"Don't worry, Mr. Lu, as I said, I have made a choice." McConaughey knew very well that after tonight, he had no choice but to help Lu Yun completely defeat Hong Kong Governor MacLean.

"Director McConaughey, congratulations, tomorrow you can sit in the auditorium with peace of mind and enjoy a big show." Lu Yun said this with a smile on his face.

I just don't know why, seeing Lu Yun's smile makes McConaughey feel trembling! ! ! .

【352】Guillao Chief Envoy and Guillao Anti-Corruption Commissioner Nailed to the Pillar of Shame (2)

The news of Tang Jiexin's death seems to have opened the curtain of the Hong Kong Island drama. Everyone knows that the next day, Hong Kong Island must not be peaceful.

It's just that no one thought that night that Hong Kong Island the next day would be so uneven!

What happened on this day even affected the historical course of Hong Kong Island for the next 20 years.

The next morning, a press conference caused an instant sensation across Hong Kong Island.

The first magic of this press conference is that there are two organizers of this press conference, one is the Secretary for Home Affairs of the British Hong Kong Government, and the other is the icac Independent Commission Against Corruption.

These two units, which are considered to be the top departments in the various departments of the British Hong Kong government, held a press conference. They also held a press conference at 8:20 a.m. in violation of the normal working hours of the ghosts, which immediately attracted the interest of all the newspapers, television and media on Hong Kong Island.

Many ace reporters who stayed up late last night and still haven't woken up were woken up by their editor-in-chief by changing the call. Greeting the eighth generation ancestors of the ghosts and the women of their family.

"tmd, are the ghosts going crazy? Did their 28th queen die when they held a press conference so early?"

A reporter made a 'reasonable' judgement.

"I don't think so. Maybe Hong Kong Governor MacLean died last night?" Another reporter made a more 'reasonable' judgment.

"The Governor of Hong Kong is on the street. It should be the Hong Kong Governor's Office holding a press conference. This press conference was jointly released by icac and the Secretary of Administration. It is very likely that something went wrong with the top of the Secretary of Administration and was arrested by icac. Now." The third reporter finally made a reliable judgment.

"I would rather believe that the queen of the ghosts is dead than that the ghosts will catch the ghosts." The first reporter to speak disdainfully.

People on Hong Kong Island actually know what icac is, but many times, it is better to have it than not to have it. After all, before it appeared, in the era of the money empire on Hong Kong Island, most people were not the beneficiaries. They will not miss that era, and they will not want that era to come again.

"Don't say that, didn't icac arrest the deputy police chief of the police force before?" the third reporter who spoke before retorted.

"Hehe, why was he arrested by icac? Ordinary citizens don't know, don't we reporters know? Isn't it because of Lu Yun?" The first reporter to speak sneered.

"Hey, when you mention Lu Yun, I really feel sorry for him. He is definitely a hero of a generation. It's a pity that he just left. By the way, who do you think killed him?" Citizens are well-informed, but they are not so well-informed yet. Now the news of Tang Jiexin's murder is only known to the high-level officials of Hong Kong Island. These reporters are not qualified to know such confidential information.

Hearing the reporter's question, the reporter who just opened the meeting for the second time didn't think about it, and said directly: "Then there is no need to say it? It must have been a ghost shot. Think about who Lu Yun was playing during his debut. His face is the most ruthless? The ghost guy has no way to take him on the face, so he must use some crooked ways."

"I can be sure that someone from Nanyang moved the hand?" The reporter who said this obviously knew some inside information.

"Boss, are you from that newspaper office, so well-informed?" After hearing the reporter's words, the surrounding reporters became interested and surrounded the reporter and asked.

"I'm a reporter from Hong Kong Island Business Daily. It happened that Lu Yun's Yunmei Entertainment Company went public that day. Our newspaper office sent me to do an interview. Then Lu Yun was ambushed at the gate of the stock exchange market. Those who ambushed Lu Yun were some of them. I know him personally, I read his wanted notice when I was traveling in Siam, and he is the judge of the Nanyang Bandit." The reporter from the Hong Kong Island Business Daily answered truthfully.

"Fuck, brother, why hasn't this awesome news been published in your Hong Kong Island Commercial Daily!" Another reporter asked curiously.

