Even a slap in the past.


You are the boss of a dignified society, so you can't have it if you don't say it?


But if the news came from the leader of the Hongmen, the weight was still very heavy, and he couldn't help but ignore it.

Even a thought came to mind.

The reason why Lu Yun knew that this news should come from himself.

The gray wolf's face turned green, and he sneered: "Hahahaha, Mr. Lu is joking, I'm confused!"

Lu Yun didn't pierce him, and said lightly: "It doesn't matter, I just let you know in advance. If something happens, you will know what choice to make."

People like Gray Wolf are also old people.

It belongs to the master who does not see rabbits but not hawks, and is very shrewd.

He won't make a statement just because of his words.

Rather than seeing what you say, he cares more about how you do it and how well you can do it.

Lu Yun was not in a hurry.

Anyway, there is no need for the gray wolf to do anything for the time being, and this is enough for now.

Gray Wolf nodded quickly and said, "Thank you Mr. Lu for your suggestion. If there is such a time, I will understand."

His tone was much more humble, and his posture was much lower than before.

"Very well, let's do this first!"

As Lu Yun spoke, he stood up.

Once you get the results you want, you don't need to talk about it anymore.

Seeing this, Grey Wolf knew that Lu Yun was getting up to see off the guest, so he quickly stood up.

He said with interest: "Mr. Lu, then I won't disturb you, goodbye!"

After speaking, he left.

Just when he left, there was a hint of excitement and anxiety on his face.

After thinking about going back, he must keep a few more minds and pay close attention to the internal situation of the gang.Mountain.

[381] Your efforts are just a joke in front of him (2)

at the same time.

In a luxurious European-style villa, the lights are bright.

Lei Gong finished his campaign to solicit votes on the street and returned to the study in the villa with an extremely ugly expression on his face.

This kind of activity is the work that every candidate for the legislature must personally participate in, and it is also quite important.

This time everything went well, but when I drove the ballot car and promoted myself on the street.

Zhou Chaoxian also drove the ballot car to meet him, and the two groups collided.

In other words, Zhou Chaoxian did it on purpose.

He was old, and the Zhou Dynasty was in his early forties, when he was young and strong.

In contrast, voters immediately saw the difference.

After that, Zhou Chaoxian even picked up the loudspeaker and started scolding, making Lei Gong annoyed.

A fight was directly crushed.

This round of election campaign, he can be said to be a complete defeat.

Lei Gong finally calmed down and picked up a new newspaper delivered today. "Five six seven"

After just a few glances, it snapped and slapped it hard on the desk.

The newspaper is called 'Daily News'.

It is a local newspaper specializing in the promotion of Zhengzhi, and it sells a lot every day.

In the 80s, newspapers, as the main media for disseminating information, had a huge influence.

And as one of the candidates running for the legislature, he naturally reported it.

Or the front page headline, an introduction to the edge of the entire page.

It's a pity that the whole article is talking about Lei Gong's previous black history, and also lists his top ten crimes.

To sum up, in one sentence.

He doesn't deserve to be a legislator!

You can tell at a glance that it is Zhou Chaoxian's handwriting again!

Although there are several candidates on the list, in essence, he is the only one who is powerful and can threaten him.

It is the first of the Zhou Dynasty!

In fact, Lei Gong also published a newspaper to discredit Zhou Chaoxian, but he also suffered from age.

A 60-year-old is 40 years longer than a 20-year-old.

His black history is longer, to choose black materials, then his gold content must be higher.

If it's worse, he's really much better.

This is so embarrassing.

And his black material news is on the front page, while Zhou Changxian is on the last page, and the section is only the size of tofu.

This time, he was really angry.

Not only in the vote canvassing activities, but also in the fishing reel campaign, he lost completely.

Lei Gong narrowed his eyes, his face extremely gloomy.

He knew in his heart that the matter of the newspaper was caused by the Hongmen of Citigroup behind Zhou Chaoxian.

Citigroup Hongmen has a huge political influence in Baodao, just say hello to the person in charge of the newspaper.

There is a difference in treatment.

This time, Lei Gong was really in a hurry.

He leaned on the table with both hands, thought for a while, and spoke on his own.

"Lu Yun has not made a statement for a long time. If he drags on like this, his election to the legislature will be very difficult. He must get his support."

"I have no choice but to force him to make a statement."

Lei Gong got up, frowned, and paced back and forth in the study.

After a while.

After his repeated calculations, he has roughly come up with a solution.

After half a minute.

Liang Zaihui appeared in his study.

He asked respectfully, "Boss, you came to me, what's the matter?"

His face was bitter, and his heart was a little uneasy.

Lei Gong had previously canvassed for votes to meet Zhou, and had a 'debate' with Zhou Chaoxian, but his momentum and voice were completely defeated.

He was also by his side at that time, knowing that Lei Gong was in a good mood now and was in a bad mood.

Even now, he wouldn't be surprised if he was scolded because he stepped out with his left foot first when entering the study.

Anyway, come here this time.

Most likely it is to be scolded.

To his surprise, Lei Gong did not say anything about the votes.

Instead, his face was gloomy, and he ordered: "Go to the site of the Pine Forest Gang to send a mission, find a few people to assassinate Lu Yun, just do the following, don't kill it, remember! Be sure to find a member of the Pine Forest Gang. , put the blame on them."

Since you want to do a play, you have to do a full set.

He went directly to the younger brother under the Songlin Gang to do something, not afraid that Lu Yun would find out.

At that time, he didn't believe that Lu Yun was still so calm.

"Boss, you want to..."

Liang Zaihui was stunned for a moment, and instantly understood.

"Don't worry, I know what to do!"

It seems that Lei Gong's vote-drawing incident happened today. I have a hunch that if this continues, the election will be over.

So some can't sit still.

And Lu Yun was originally invited by him to deal with Zhou Chaoxian.

But Lu Yun was slow to make a statement.

no way!

He had to force him to use this secret method to push Lu Yun.

Lei Gong's face softened a little, and he said in a deep voice: "Remember not to reveal your identity, do it quickly!"

"Okay, I'll do it now!"

Liang Zaihui responded, seeing that Lei Gong had no other orders.

Knowing that something is important, I hurriedly went down...  


After he left the study, he did not immediately do as Lei Gong wanted.

Instead, he secretly met with Ding Yao, and told Ding Yao completely about Lei Gong's plan.

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