"Okay, I will spend more time with you in Tokyo this time." Ye Huainan said sincerely.

  "Mmmm." Deng Lijun nodded obediently and buried her head deeper.

  "Let's go, I'll take you to the amusement park next to Ginza." Ye Huainan hugged Deng Lijun, who was as lazy as a cat and curled up in his arms.

  "How old are you, you are not afraid of being laughed at when you go to the playground." Deng Lijun pouted and complained.

  She said no, but her body was very honest. Deng Lijun got up and took Ye Huainan's hand, and walked towards the playground with Ye Huainan.

  How could Deng Lijun not know how busy Ye Huainan is at ordinary times, saying that she wants to enjoy life, but Ye Huainan has never relaxed about work.

  In the few days that Ye Huainan arrived in Tokyo, he didn't spend much time with them every day. Even at night, there were constant calls. It was really rare to be able to accompany him so quietly.

  Deng Lijun held Ye Huainan's hand, and her heart was jumping with joy. Deng Lijun had always been looking at the backs of pairs on the street, she was envious, because of her and Ye Huainan's identities, they were in Xiangjiang. At the time, it was very difficult to simply stroll around, let alone go to the amusement park together so easily and freely like this.

  As night had fallen, not many people went to the amusement park to play.

  "' ‖ Huainan, let's go bumper cars together!"

  "Huinan, let's play pirate ship together!"


  Deng Lijun played like a child, laughing constantly along the way.

  "Huinan, let's go ride the Ferris wheel together!"

  Deng Lijun, who had just finished playing the merry-go-round, took Ye Huainan's hand non-stop and trotted away in the direction of the Ferris wheel.

  Ye Huainan looked at Deng Lijun who was having such a good time, and naturally he would not refuse.

  After buying the ticket and getting on the Ferris wheel, Ye Huainan fastened the seat belt for Deng Lijun.

  But Ye Huainan, who was sitting beside Deng Lijun, clearly felt her trembling body.

  But Ye Huainan didn't say anything, just held her hand tightly, which was already full of sweat.

  As the switch was turned on, the Ferris wheel began to turn. Deng Lijun, who had been keeping her eyes closed, felt the power from Ye Huainan in her palm. She was afraid of heights since she was a child, and finally opened her eyes bravely. .

Chapter 268

  With the whistling wind, the Ferris wheel gradually turned and rose. At this time, Deng Lijun's heart was almost tangled.

  Deng Lijun looked at the gradually becoming smaller tourists. At this time, the whole world seemed to have only the man she loved the most.

  The higher the Ferris wheel is, the more fear and discomfort it brings to Deng Lijun.

  But the temperature of Ye Huainan from the palm of her hand seemed to give her infinite courage. Not only did Deng Lijun not cry loudly, but when the Ferris wheel reached the highest point, she held Ye Huainan's neck with one hand and directly kissed Ye Huainan's mouth. The two kissed each other in the air.

  It is for this moment of tenderness that Deng Lijun overcame all the unease and anxiety in her heart, but only because of a beautiful legend.

  Legend: Get on the Ferris wheel with your beloved, and when you reach the top, kiss him (her), then the two will be together forever and go on happily...

  Although Deng Lijun also understands such a legend, it is illusory, but she still does it stupidly.

  When the Ferris wheel stopped again, the two opened their mouths and looked at each other and smiled.

  It's like this again, a tacit act of a lover will make the person in love sweet all day, and this is what Deng Lijun is like at this time.

  Ye Huainan naturally noticed Deng Lijun's strangeness, but looking at the sweet smile on her face, she didn't ask any further questions.But it also interrupted Deng Lijun's idea of ​​continuing to play, and whispered in her ear with a smirk, there will be more interesting projects waiting for you when you go back!

  After Deng Lijun rolled her eyes at Ye Huainan, she recalled a hooligan, but her heart was full of happiness.


  Since the little devil country government experienced the "oil crisis", it lifted the relevant policy of financial retrenchment in the spring of 1975, and adopted the policy of fiscal stimulus at the end of 1977. At the same time, it advanced the industrial structure and promoted the labor and capital-intensive industrial structure. Shift to a technology- and knowledge-intensive industrial structure.

  Due to the continuous expansion of exports, which made up for the decrease in domestic demand in the little devil country, the domestic economy of the little devil country began to recover steadily. At the same time, the price remained stable, and the unemployment rate tended to decline. At the same time, the economic growth rate did not fluctuate much.

  In order to overcome the oil crisis, Little Devils made efforts to promote the rationalization of production and management of private enterprises.

  Relying on the principles of the market, private enterprises in the country of the little devil, on the one hand, vigorously save resources and energy, and implement "reduced operation" to save various costs, on the other hand, realize the high added value of products, especially export products through technological innovation. .

