"Huinan, our "Mr. Zombie" has a box office of [-] million this week, which is already [-] million ahead of "Funny Times" in Xinyicheng. The attendance rate of our all-star theaters is close to [-]%. Then it's only less than [-]%. This time, they are eating their own fruit." After He Chaoqiong finished speaking, she did not forget to take a look at Zhao Yazhi.

  Not to be outdone, Zhao Yazhi said, "I'm not starring yet!"

  "Humph!" Fortunately, He Chaoqiong did not continue to answer.

  "Let's hand it over by yourself. I have other things to do." Before leaving, she didn't forget to stare at Guan Zhilin, who was sitting beside Zhao Yazhi.

  And Guan Zhilin spit out a small tongue in return.


  "You heard about the All-Star Records, and they want to recruit rookie singers. But there seems to be an age limit, you must be under the age of eighteen."

  "Yes, if you have good qualifications, you can also get the support of President Ye. Zhang Guorong's "The Wind Continues to Blow" was created by President Ye personally."

  "All-stars are really amazing now. This new film "Mr. Zombie", according to the current popularity, will definitely break records, and now it will fully enter the record market."

  "Yes, Ye Huainan's talent is really amazing."

  "Hurry up and tell the good news to the side, friends who like the lyrics..."



  In a shack less than two hundred feet in size.

  At this time, the little girl who was like a ceramic doll in her cardamom years had just finished her homework and had done all the housework obediently.

  Take out the records I bought with all my pocket money.

  Carefully put it in, it looks like a three-purpose machine for some years.

  Then came Zhang Guorong's magnetic voice.

  "I advise you to go home early

  you said you didn't want to go back

  just ask me to hold you

  The long sea breeze gently cools the wildfire

  i see you sad

  You say how can I be willing to go


  I saw her listening and singing along in a soft voice.

  "Xiao Min, stop singing and go out to play." Fa Xiao, who lived in the shanty town with him, called out the window.

  "Go ahead, this song is so good, I want to learn it early." The little girl said seriously.

  "Have you heard? All-Star Records is recruiting rookies. You sing so well, why don't you give it a try? If you are selected by President Ye, then you will be very successful." The girl Faxiao said equally seriously.

  "Is the registration fee expensive?" the little girl asked rhetorically, clutching at the corner of her clothes.

  The little girl has been well-behaved and sensible since she was a child. She also knows that she has no father since she was a child. The whole family relies on her mother to work several jobs to make a living.

  So not only study hard, but also do my best to help with housework.I never want to put extra burden on my mother.

  That Zhang Guorong's tape still spent all the pocket money she had accumulated.

  "No need! This All-Star Record is your favorite Zhang Guorong's record company. They promised that as long as you have talent, you can sign a contract directly and train!" The girl Faxiao said with a vague understanding.

  "So good? Wouldn't it be a lie?" the little girl wondered.

  "No way! This is the news published in the "All-Star News", as long as you fill in the above form, you can wait for the audition. Xiaomin walks to my house, there is "All-Star News" in my house, come here Fill in, you sing so well, it must be fine."

  PS, everyone guess who this little ceramic girl is? .

Chapter 43

  "Huinan, this is the application for all the rookies recently."

  He Chaoqiong pushed three stacks of application forms nearly fifty centimeters thick on the table to Ye Huainan.

  Ye Huainan quickly scanned page by page, just looking at it, he jumped to the application form.

  Seeing Ye Huainan's strange behavior, He Chaoqiong asked suspiciously, "Are you screening?"

  Ye Huainan smiled mysteriously and did not explain in detail, just said something, and you will know when the time comes.

  After that, the quick selection was started. Ye Huainan's original intention was to find those well-known players who were familiar with the previous life.

  That's why there is an application letter.

  After nearly half an hour of preliminary screening, Ye Huainan selected nearly [-] applications.

  When Ye Huainan reconfirmed whether there were any fish that slipped through the net.

  He Chaoqiong, whose curiosity exploded long ago.

  He picked up the application form that Ye Huainan had already screened and looked at it.

  I saw that there were several of them with the same name.