"What newspaper to publish, the news that happened in the past few days, which one is not as sensational as this one?" The reporter of the Hong Kong Island Business Daily disdained after hearing the reporter's question.

When the reporter who just asked the question heard it, it was true. The news in the past few days is all heavy news. It seems that it is really difficult to squeeze out the space to write such a news without a real source.

Having said this, these reporters have to sigh that the previous Lu Yun and his Hongmen support almost half of the media on Hong Kong Island. As long as Lu Yun and Hongmen do something, it will be front page headlines, and there is absolutely no need to question them.

It's just that now Lu Yun is gone, and I don't know how many years later there will be another character like Lu Yun, these reporters sighed silently in their hearts.


At this time, the sound of footsteps came, which made the reporters' attention instantly shifted back to the press conference.

These reporters saw the Chief Secretary for Administration, Chen Hongli, and the ICAC Commissioner, Tang Ruolin, walking behind the press conference table with a few ghosts in suits and ties, and then sat behind the table.

Then, in a corner of the table, a Chinese man opened his mouth with a microphone and said, "The press conference will begin now. Let the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr. Chen Kangli, speak."

"Clap clap clap clap..."

After the host finished speaking, he took the lead in applauding, but the applause was a bit embarrassing, because none of the reporters present slapped him, and in the end he could only put away his palm embarrassingly.

Chen Kangli ignored the episode, picked up the microphone in front of him and said directly, "Everyone, at the beginning of this press conference, as the Chief Secretary for Administration of the British Hong Kong Government, I must first apologize to the citizens of Hong Kong Island."


After hearing Chen Kangli's words, the reporters at the press conference whispered in an instant.

This year on Hong Kong Island, it is not easy for these ghosts to apologize.

Not to mention asking the ghosts to take the initiative to apologize, even if it is correct and conclusive, 540 is clearly the fault of the ghosts, and there is a high probability that the ghosts will not apologize.

Now, the first sentence of the second-in-command of the entire Hong Kong Island ghosts is to take the initiative to apologize. How can this not surprise these reporters?

Chen Kangli also ignored these reporters' whispering comments, and continued: "Everyone, there are several black sheep among our Chief Administrative Secretary. They cooperated with a non-governmental organization to make waves in the stock market of Hong Kong Island and made a lot of money. Now we are in government affairs. The Secretary has solid evidence, and I have asked icac to intervene in the investigation, which is why Commissioner Tang will also participate in this press conference today."

After Chen Kangli's voice fell, the host immediately continued: "The Commissioner of the Independent Commission Against Corruption will speak."

After the host's voice fell, Tang Ruolin picked up the microphone and said directly: "Everyone, this time we icac will try this case fairly, justly and openly, and no matter who is involved, we will deal with it resolutely, and definitely give an explanation to all the citizens of Hong Kong Island. "

In the following time, Tang Ruolin and Chen Kangli contributed an epic performance. They sang and harmonized, and packaged themselves as Bao Gong and Guan Gong. One is honest and one is loyal. They are good leaders of the citizens of Hong Kong Island.

It's just that at this moment neither Chen Kangli nor Tang Ruolin know that what happens next will forever nail the performance of the two of them to the pillar of shame in the history of Hong Kong Island......

【353】Mr. Governor of Hong Kong, are you moved by giving you a bowling ball? (3)

That morning, the press conference held by the Secretary for Home Affairs of the British Hong Kong Government caused a sensation on Hong Kong Island.

A total of 2 middle and high-level members of the Department of Home Affairs, including the 5 Guilo Commissioners, were investigated by icac. This news instantly attracted the attention of all sectors of society on Hong Kong Island.

However, this news did not make much waves on Hong Kong Island, because not long after the press conference was over, a news item was broadcast on Hong Kong Island TVB TV series.

The content of this news is very simple, it can even be described as simple, because this news broadcasts a few simple audios, and even the picture is black.

But these audio clips caused a huge sensation on Hong Kong Island, far exceeding the sensation caused by the press conference held by the Secretary for Home Affairs of the British Hong Kong Government.

Because these videos have a common protagonist, the Chief Secretary for Administration of Hong Kong Island, Chen Hongli.

