"Big brother, it's all my fault for stealing my passenger seat." Weng Meilin looked at Ye Huainan aggrievedly with her big eyes that flickered.

  "Humph! I followed Brother Gou earlier than you. As usual, you can call me sister." Liu Jialing also put her waist on her back and said, not to be outdone.

  "Humph! You can't have your general knowledge. Big brother is here to eat a piece of beef!" Weng Meilin said as she put a piece of boiled beef into Ye Huainan's bowl.

  "Okay, stop arguing, it's rare to sit down and have a meal together, why are you chatting!" Ye Huainan spat out the beef and raised the decibel.

  The two women sat down honestly, while Ye Huainan ate his own food without helping each other. After the whole scene was recorded, he was indeed starving.

  "Brother Huainan, Mei Lin's "Best Partner" is about to be released, why haven't I received a notice to make a movie yet!" Jialing Liu, who was quietly eating something, couldn't help but ask.

  "Mei Lin, has "Best Partner" been filmed?" Ye Huainan, who was a bit busy during this time, asked her.

  "Yes, big brother, it was finished in the last two weeks. I heard that Director Zeng said that with the efficiency of the national special effects team, it may be released in a few days." Wen Meilin gave Liu Jialing a proud look with her chest out.

  At this time, Liu Jialing was even more like a rooster whose tail had been trampled. She glared at Weng Meilin, took Ye Huainan's arm and said coquettishly, "Brother Dog, look, everyone has been laughed at."

  "Okay, don't shake it, it's dazzling! I'll make arrangements at that time." Ye Huainan had no choice but to say.

  "I knew brother Huainan was the best, come and open your mouth." Liu Jialing flattered.

  She didn't know what Liu Jialing was thinking. Seeing a large plate of lemon oysters in front of her, Ye Huainan felt a little distended pain.

  However, Ye Huainan, who had drank a lot of juice, really felt a little thirsty, got up and walked to the bathroom in the corner of the private room.

  When Ye Huainan was about to close the door of the bathroom, he got into a small head. Who else could it be if it wasn't Liu Jialing's little goblin?

  And Weng Meilin, who was in the box, listened to the strange voice coming from the bathroom, and scolded: "What a shameless little goblin, it seems that I will take the initiative to be bold in the future."


  Time passed by like a white horse, and in the blink of an eye, "God of Gamblers" starring Zhou Xingxing and Wu Mengda was painted perfectly, and the final box office reached [-] million, becoming the first film to break the Hong Kong box office of [-] million, and the seamless release of "God of Gamblers" "Best Partner" has once again become a huge hit at the Hong Kong movie box office.

  Start the new week, and let the viewers who are guarding the full name TV channel hook up!First, the long-prepared and produced animation "I am a man who wants to become One Piece" successfully landed at 6 o'clock in the evening. At this time, the entire animation has been produced to more than 0 episodes. The performance of Guiziguo, it is easy to beat the wireless station at the same time again. ...... The key point is that this animation is different from the previous "Transformers", and the number of episodes is too exaggerated to open it again. Good luck, you can once again earn a lot of licensing fees around the world.

  At eight o'clock in the golden hour, "The Return of the Condor Heroes" starring Ye Huainan once again dominated the screen. Ye Huainan's handsome appearance and handsome ancient costumes once again attracted a large number of TV fans. The little dragon girl of fireworks also won applause from fans!Because of Wang Tianlin's high requirements, everyone in the training class in the play performed well in the play, and it was considered a small face in the TV drama circle.

  And at nine o'clock in the evening on Friday, the much-anticipated "The Voice of Hong Kong" also made a grand debut.

  At this time, in a high-end apartment in Xiangjiang, a young woman dragged her tired body and casually lay down on the sofa. Xiangjiang is a fast-paced place. Although young women have good jobs and wages, they can live a life for everyone. An enviable life, but her pressure is also huge.

  Turn on the TV and habitually tune the channel to the wireless station. I want to watch "Happy Tonight" that has been with me for many years. Since January 1971, 1, "Happy Tonight" has changed from black and white to color broadcasting, becoming the first broadcast in Hong Kong. A TV program produced in color, full of joy and humor, the host Shen Dianxia always speaks and deeds, healing her tired soul.