  Only at this time did He Chaoqiong know that Ye Huainan was looking for information, and he chose people based on their names.

  The horror in He Chaoqiong's heart deepened even more. Could it be that he would not know whether the prophet would succeed.

  After Ye Huainan confirmed that it was correct, he handed the screened application form to He Chaoqiong and said, "Chaoqiong, let someone inform these people that they will participate in the audition in three days."

  "Well, okay." At this time, He Chaoqiong had long believed in Ye Huainan's decision.

  With this document in hand, he turned around and left the office and handed it to the secretary.

  After arranging everything, He Chaoqiong returned to the office, and said to Ye Huainan full of resentment, "Alright, I will come to the company to accompany me when I have time. I only think of me every time I have something to do."

  "I know you've been working hard during this time, so I'll take you to Japan and South Korea after this time?" Ye Huainan tapped He Chaoqiong's beautiful nose.

  "Humph! Why didn't you leave me that night? That woman said she wanted to give birth to a baby for you." He said with a pouted mouth.

  "You also know that I already have Yazhi. I'm afraid that you will regret it, and I don't want to ask you like that." Ye Huainan said frankly.

  "What's the matter, my dad has a fourth wife!" He Chaoqiong said indifferently.

  "Okay, my little fool, don't think about it. I have other things to do."

  Ye Huainan flicked He Chaoqiong's forehead, turned around and left the Kangle Building.

  With the continuous serialization of "I Want to Break the Sky", various newspapers and magazines have already published works that follow the trend.

  The title of the book almost didn't make Ye Huainan die of laughter.

  "My Carrying Grandpa", "I Was Broken From My Marriage at the Beginning", "Break Through the Sky".

  But what surprised Ye Huainan the most was that the sales of these publications were not bad.

  Although it cannot be compared with the "All-Star News", which has become the leader of the Hong Kong newspaper industry.

  But the plot of "I Want to Break the Sky" is nearing its end.

  Ye Huainan personally sent the concretized new book "Wu Breaking the Universe" to the National News Agency.

  After the expansion of the National News Agency, there are now nearly [-] employees.

  The size of the venue has also more than doubled.

  "All-Star News" has also gone from simply relying on "I Want to Break the Sky" to drive sales, and horizontally to horse racing, entertainment, modern literature appreciation and other sectors have made good achievements.

  And they all have a stable reader group, which has established the status of the leader of the Hong Kong newspaper industry today.

  Ye Huainan took a look, and with the huge amount of points brought by the hot screening of "Mr. Zombie", the points at this time actually reached as many as [-] million.

  The lottery page was called up.

  The lucky ten draws started decisively.

  But this time, the god of luck did not seem to favor him. Eight works were realized cards, one preliminary basketball skill and one junior composition.

  what the hell!continue!

  This time the results were even worse, with nine work realization cards, and one junior lyricist.

  Ye Huainan, who didn't believe in evil, came directly to the [-]th draw.

  A burst of light shot out, making Ye Huainan blind for nearly ten seconds.

  The blurred vision began to clear again.

  I saw a golden treasure chest in the inventory.

  When I recalled that I obtained the master-level Jeet Kune Do, there was no such vision.

  Could it be that his first god-level item was born.

  With trembling hands, Ye Huainan opened the treasure chest and saw only a simple thread-bound book inside.

  I saw four big characters with golden light on the title page: Huangdi Neijing.

  At this time, Ye Huainan's hands trembled even more severely. Could it be that this is the cultivation method of Huang Di, Ye Yu's daughter [-], and soaring?

  When I opened the Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon, I saw streaks of golden light that shot directly at Ye Huainan's mind.

  After a while, the book in his hand disappeared miraculously.

  Along with a slight tingling in my mind, a stream of information was directly mapped into my brain.

  Ye Huainan also knew that it was indeed the divine book he had in mind, but at this time the spiritual energy on the earth was gradually fading away.

  It can only make him strong and invincible in "battles", and it is impossible to get ascension.

  At this time, Ye Huainan, who encountered Zhao Yazhi and attacked overnight.

  A wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. .

Chapter 44

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