  By promoting the rationalization of production and operation, the quality and efficiency of enterprises in Xiaoguiziguo have been significantly improved.

  After the Nixon Shock and the Oil Crisis, economists all over the world predicted that the country's economy would not be able to withstand such a double blow, and worried that the country would enter an era of zero-growth economic depression.

  It's just that no one thought that the little devil country would stubbornly restore its vitality under the predicament by virtue of the enhancement of the quality of private enterprises.Although oil prices continued to rise rapidly in the later period, the little devil country, which suffered heavy losses in the early days, unexpectedly recovered the fastest among Western countries.

  Although there is another global economic crisis in 1982, the economy of the little devil country has been affected very little.

  As the economy and technology level of Little Devils are catching up with Europe and the United States, the government of Little Devils has also noticed the importance of independent technological research and development.

  From the little devil country "from the era of imitating foreign technology to the era of originality", and to carry out independent research and development with "the power of the whole country".

  A government-industry-university research and development project has completely changed the status of the little devil's country's semiconductor industry.

  The little devil's Ministry of International Trade, Industry, and Industry has assembled R&D personnel from major competitors in the market, including Fujitsu, Hitachi, Mitsubishi Electric, Toshiba and NEC, with a total investment of [-] billion yen, and the government invested [-] billion yen.

  In just 4 years, more than 1000 patents have been obtained.

  This move also increased the country's dependence on key process equipment and production raw materials in the United States and other countries from 1970% in the 80s to 70% in the early [-]s. Since then, the semiconductor industry of the little devil country has opened a "golden age", the global market share has continued to rise, and it has begun to play a pivotal role in the world.

  Up to now, the market share of semiconductor companies in the global DRAM market has reached 80%, far surpassing that of the United States.

  It is in such a large environment that a large number of great technology companies such as Hitachi, Fujitsu, Toshiba, NEC, and Mitsubishi Electric were born.

  According to Gartner data, in 1987, NEC, Toshiba, and Hitachi in Little Devil Country ranked among the top three semiconductor factories in the world, and the top 3 Chinese and Japanese companies occupied 20 seats.

  At the same time, this is also the main purpose of Ye Huainan's trip to the country of the little devil. In addition to watching the concerts of Deng Lijun and Nakajima Miyuki, although Quanmin Technology is far ahead of this era in terms of technology, its own background is too thin, even if there are With the addition of science geek Yang Zhenyu, it is also difficult to change the fact that there is a shortage of talents.

  So secretly controlling potential companies or digging more talented talents is the best and most convenient way.

  It's just that Ye Huainan didn't have a clue in his heart at this time, but he could make the final decision only after he came over to investigate the basic situation of the little devil country.

  After all, the entire industrial chain of any industry involves too many links, and he can only exchange part of the core technology from the system's points mall, and all rely on the system to exchange the mall. The place.

  However, after these days of investigation, it is not without harvest. With the increasingly fierce confrontation between the United States and the little devil country in the semiconductor industry, the US Ministry of Commerce's investigation of the cheap dumping of little devil chips to the United States has already begun. The helpless little devil country even abolished the semiconductor tariff.

  This is the best entry point for National Science and Technology. In the past life, under the wanton suppression of the United States, the semiconductors of the little devil country turned from prosperity to decline, and then the stick country and the island-raising country rose against the trend.

  After many considerations, Ye Huainan first set his sights on NEC in the country of the little devil. .

Chapter 269

  First of all, nec at this time has an entire independent semiconductor industry chain, which is much stronger than the technology and equipment provided by Motorola at the beginning.

  In addition, this year, nec's US subsidiary, necinformationsystems, launched the μpd7220 graphics display controller, which directly changed the pattern of the emerging computer graphics market. The μpd7220 graphics display controller, as the world's first graphics processor chip, although it is integrated Graphics cards, but nec has a complete set of graphics cards and a complete industrial chain integrating storage, processor, design and packaging production capabilities, which is what Ye Huainan values ​​most.

  Although the design and production of chips in the previous life were separated, and they had a relatively complete foundry model, it did provide a lot of convenience for chip designers, but at the same time, they were also subject to others. Huaeryouwei in the previous life is the best example. , obviously has more advanced chip design capabilities, but suffers from being limited by the sanctions of the United States, and even manufacturers that produce chips cannot find it.

  The technology of the whole people with money and technology in this world naturally does not need to follow the old road. It is directly the pilot mode of the whole line, and it is necessary to participate in the formulation of all the rules of the game.

  It is also a coincidence that the head of the nec graphics display controller department, in order to promote the sales of graphics cards, proposed a reform model that tried to replace the traditional manual hand-painted model through computer drawing, and took the initiative to find the East that was dominated by a family in the country of little devils at this time. DreamWorks.

