Understand that you are in a trap.

He took the initiative to hold this conference, but it became an excuse for Chen Anhua to attack.

The key and core of everything is the absence of Shen Fanglin.

In other words, it was controlled and could not appear.

When things got to this point, you don't have to think about who did it.

At least, Chen Anhua must be involved.

Everything this old bastard did was to take over as the leader of the gang.

very good!

well-done! ! 4.1

Zhou Chao calmed down first, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Chen Anhua, it won't be long before you will regret doing this."

Do you really think that his gang leader has been in vain for so many years?

Whether in politics, business, Citigroup Hongmen, or other organizations, he has a lot of connections.

In the corner below, there are also his people.

It's just that the situation is not clear, and in order to save himself, he didn't make a statement.

Will always be on his side.

Needless to say, it wasn't long before he was whitewashed and became a legislator.

This is his greatest strength.

People like Chen Anhua are still too naive.

Do you really think that if you grab the position of a gang leader, you can fight him?

However, the Zhou Dynasty did not see it first.

In a corner of the conference room, Shen Nansheng looked at him with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

It seems that he has already penetrated his thoughts. .

[392] Zhou Chaoxian's fear, the Songlin Gang changed owners (1)

Corner head assembly, conference room.

at this time.

Zhou Chao stood at the top first, and there was no one behind him except a confidant.

Compared to being completely provoked before, he has calmed down now.

But his eyes were fierce, and the fierce expression on his face did not diminish.

He was confident that after the meeting was over, he would use all his relationships and use all means to beat Chen Anhua to the end of the day.

But he wasn't going to do that.

This approach is certainly safe.

But he didn't have the patience to wait until then.

Zhang Heng has been domineering all the way, when has he been provoked like this.

What's more, he's an anti-bone boy.

If Chen Anhua is not dealt with in front of these horns, his majesty will not be restored.

And his opposite.

Nearly half of the corners of the gang stood.

Chen Anhua, the leader of the southern rudder, was even more solemn, without giving in, without the slightest fear.

In the confrontation between the two sides, his momentum clearly prevailed.

He would regret hearing that Zhou Chaoxian threatened him.

Chen Anhua sneered disdainfully: "When I become the gang leader and take control of the Sanlian Gang, who will regret it?"

"At that time, you are just a lost dog. Do you think anyone will sell your face?"

Moreover, with the support of half of the corners behind him. 28

When you become the leader of the gang, you can immediately stabilize the situation in the Songlin Gang.

Immediately, he will attack Zhou Chaoxian.

And Lei Gong's end is his example.

As long as the Zhou Dynasty died first, the rest of the horns would naturally know how to choose.


Are you still foolishly giving time to Zhou Chao to prepare first to deal with yourself?

"I won't be afraid of you when you become the leader. What's more, do you think you can really become one?" Zhou Chaoxian said with a smile.

Immediately afterwards, he turned his eyes and looked at the other corners who had been sitting silent for a while.

Squinting, he said faintly, "When are you going to see it?"

"When Chen Anhua is firmly seated as the leader of the gang, he won't be able to accommodate you."

These are all his confidants, carrying them with one hand.

There are also people from Shen Fanglin, the rudder master of Beiruo.

Anyway, he didn't win, he was on his side.


Several people's faces changed slightly, knowing that they could not be alone, and stood up one after another.

The meaning is also obvious.

They are supporting their elders.

Seeing this, Chen Anhua's face was a little ugly.

He hurriedly said, "Zhou Chaoxian is no longer the gang leader. Do you really want to listen to him and fight with your brothers here?"

"I can promise that as long as you remain neutral in this corner meeting, I will never treat you badly."

Originally, he thought that he had received nearly half of the support by himself.

Shen Fanglin didn't show up again, so he could definitely force Gong Zhou Chao to be the first to become the leader of the gang.

Who would have guessed that Zhou Chaoxian was a downright mad dog.

He did not hesitate to directly launch an internal gang fight, even if the fish died and the net broke, he had to fight with him.

In this way, even if he regained the power of the Pine Forest Gang.

It will also hurt badly.

These horns are the backbone of the gang.

It is not so easy to cultivate, and has experienced a lot of quarrels, fights and so on.

Zhou Dynasty this lunatic!

Still so crazy, spiders must report.

And his words had no effect.

Seeing that Chen Anhua was provoking him, Zhou Chaoxian didn't care, and said sadly, "You all stare at the other, and if they do it, you do it too."


Then he looked at Chen Anhua again, and continued without a smile, "Do you still think you can be the leader? Even if I am the only one who disagrees, you can't be the leader."

As he spoke, he stroked his sleeves.


He wanted to deal with Chen Anhua himself in front of so many horns.

Do you really think that he only has the skills, connections, and capital?

These are all later.

When he joined the Pine Forest Gang, he was still a blank slate.

Relying on his own strength, he fought tragically again and again, in brutal quarrels and murderous assassinations.

With excellent performance, he was promoted without the slightest moisture.

As he said, even without the support of the other half.

With his own strength alone, Chen Anhua's few people couldn't get out of the conference room.

On the contrary, he was really confused in the years when he was the master of the South.

Forget how brutal gang fights are.

until this time.

Chen Anhua could barely stabilize, but he was a little flustered in his heart.

As an old man of the gang, he naturally knew how capable Zhou Chaoxian was.

Although he hasn't done it for many years, he has only peak-level strength, and he is not an opponent at all.

When I looked back, my people were all stared at, and I couldn't make a move.

This time it's over!

"Tell me, who helped deal with Shen Fanglin? You can't do it to this level because you have little ability and ambition."

"Where is Shen Fanglin now? You only have one chance."

Zhou Chao said first, and moved his hands.

Think of the crackling sound, very deterrent.

Obviously, he hasn't lost his body and exercised because he became a gang leader all these years.

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