But after so many years of investigation, no evidence has been found.

Now that he finally got this opportunity, he gave up in vain, and he was really unwilling.

After repeated, his eyes gradually firmed.

"With this information, it's time for Zhou Chaoxian to close the Internet."

"The things in the future have been taken care of, at least for now, let's get rid of this cancer."

【390】Is this his ambition? (2)

The night is like ink, and the moon is dim.

Halfway up the mountain, there is a luxurious single-family villa.

in a room of the villa.

Zhou Chao first lay down on a leisurely chair.

He was topless, with only a white bath towel around his waist.

His wife's Cui Miaoxiang was sitting on the side, rubbing her hands back and forth, and was giving Zhou Chaoxian a massage.

Cui Miaoxiang was very young, about twenty-seven or eighteen years old.

Wearing a long red dress, she set off her graceful figure.

With fair skin and long black hair on her head, her face became more dignified and beautiful.

But in fact, she is a prostitute.

When Zhou Chao went to prostitute first, he took a look at her.

Zhou Chaoxian, a gangster, had his head tied to his trousers belt and didn't care about her identity.

When Cui Miaoxiang saw her husband, her face was relieved, with a long-lost smile on the corner of her mouth.

Can't help but be curious.

She didn't even remember the last time she saw him so beaming, how long ago was it.

Especially after running for legislator with Lei Gong, they calculated each other and clashed frequently.

There are more unpleasant things.


His face stinks to death, and his temper is much bigger.

Going out early and returning late every day, either busy with gang affairs or driving the ballot cart on the street to canvass votes.

"You seem to be in a good mood today? I haven't seen you so happy for a long time."

Cui Miaoxiang asked aloud while massaging.

The last time I ran into Lei Gong during canvassing, my husband scolded him, and Lei Gong couldn't breathe, but he was just happy for a while.

Zhou Chaoxian seemed to be waiting for his woman to ask this question, and smiled even more: "Hahahaha! I remember happy things."

"What the hell is going on? Could it be that Lei Gong quit the legislature election?" Cui Miaoxiang became more and more curious and asked.

The matter of the election made Zhou Chaoxian tired.

Only a happy event related to this can make him so happy.

Zhou Chaoxian grinned and nodded: "You guessed it very close, it's even better than this. Lei Gong was assassinated. After this old thing is gone, no one can compete with me for the position of legislator."

Although, it has been a while since I received the news that Lei Gong was killed.

But with such good news, he can be happy for half a year.

It's like, if you try your best to get something, there is still a long way to go, but who knows you will get it all of a sudden.

After working hard and prostituting for half for nothing, it is naturally far more exciting than normal.

"Do you think I can be unhappy?"

I have to say, probably only the matter of becoming the leader of the Pine Forest Gang at the beginning can be compared with this.

The death of Lei Gong brought his own benefits in addition to the election.

There are also huge benefits for the development of the community.

Without the leader of the Sanlian Gang, no one can provoke the lead.

It is only a matter of time before he annexes the other party.

"No wonder you're so happy! Is this legislator really so important? You've been working hard for this."

Cui Miaoxiang sighed and smiled a little.

As a woman, as long as her man is happy, she is happy too.

"You are a woman, what do you know?" Zhou Chao sat up first, his eyes twinkling.

There is a reason why so many gangsters are so fanatical about becoming legislators.

Because the law of the island stipulates that after being elected as a member of the legislature, the past will be forgotten.

It is equivalent to the official whitewashing you.

None of them are clean, basically they all do pornography, gambling and drugs.

In short, most of them are illegal activities.

None of them have been investigated, and as long as the government is determined to take action, it may be wiped out at any time.

of course.

This kind of thing will not happen, because on Treasure Island, two parties compete and both need votes.

And there are many underworld forces, spread all over the place, to win over them is to hold a big ticket warehouse.

Therefore, the faction that is in power now does not dare to deal ruthlessly with them.

Can there be a variable after that?

So in the days of underworld, it will be somewhat uneasy.

Besides, he also got the news.

He had already been on the list of the Baodao Bureau of Investigation.

Although he used some relationships to pressure each other.

So I haven't found anything decent for the time being, but it's always a hidden danger.

As long as he is elected to the legislature, the Bureau of Investigation will have nothing to do with him.

"When I become a member of the legislature, I will destroy all the Sanlian Gang, Beiguan, and Mengya, and dominate the underworld on the Treasure Island."

Zhou Chao first looked down at Cui Miaoxiang and expressed his ambition.

Before, he could only think about it, it was far away.

Now, he finally has the corresponding strength.

Next, it's only a matter of time.


the next day.

10 am.

The Pine Forest Gang's corner head meeting is about to begin.

Before that, Chen Anhua, the rudder master of Nanruo, had already arrived.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

He sat upright on the seat, his slightly fat body slightly beyond the range of the chair.

Wearing a watch on his hand, he glanced at the time from time to time.

His face was calm, without much expression, he just waited patiently without saying a word.

But in the heart, it is far less peaceful than the surface.

All kinds of emotions are tumbling and surging, excited, anxious, excited, worried, uneasy, tormented...

From beginning to end, his eyes looked at the empty position opposite.

That's right.

That position is Shen Fanglin, the rudder master of the North Rudder.

It stands to reason that at such an important moment, Shen Fanglin should arrive earlier, lest there will be any accidents and delay the time.

And now, he hasn't appeared.

Most likely, an accident has occurred.

Chen Anhua patiently waited for the result he wanted to see.


And things did move in the direction he expected.

The seven corners of the Pine Forest Gang had all arrived, and Zhou Chaoxian had already sat at the top.

Shen Fanglin still hasn't arrived.


Jiaotou Shen Nansheng said hello to Zhou Chaoxian and took a seat.

If you look closely, there is a faint smile on the corner of your mouth.

After sitting down, he silently exchanged glances with Chen Anhua.

Signal him to relax, he has already done that.

Chen Anhua understood, heaved a long sigh of relief, and was overjoyed.

Shen Nansheng really didn't lie to him!

He must have attacked Shen Fanglin last night, and he did it very well.

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