  Yamaguchi Baihui, who didn't care about this at first, learned that Ye Huainan went to Little Devil's Country this time to seek high-quality semiconductor manufacturers, so he agreed to the invitation of Iwatari Neiku, the head of the graphics display controller department of nec, and brought him with him. Ye Huainan.

  The meeting place is the Marunouchi Hotel in the famous Marunouchi Hotel in Tokyo.

  Since it was still early for the meeting, Ye Huainan and Yamaguchi Baihui were hanging out in the commercial street.

  "Huinan-kun, how long will you be staying in Tokyo this time?" Kashiwa Yamaguchi ~ Megumi asked expectantly.

  "It's okay, I can stay for a few more days and accompany you well." Ye Huainan said after thinking for a moment.

  It is true that in addition to the [-]th, I still need to go back to the inland to participate in the premiere of the patriotic film on the [-]th. The more urgent itinerary is indeed-no.

  "Really? That's really great." Yamaguchi Baihui no longer had the majesty he had when he was the head of the Oriental DreamWorks. Instead, he only had water-like tenderness, leaning gently on Ye Huainan's arm.

  "I've heard from Lijun that it's been a long time. I'll take more rest in the future, and I'll show you around." Ye Huainan tore through Baihui Yamaguchi's hair before laughing.

  "Yeah~ Huainan-kun is really bad!" The hair was originally Yamaguchi Baihui's sensitive spot. Under Ye Huainan's caress, he almost lost his footing and slumped on the ground.

  Ye Huainan's actions were unintentional. After seeing Yamaguchi Baihui's reaction, he couldn't help laughing again and again.

  As a famous commercial street in Tokyo, Marunouchi is a busy and prosperous street at the weekend.

  Although Ye Huainan doesn't have a good impression of the Little Devils Kingdom, but one thing that Ye Huainan admires is that the quality of the citizens of the Little Devils Kingdom is indeed not low. Almost every street and alley is clean and tidy. Net, I can't even see a piece of paper, let alone a melon and fruit paper.

  The two were just hanging out with no clear destination.

  But on the most prosperous street in Marunouchi, two long lines attracted Ye Huainan's attention.

  It is human instinct to join in the fun, and Ye Huainan is no exception.

  When I looked up, I saw two adjacent signboards, 'Oriental' and 'Made in the East', which were particularly dazzling in the sunlight.

  Yamaguchi Baihui followed Ye Huainan's gaze and naturally saw it, as she has lived in Tokyo for a long time and said with a smile: "Huinan-kun, these two are the newly opened flagship experience stores recently, influenced by "Fashion for All" magazine, Since its opening half a month ago, there has been an endless stream of people queuing up to experience it. There are limited-edition bags in the 'Oriental', which I have been interested in for a long time, but because of their VIP system, I cannot buy them."

  Ye Huainan himself was amazed. Originally, he was worried about whether the industry of the Quanmin Group would be hindered in the country of Xiaoguizi, but before he knew it, many brands of the Quanmin Group had already established a foothold in the country of Xiaoguizi, and their influence was not yet strong. Small.

  Not to mention the secretly controlled Oriental DreamWorks, which has occupied the highest ground in animation.

  The Tokyo branch of All-Star Records, under the auspices of Deng Lijun and Nakajima Meixue, although there are not many artists under it, all of them are of great influence.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

  The imax theater chain has already spread all over the country of Little Devils, and it has become the best choice for citizens of Little Devils to watch movies.

  The fashion industry is far less strictly controlled than animation. "Fashion for All" is very popular in the little devil country, which is at the forefront of fashion. It has also defeated many local magazines and won the crown. Along with it, there are 'Made in the East' and 'Oriental'. 'The flagship experience store has risen from the ground up.

  Although Watsons and Baijia supermarkets have not yet bloomed in Little Devils Country, they have already appeared in major cities. With the recommendation of the development process, it will be a matter of time to fill up the minimap.

......... 0 ...

  Ye Huainan himself was equally depressed. The chip he was in charge of had not made much progress. The business of other companies in his group was indeed flourishing in the country of little devils.

  "Huinan-kun, what are you thinking about?" Yamaguchi Baihui shook Ye Huainan's arm and said worriedly.

  "It's alright, I'm just a little emotional for a while. By the way, how long is the meeting with the minister of that department?" Ye Huainan didn't say much, and just changed the subject.

  "Ten minutes to go, but we're not in a hurry, are we?"

  I don't know if I have been with Ye Huainan for a long time, and the well-behaved Yamaguchi Baihui has also learned badly.

  "Indeed, let him wait a little longer." Ye Huainan responded with a smile.

  At this time, Iwatari Neiku in the Marunouchi Hotel was wiping the cold sweat on his head with anxiety.

  As the great-grandson of Kunihiko Iwatori, the early founder of nec, he is actually not reused within the nec group.

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