In the audio, Chen Kangli repeatedly asked Huang Shitong and others to manipulate the stock market and harvest the money of Chinese companies. After the news was reported, many good people went to the previous Ma newspapers and found that the stock market was in the period of the audio. The fluctuation is exactly the same as what is said in the audio, which almost fills the realism of these audios.

Once this news came out, it directly triggered an 'earthquake' on Hong Kong Island!

In the face of this news, the British Hong Kong government changed its previous procrastination work style and responded immediately. It immediately contacted TVB and asked them to stop broadcasting the news and hand over the information of the original audio provider.

To this request of the British Hong Kong government, TVB responded with two words: Ignore it!

Some kind of you tmd just blocked me!Otherwise, don't mention other requirements.

Naturally, the British Hong Kong government was not used to TVB, and immediately announced that it would investigate the license of TVB. If there were no accidents, the next step for TVB would be to suspend the TV station for rectification.

However, when the chess game is here, how could Lu Yun let the ghosts get through so easily?

At noon that day, including Ta Kung Pao, Sing Tao Daily, and Ming Pao, almost all newspapers on Hong Kong Island issued a supplement of the day. There is no other news in this supplement. Organize the cooperation of the Landlord Association.

Some radical newspapers, such as Ta Kung Pao, even 'reasonably speculate' that the British Hong Kong government has harvested nearly [-] billion Hong Kong dollars in wealth in the Hong Kong Island stock market through cooperation with the Landlord Association.

The Zhengtian Group, which is responsible for printing these newspapers, worked overtime that morning to print 300 million supplements of various newspapers, all of which could make every person on Hong Kong Island literate a newspaper.

Under the bombardment of fishing boats of this magnitude, after noon that day, almost [-]% of the citizens of the entire Hong Kong Island knew about the matter of the British Hong Kong government.

This punch directly stunned the British Hong Kong government. It can indeed order all media to stop work, but it has no way to make Hong Kong Islanders forget the news in their minds!

As a result, the press conference held in the morning by the Secretary of State for Hong Kong and the British Government turned into a joke, and the performance of the Chief Executive Officer Chen Kangli and the Commissioner of the Independent Commission Against Corruption Tang Ruolin at the press conference also became a clumsy performance by two clowns. Funny and generous.

At noon that day, Lu Yun's office was at the entrance of Ciyun Mountain in Hongmen.

Lu Yun was picking up the phone, listening to the latest 'victory results' brought back by Fang Zhanbo.

"Brother Yun, I have cooperated with Sima Xiang to eat all the stocks in the hands of the Landlord Association, and at the same time, the stock price of Yunmei Entertainment Company has been raised from 9.7 Hong Kong dollars per share to 16.7 Hong Kong dollars per share. According to my prediction, the market will be closed tomorrow. Before, I was able to bring Yunmei Entertainment's stock price back to the stock price when it was listed..." Fang Zhanbo has been suffocating in the stock market these days. In the morning, Yunmei Entertainment's stock nearly doubled.

"Yeah." Lu Yun hummed lightly, obviously not surprised by this result.

Fang Zhanbo continued: "Brother Yun, according to my prediction, with the potential of Yunmei Entertainment, its final transaction price should be stable at around HK$100 per share."

Having said this, Fang Zhanbo paused, and then continued: "In addition, according to your instructions, I have purchased nearly 7000 million shares of Yunmei Entertainment Company at a low price, and I am still taking it."

After hearing Fang Zhanbo's words, Lu Yun replied, "Zhanbo, then you will continue to buy the shares of Yunmei Entertainment Company, and when the stock price exceeds 80 Hong Kong dollars per share, slowly release the shares we hold in our hands. For these scattered shares, I will give you half a month to release all the scattered shares we hold."

"Okay, Brother Yun!" Fang Zhanbo responded.

Fang Zhanbo is very clear that according to Lu Yun's plan, if he sells the 7000 million shares of Yunmei Entertainment Company, Lu Yun will make a profit of nearly 60 billion Hong Kong dollars. This is definitely a huge number in today's Hong Kong Island, but I don't know. What does Lu Yun need so much cash for?

Fang Zhanbo is a little curious about this issue, but he doesn't care. He only cares about the stock market now. He finds that in the stock market, Fang Zhanbo can find the value of his own existence. It seems that he was born for the stock market. Lu Yun can give him this opportunity. , then he will try his best to repay Lu Yun no matter what.