   Perhaps because she was too tired, the young woman clicked the wrong channel and inadvertently jumped to National Satellite TV. At this time, the scene of Ye Huainan on "The Voice of Hong Kong" happened to be on the TV screen. Women even have a good time listening to songs, not to mention taking time to watch movies and chasing stars.

  The young woman looked at Ye Huainan's handsome face, but a deliberately spoofed voice came from her ears.

  He secretly cursed: "You look so good when you grow up, but what the hell is this singing!"

  After that, I jumped the TV channel back to the wireless station. Unfortunately, it happened to be an advertisement here.

  The young woman shuffled the channel back to the scene of "The Voice of Hong Kong" on Comprehensive Satellite TV.

  "Hey! It seems that the more you sing, the better it sounds!" the young woman muttered. .

Chapter 167

  When they saw "The Voice of Xiangjiang" next, when the four mentors almost fought for Ye Huainan to become a member, they laughed so hard that they couldn't even straighten their waists.

  The young woman did not expect that a music talent show would be played by Ye Huainan with a different feeling, and then she completely locked the channel on National Satellite TV.

  Early the next morning, the General Manager's Office of Radio Station

  Fang Yihua, who had just taken over the ratings table of yesterday's program, crumpled up the report again and threw it into the trash can.

  Shao Yifu, who was sitting beside him, could know the result from Fang Yihua's expression.

  Shao Yifu shook his head and said: "This week's ratings are a complete defeat. I didn't expect the last level "Happy Tonight" to be defeated again by a big gap. It seems that our TVB station will also step towards and Shaw Brothers Pictures. The same situation."

  Fang Yihua sighed and said: "According to the current state of affairs, it seems that the day is not far away, and the most important thing now is that we can't lead to high-quality animations, plus the turn of Mr. Jin, it almost makes the national satellite TV stand. And invincible, now Ye Huainan has come up with a phenomenal music talent show."

  Shao Yifu took a heavy sip of the cigar in his hand, spit out a smoke ring, and said, "Since you can't win the national TV in a head-to-head confrontation, your next task is to start with the employees of National TV and All-Star Films. I don’t believe it if you dig at a high price, the whole national group can be united.”

  "I'm afraid it's not that simple. Since Lin Zhenying before, I have sent people to contact me privately, but the answer I got is not ideal. Now, the welfare of the entire national group is the best for the whole of Xiangjiang. , even those time-honored brands in Great Britain can't be as crazy as Ye Huainan." Fang Yihua said with a frown.

  "This...then we will add [-]% to their salary level. I don't believe that they will not come. If it goes on like this, Shaw Brothers will really be finished." Shao Yifu sighed and said.

  "Okay, I'll try my best!" Fang Yihua felt overwhelmed when he saw this salary increase.But for Shao Yifu, cost control is almost always the top priority. At the same time, Shao's sting is also well-known in the industry, and this time the concession on salary is the first time. .


  HSBC's exclusive investment lounge

  Soros was a little worried about Hongmeng Fund. At this time, Shi Yaxuan, the person in charge, said: "Boss, our last fund has been successfully entered into the market, but now the Hong Kong stock market is rising slightly and steadily. This time our operation is really no problem. ?"

  Shi Yaxuan stared at the computer on the table and said, "Don't you think the good family in the Xiangjiang stock market at this time is very strange?"

  Soros carefully stared at the K-line chart for nearly ten minutes, and suddenly cheered: "Boss, I seem to have found something."

  Shi Yaxuan smiled and said, "Tell me what you think."

  "Although the price at this time is rising slightly, the total trading volume of the entire Hang Seng market is quietly declining. If it wasn't for your reminder from Boss, I really didn't notice that those short sellers were all hidden. It seems to be creating an artificial breakout and rising, and the tricks of those people seem to have succeeded, and there have been a lot of retail investors following up in the market recently." Soros said, the more excited he became.

  "You are right. This is the latest property market-related information. You should also study it carefully." He Chaoqiong also handed Soros a document.

