Hong Kong: Rise of the Kings

Chapter 126 CH 0126 [Grand Opening]

"The Chief Superintendent is here!"

"My God, so many ghosts!"

The two reporters were almost stunned.

"There is material to write this time!"

"That's right, the topic is——The chief superintendent is out to show off, the ghosts congratulate, the world changes color!"

The surrounding people also stared wide-eyed. They knew the position of chief superintendent very well, not to mention a large group of senior superintendents, chief inspectors and the like.

Du Dapao was distributing leaflets with Mickey in his arms, when he suddenly heard Chief Superintendent Ge Bai bring a large group of subordinates down to support his son, he was so excited that he almost threw the leaflets into the sky.

Lei Luo and others were not too surprised by the arrival of Chief Superintendent Ge Bai. After all, what Du Yongxiao asked Ge Bai that day was to invite Ge Bai to participate in the celebration.

It's just that he didn't expect that Ge Bai would bring so many people over, even his family and friends, to support Du Yongxiao.

Du Yongxiao took Johnny and others to meet him.

"Hi sir, thank you for being able to attend the ceremony!"

"This is what I promised you, so I must do it!" Ge Bai said proudly, "In addition, I brought my family and children here, and they like McDonald's very much."

"Understood, I will definitely arrange for them!"

This is an opportunity to advertise, and of course Du Yongxiao would not miss out on winking at Johnny.

Johnny is also a good person, and he immediately understood, and arranged for reporters and media to take pictures and make videos.

"Sir, we are going to hold the opening ribbon-cutting at nine o'clock, I hope you can attend."

"Of course, how could this be without me?" Ge Bai patted Du Yongxiao on the shoulder, "Watch my performance later!"


Inside a black car not far away.

Lai Hao watched the opening ceremony coldly. The two brothers Dawei and Xiwei were beside him.

"Brother Hao, don't worry, there will be a good show later!" Da Wei said.

"That Du Yongxiao dared to treat you like that, this time he looks good!" Xiwei said angrily.

Lai Hao didn't make a sound, just watched Du Yongxiao receive Chief Superintendent Ge Bai and others coldly, and said after a long time: "Today is really lively, and there are many ghosts. Once the gun is fired, it will definitely hit the headlines."

Dawei and Xiwei looked at each other, "Du will be dead by then!"


Jin Yagui mixed in the crowd, trembling all over.

It's not that he hasn't done bad things, the problem is that he has never been ready to kill with a gun like he is now, and he killed a young and promising detective.

Jin Yagui took a step forward following the crowd.

The appearance of Lei Luo and others made him more nervous.

Jin Yagui didn't expect so many people to come to the celebration today, even the four major detectives. If he shoots rashly, it will definitely cause commotion.

Before Jin Yagui finished worrying, he saw Chief Superintendent Ge Bai appearing with a large group of ghosts, Jin Yagui panicked even more.

This is not an ordinary opening ceremony. Most of the high-ranking members of the Hong Kong police are present. It is equivalent to shooting and killing in front of half of the Hong Kong police. As long as the gun goes off, an earthquake is guaranteed.

Jin Yagui was so nervous that he couldn't breathe.

what to do?

He touched the gun in his arms and fell into hesitation.

It was almost nine o'clock.

The flagship store ceremony officially begins.

After a burst of gongs and drums, Du Yongxiao invited all guests to come on stage and cut the ribbon.

In front were Du Yongxiao, Superintendent Ge Bai, Senior Superintendent Johnson, Chief Inspector Johnson and others in a row.

Liu He, Lei Luo, Lan Gang, Han Sen and Yan Xiong formed a row behind.

The second is the general guests, who are friends from the media invited by Johnny.

When everything was in place, the ribbon-cutting ceremony began, and Du Yongxiao asked someone to fetch the golden scissors on a tray.

Ge Bai picked up the golden scissors and cut the ribbon with Du Yongxiao.

In the car not far away, Li Hao was biting his cigar and looking excitedly at the stage, waiting for the gunshot.

Under the stage, the people were boiling, watching the grand scene in front of them.

Jin Yagui reached out and took out the pistol. He suppressed his fear and excitement, and with some trembling, he quietly aimed the gun at Du Yongxiao on the stage.

Rob my casino, steal my woman, go to hell!

Jin Yagui was about to pull the trigger when a voice said coldly, "If I were you, I would give up shooting."

Jin Yagui shuddered, and saw two plainclothes left and right sandwiching himself in the middle.

A person stuck to his ear and said, "Give me the gun, be good!"

A hard object was pressed against the back of his heart.

Jin Yagui had no choice but to hand over the pistol.

Only then did the person behind him appear, young and handsome, with the appearance of a woman.

Jin Yagui felt unfamiliar, he basically knew all four of the four inspectors around Du Yongxiao.

"Get to know each other," the man said, "I'm Inspector Du's driver and bodyguard, and my name is Zhuang Dingxian."


Clap clap!

Du Yongxiao and Ge Bai cut the ribbon together, the ribbon fell to the ground, and the applause was like thunder.

With Du Yongxiao inviting all ghosts to visit the store, the McDonald's flagship store is officially opened.

Ge Bai and the others already had a lot of people, together with relatives and friends, the store was very lively.

Those people who were watching curiously outside saw so many ghosts coming in and out of McDonald's, and suddenly their vanity was overwhelmed. If ghosts can eat, why can't we eat?

As a result, a large wave of people walked into McDonald's boldly.

Soon they thoroughly enjoyed fried chicken legs, big burgers, and iced Coke.

Where there is a first wave, there will be a second wave, and a third wave—

More and more people are pouring into McDonald's, and McDonald's business is getting better and better.

For those ghosts, eating is a feeling, a familiar western fast food culture.

For Hong Kong people, eating is a kind of dignity, a sense of equality that if a ghost can eat, I can also eat.

Of course, the taste of McDonald's fried chicken legs, fried chicken tenders, and hamburger fries is still to be praised.

For the first time, Hong Kong people who have eaten too many egg tarts and milk tea know what fast food tastes like.

Yan Xiong, who originally thought that the business of McDonald's would hit the street, now sees the endless stream of customers, his heart churns.

how so? Lose your mother, these people have never eaten in their lives? It tastes so delicious.

And those ghost bosses, can you be more serious? Usually he is superior and unsmiling, but now he has ketchup on his mouth while eating French fries.

Yan Xiong's heart was tumbling, and Lei Luo and the others were also stunned by the booming business of McDonald's.

Can't help but Lei Luo and others also ordered a chicken drumstick, French fries, and a hamburger, and then tasted it lightly. It was nothing special, but—why there was a desire to continue eating?

Lei Luo looked at the surrounding environment, no matter adults, children, or ghost Chinese were all munching on hamburgers. At this moment, Lei Luo finally understood that sometimes what you eat is not necessarily food, but a feeling.


Lame ho feels bad.

The gunshot he was thinking of never appeared.

Dawei and Xiwei also looked surprised.

"Did something happen to Jin Yagui?"

"He didn't have the guts to shoot."

"Brother Hao, I'll go take a look!"

Dawei opened the car door, and just about to get out of the car, a gun was put on his forehead.

"Is Mr. Wu Guohao here? Inspector Du has something to talk to him about."

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