【415】A sir?Sorry, I am not! (3)

the next day.

ICAC Building.

Office of the Investigation Division.

The handsome, dark-skinned Lu Zhilian sat in the seat and watched the latest progress of the Jockey Club corruption investigation.

His brows could not help frowning, as if he was not satisfied with the progress of the investigation.

He is very clear.

The Jockey Club is the largest 'charitable arm' on Hong Kong Island.

Controlled by the ghosts alone, there are many tricks in itself.

The ghosts do not allow the establishment of casinos on Hong Kong Island, but they specialize in the Jockey Club, which is responsible for horse betting, ball betting and other activities.

Just to make money from Hong Kong Island.

The annual income of the Jockey Club - 1300 billion Hong Kong dollars!

The ability to absorb gold is terrifying!

at this time.

Tang Xianming ran in, with a look of surprise on his face, and said, "Boss, Lun Tianyuan fell downstairs and died last night."

"Well? What did you say, dead?" Lu Zhilian's face sank, and his voice became much higher.

He only met yesterday with his former colleague, the security manager of the Jockey Club.

It's just that he never imagined, how could it be fine yesterday, but it's gone today?

He doesn't feel that things are unpredictable.

On the contrary, I feel that this case is far from being as simple as I thought.

"This case is definitely not easy!" Lu Zhilian said firmly.

"That's right!" Tang Xianming said with a heavy nod.

A living person, if he is gone, he will be gone.

Fall off the stairs?

Does anyone believe this?

Recalling the conversation with him yesterday did not provide any useful clues.

Shouldn't this be silenced.

There is also a possibility that what he said is only part of what he has mastered.

"Let's start with the investigation of Lun Tianyuan's death." Lu Zhilian said slowly after pondering for a while.


2th Floor, Block 6, Donghua Street.

Lu Zhilian and the two came to Lun Tianyuan's home.

The scene has been cordoned off by police officers, with only two officers remaining on guard.

In fact, the results of the investigation have not yet come out. It is still uncertain whether it was suicide, accident or homicide.

Lu Zhilian took his subordinates and entered the house directly.

Lun Tianyuan lived alone, and the house was clean and tidy, with everything neatly arranged.

It doesn't look like a man's home.

Obviously this is a very self-disciplined man.

"Sir, icac is investigating the case, have you found any progress now?" Lu Zhilian asked the police officers guarding the scene.

The police officer shook his head and replied, "Our people are still investigating, and none of the residents in this building have seen any suspicious strangers come in."

Lu Zhilian was noncommittal.

The elevators in the corridor are not always accessible by residents, and some people may sneak in at night when no one is there.

Just a few questions.

Lu Zhilian went in front of the desk in the room and looked at it for a while.

Table lamps, water glasses, pens, a few books, nothing to be found.

Then he opened the drawer again.

Finally saw what he was looking for.

A stack of envelopes.

This is the same envelope as the Jockey Club report letter they received before.

The paper quality, appearance, new and old are exactly the same.

Plus he himself works at the Jockey Club.

Explain that the report letter was sent by him.

He should have been silenced without a doubt, and a stranger must have come up.

As for the evidence, he probably didn't have it, at least not in the house now.

"Let's go, let's go down and ask." Lu Zhilian already knew what to do.

Since other people have come up, it is very likely that someone has seen it.

Just didn't ask the right person for a while.

"Okay!" Tang Xianming nodded again and again.

He didn't know what the boss was going to do, he just had to keep up.

The two walked around the whole building and asked around, but nothing was gained.

Lu Zhilian thought about it for a while, and led him downstairs.

You walked around the street and finally stopped in front of the sugar water shop across the street.

Lu Zhilian turned to the half-bald Tangshui shop owner and asked, "Boss, did you see any strangers entering the opposite building last night?"

"Uh..." The half-bald boss choked and glanced secretly at an alley.

"I'm selling sugar water, and I haven't seen anything."

Lu Zhilian nodded.

It is impossible to see nothing.

Even if the stranger didn't see it when he went up, Lun Tianyuan's fall would definitely attract his attention.

It's not surprising to call an ambulance for help.

Likewise, he would have noticed the strangers who came downstairs after finishing their work.

Saying that he said that he didn't see anything is no different from saying 'I saw everything'.

Lu Zhilian led people to the alley not far from the street.


There are a few yellow-haired hooligans out there.

They were smoking cigarettes and looking like they were doing nothing.

Obviously there is nothing to do, but he stays there and refuses to leave.

He walked in front of a few people and said with a sullen face: "Did you threaten the owner of the sugar water shop and made them dare not speak?"

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"Sir, what are you talking about!"

"Crazy, is it illegal for us to smoke here?"

"Don't talk nonsense, be careful I sue you for slander!"

A few thugs 'cut', but did not shake Lu Zhilian's face at all.

They were just monitoring the boss, and they didn't commit any crimes, so they were worried about being caught.

"I haven't even revealed my identity yet, so you said I'm Asir, so it seems like you guessed correctly."

"Also, sorry, I'm not a sir!"

Lu Zhilian smiled.

In fact, no matter what the gangsters say, he still feels that way.

Whether it's Lun Tianyuan's death or threatening the boss not to talk nonsense, it's all to prevent him from investigating.


Just a little more pressure.

On the contrary, these are the indications that he was looking in the right direction.


Lun Tianyuan was killed because of something, and he has no clue.

Inform the owner of the sugar water store downstairs and contact him immediately after he knows something.

Lu Zhilian took Tang Xianming and left.


The car drove a distance, not far.

I found myself being followed.

"Boss!" Tang Xianming shouted.

"I know!"

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