  After a few minutes of browsing, Soros said again: "The same is true here in the property market, showing false prosperity. In the most treacherous places, this group of people is also cooperating with media propaganda, and it seems to lure more people into the trap."

  Shi Yaxuan smiled and said: "Then you are wrong, these are superficial things, and there are deeper things, you have to study it carefully, this time the long and short competition is not so simple, for Boss Ye You only need to implement the plan carefully, but if you want to learn more, you can seriously think about every step of his strategic deployment, and this time our investment will be closed immediately, and then you will I know the magic of Boss Ye."

  Shi Yaxuan's admiration for Ye Huainan was beyond words and even more undisguised.

  Soros nodded and said: "Okay, thank you Boss for your suggestion. This time the Hang Seng Index fell, did Boss Ye give a bottom?"

  He Chaoqiong was also helpless to the sometimes shrewd and sometimes ignorant Soros, and said, "Your task during this time is to keep an eye on the market and wait for the instructions from Boss Ye."

  He Chaoqiong looked at Soros and nodded with a vague understanding.

  He Chaoqiong ignored him, kindly dragged Shi Yaxuan to a small office dedicated to the two of them, and said, "Yaxuan, how much money do you think our Hongmeng Fund can make this time? Every time I ask Huainan, it's a god. Secretly don't tell me."

  Shi Yaxuan said with a smile: "I usually ask you to do more research, but you find it troublesome. But with my understanding of Huainan, the profit this time will be astronomical, or he will not remind us many times in the middle that we need to be careful. !"

  Then Shi Yaxuan whispered a number in He Chaoqiong's ear.

  He Chaoqiong covered his mouth in disbelief and whispered, "What? Do you want to be so exaggerated? Will there really be such a high profit?"

  "This is still a conservative estimate, but the specific profit depends on the operation of the time." Shi Yaxuan said with a smile.

  "This... If the goal is really achieved, then our Quanmin Group can not only pay off the debt, but also show off its strengths?" He Chaoqiong said excitedly.

  At this time, almost everyone in Xiangjiang was investing in stocks. In the 70s, it was known as the era of shark fin fishing.At that time, everyone in Hong Kong invested in stocks, and everyone made a lot of money.But in the end, the stock market bubble burst, and it was those small investors who lost money.In fact, this is also the case. If the small shareholders are not dead, how can the financial giants make money?

  And this time the stock market crash is coming, and they don't know how many small shareholders will fall, but this is not something they should worry about and consider.

  Ye Huainan is not a saint either, so it is naturally impossible to consider the risks of others, and if this battle can start smoothly, the development of the inland will be unimpeded. .

Chapter 168

  "Brother Dog! A film company in the United States has come to the door. Would you like to evaluate whether it is suitable for acquisition?" Ye Huainan, who was still asleep, was awakened by a phone call from Jiang Zhiqiang.

  "What's the name of the company?" Ye Huainan muttered in a daze.

  "It seems to be called 20th Century Fox Film Company. I heard that it was formed by the merger of Fox Film Company and 30th Century Film Company. It also said that it was one of the eight major Hollywood film companies in the 40s and [-]s. It is estimated that it is a liar. How could the company think about being acquired, but this company still has a lot of theaters in the United States, so what do you mean?" Jiang Zhiqiang also muttered weakly.

  Twentieth Century Fox?Ye Huainan is still impressed by him. There are quite a few blockbuster movies under his banner, such as "Star Wars", "X-Men", "Home Alone" series, "Independence Day", "Remaining Island" and "The Museum". "Night" and so on, the 3D blockbuster "Avatar" directed by James Cameron is also produced by it.In less than 12 days, the box office hit 6 billion US dollars, ranking second in the highest-grossing film in film history.And "Avatar" only took [-] weeks to surpass the global box office of "Titanic", which was also co-produced with Paramount.

  There are also two distinctive subsidiaries under 3th Century Fox, Blue Sky Studio, which produces 2D animated feature films, and Fox Searchlight, which distributes independent films.Blue Sky Studio's three films "Ice Age," "Robos," and "Ice Age [-]" have all been successful, nearly rivaling the two animation giants Pixar and DreamWorks, while Fox Searchlight is one of the independent film companies. A star, has released "Little Miss Sunshine" and other acclaimed and popular films.