If Fang Zhanbo was in front of Lu Yun at this time, Lu Yun could see that Fang Ting's eldest brother had also become a little blue man.

At this time, Lu Yun continued to say: "¨"Zhanbo, get ready. Now we have no opponents in the entire Hong Kong Island stock market. Next, our battlefield will be transferred to Hong Kong Island. "

"Brother Yun, what do you mean..." Fang Zhanbo was a little excited when he heard Lu Yun's words. He liked the feeling of being a powerful player in the stock market, and he hoped that the bigger the stage, the better.

However, Fang Zhanbo didn't say anything, and was interrupted by Lu Yun: "Zhanbo, you just need to be clear about this matter."

"I understand, Brother Yun." Fang Zhanbo suppressed his excitement and replied with a smile.

But what Fang Zhanbo didn't know at this time was that he thought that what he thought was radical enough, but only when he really knew Lu Yun's plan did he realize that what Lu Yun had to do was 100 times more exciting than what he thought. It's a real world-shaking scene.

Of course, Fang Zhanbo doesn't know anything about it now...(Li's).

After hearing Fang Zhanbo's words, Lu Yun sighed, then hung up Fang Zhanbo's phone, and then looked into the office, standing in his own Ah Hua.

"Brother Yun, this morning, I have followed your instructions to spread the news in an all-round way." After seeing Lu Yun hanging up the phone, Ah Hua immediately opened his mouth to report on the news.

"The ghost guy is already in a hurry." Lu Yun said with a smile.

"Haha, Brother Yun, I think the ghost guy is not only anxious, but must also panic. What are we going to do next?" Ah Hua asked with a smile.

Lu Yun glanced at a bowling ball on the bookshelf beside him, and said lightly, "Next, we are going to give this bowling ball to the Governor of Hong Kong. I wonder if he will like this gift?"

"Brother Yun, I think Mr. Hong Kong Governor will be very moved after receiving this gift." Ah Hua replied with a smile.

"I'm not sure if he is moved, but I can be sure that he will be very excited." Lu Yun smiled lightly and said slowly. .

【354】This is the top torture for the ghosts (4)

At noon that day, the Hong Kong Governor's Mansion and the Hong Kong Governor's Office were also very 'lively'.

The Governor of Hong Kong, John MacLean, the Chief Secretary for Administration of the British Hong Kong Government, Chen Hongli, the Commissioner of the ICAC, Tang Ruo-lin, and the Secretary for Justice, Peng Anke, all sat in the Office of the Governor of Hong Kong.

However, the faces of these four people were all very bad, especially the Governor of Hong Kong, McLean, whose face was so gloomy that it was about to drip.

"Mr. Chief Envoy, I want to know what happened to the recordings broadcast by the TV station?" McLean looked at Chen Kangli and said slowly.

McLean didn't know about it before, but now it seems that the huge British Hong Kong government has no department that will not be overwhelmed. Before the police force pulled the crotch, the icac pulled the crotch, and now the Home Secretary has pulled the crotch again, McLean feels that he is about to be caught by this The helper's subordinates are pissed to death.

"Sorry, Mr. Governor of Hong Kong, I didn't expect the people from the Landlord Association to record." Chen Kangli's face was also ashen. After this, he had no other better response than sorry.

Hearing Chen Kangli's sorry words, McLean's mood not only did not feel better, but even more annoyed, he said loudly: "Mr. Chief Envoy, what I need now is not your apology, but what you want to do now, how to do it now. Dissolve the 540 bad influences caused by this incident!"

After McLean's voice fell, Chen Kangli immediately followed McLean's words and said: "Mr. Governor of Hong Kong, I have ordered TVB to stop broadcasting the news immediately, and at the same time asked them to explain the person who provided the soundtrack. Now I think we can only start from the source. The source of the news was snuffed out above, and after a period of time, when the popularity subsided and the citizens of Hong Kong Island were not paying attention to this matter, they issued a notice announcing that these recordings were forged and untrue, and It's settled."

Chen Kangli's approach is also a common practice for ghosts when they encounter such things. First pretend to be dead, and wait until the citizens of Hong Kong Island have forgotten about it. When they come out, find a reason to clarify, and sometimes they even fight back!

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