a big head, no need to catch people and play BB, it directly detonated the audience, so the scene of a big fight in this drama appeared.

To this day, the land police still look down on the marine police, thinking that they are just decorations, vases made with money, with no real function, and can do nothing except check and smuggle.

The marine police also look down on the land police, thinking that they are bigots. A bunch of landlubbers only know how to show off their power on land, and they all rush to the street when they get into the water.

Now Du Yongxiao is seconded from the Kowloon Inspector to serve as the Sergeant of the Flying Eagle Fleet of the Marine Police, directly detonating the police force.

Du Yongxiao is known as the "pure street tiger", so can this land tiger take advantage of the weather to transform into a dragon on the water, continue to lead the pack, and dominate the world——

Everyone, wait and see!


The news that Du Yongxiao was transferred to the marine police just came out, and the news that the five tigers were hired here broke out again.

As Du Yongxiao's five tiger generals, Datouwen, Baoyaju, Doujiqiang, Ren Darong, and Zhuang Dingxian, are now considered "little famous" in the Kowloon Police Station and even in the entire Hong Kong police circle.

As plainclothes detectives, everyone's achievements are obvious to all, and following Du Yongxiao is even more powerful in Kowloon, full of prestige.

In terms of qualifications and strength, the five of them are considered to be the best detectives, but now, the five of them are appointed as detectives at the same time, which still leaves everyone dumbfounded.

You know, getting a job as a detective is not a trivial matter. Many times, everyone fights to the death for a job as a detective. Now, Du Yongxiao's team has hired five at one go——

But many people immediately understood that this was a kind of compensation from Shangfeng to Du Yongxiao.

Otherwise, the opportunity for the five tigers to join the post was too coincidental, just at the moment Du Yongxiao was transferred away.

In any case, the effect brought about by the five tigers is——

No matter Du Yongxiao goes to Biandu,

As long as the Five Tigers are here,

He will always be the overlord of Kowloon!

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