  In Ye Huainan's impression, the company should have been sold by its founder to Marvin Davis, a big oil dealer, while 1984th Century Fox was sold to Australian media giant Rupert Merger in [-]. Doc acquired it, and it started to revive again. This is a good time to start. Not only can it use its identity to distribute animations in the United States and around the world, as well as Hollywood movies, those talents of its Blue Sky Studio can also be directly income. .

  Regarding the distribution company of "The Lion King", Ye Huainan has always been entangled. It is difficult to open up the situation in Europe and the United States if the national animation is used directly, but if it is released directly using the Hollywood company shell, it can avoid major problems. Part of the trouble.

  "Is the person who wants to sell it called Marvin Davis, how did you meet him 〃々." Ye Huainan responded instantly with energy.

  "Brother Gou, what are you really? Your name is indeed Marvin Davis. It's quite a coincidence. Today, I saw a pretty good theater chain with a lot of theaters, so I took the initiative to contact the person in charge. , after a few more chats, he said that he had been suffering from illness for a long time, and he had no intention of doing business, as if he just bought it not long ago? There will be no problem!" Jiang Zhiqiang explained.

  It seems that Rupert Murdoch has not taken the initiative to contact him at this time, so there is no one else to raise the price, which is the best time to start.

  "Then you help me make an appointment with him, and I'll book a plane ticket and rush over there." Ye Huainan said repeatedly, not wanting to miss this opportunity.

  "Really? Well, let's talk about the acquisition, but you should take me to the United States for a good time." Jiang Zhiqiang said slyly.

  "Well, you'll be steady first."

  After Ye Huainan said that, he hung up the phone, got up and washed up and rushed to All-Star Pictures.

  Because it was the weekend and the Hong Kong stock market did not open, Shi Yaxuan and He Chaoqiong went to All-Star Pictures early in the morning.

  "Huainan, why are you here?" Because Ye Huainan always slept until he woke up naturally when he was not working, He Chaoqiong was surprised when he saw him.

  "By the way, whoever of you is free in the last week, accompany me to the United States." Ye Huainan embraced Shi Yaxuan and He Chaoqiong and said affectionately.

  "In the company! Don't do this!" the two women said shyly.

  "It is estimated that we really don't have time recently. Tomorrow, Chaoqiong and Yazhi will go to Xiangshanao to promote the brand of 'Made in the East', and my words will still be watched by Hongmeng Fund, because the current Hongmeng stock market I'm afraid there is going to be a big move." Shi Yaxuan also said a little lonely.

  "I also want to accompany you, but I made an appointment with Yazhi three days ago about the matter of going to Xiangshanao, but why are you going to the United States this time? You haven't just returned from the mainland with Yaxuan not long ago." He Chaoqiong winked.

  "Of course there's business, little fool, then you can help me book the earliest flight to the United States." Ye Huainan's perverted meal provoked the two girls, and they became jealous.

  "Boom boom boom!"

  "I heard that brother Huainan is here, where is the person?"

  The typical person who has not heard it hears it first.

  Shi Yaxuan and He Chaoqiong hurriedly sorted out their clothes, and didn't forget to give Ye Huainan a fierce look.

  "' 'Come in!"

  When he opened the door, he saw Zhang Min and Zhou Huimin's little heads come in.

  "Brother Huainan, I knew you were hiding here!" Zhang Min said first.

  "Why didn't you take a break without an announcement today?" Ye Huainan responded angrily, disturbing himself to steal incense and jade.

  "Brother Huainan, you see, this is Sister Ya Zhi, the new clothes that Sister Tuo Chaoqiong brought us, do they look good?" Zhou Huimin turned around and said.

  "It's Brother Huainan, this is a new model of 'Made in the East', isn't it beautiful!" Zhang Min also said happily.

  "Well, that is, don't even look at all the beautiful girls who came out of our All-Stars." Ye Huainan said with a bad smile.

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