Chapter 111 Baoye, my hand is easy to tremble, give me a ride!!

The loud roar was deafening.

At the same time, the glass of the villa was also shattered in an instant! In an instant, the originally tense villa suddenly fell strangely quiet.

The birds are silent, and the falling needles can be heard.

Wang Bao originally planned to let his subordinates directly kill Chu Feng.

But now, caught off guard, Wang Bao’s brain was buzzing, and he didn’t know what happened for a while.


The gunmen also looked at each other, with doubts and horrors in their eyes.

“Where did the explosion come from?”

“It sounds like it’s coming from the kitchen, could it be a gas leak?”

“I don’t know…”

The gunmen said subconsciously.

It’s at this time.

A gunman seemed to react, staring at Ag behind Chu Feng: “No, it’s not right!” It was the kid who pressed the detonation button! ”

Hear this.

Everyone immediately sounded, just now Chu Feng gave the order, and after the little man pressed the blasting button, there was an explosion.

At the same time, Wang Bao also returned to his senses, staring at the detonator in Age’s hand.

It’s at this time.

The door was suddenly pushed open.

“Baoye, the kitchen is bombed!”

“But there were no casualties.”

A man dressed as a butler came in and reported to Wang Bao.

When Wang Bao heard this, he was silent.

There was a long pause.

“You guys did it!?”

Wang Bao’s eyelids jumped, and his gaze looked dangerously at Chu Feng.

“Bao Ye said yes, that’s it.”

Chu Feng shrugged, neither admitting nor denying it.

Wang Bao suddenly became angry and cursed: “Chu Feng, you don’t talk about rules.” ”


Chu Feng raised his eyebrows, sneering and ridiculing, “Baoye wanted to keep me here from the beginning, what rules are there when my life is gone?” ”


When Wang Bao heard this, he was immediately angry.

Think about it.

If it were himself, in this desperate situation.

Not to mention explosives, even if it is something more desperate, he can do it.

Just when Wang Bao’s face was gloomy.

Chu Feng glanced at Ag beside him with a smile.

“Give Baoye a bright fellow!”

Hearing this, Ag quickly reached for his backpack.

It didn’t take a while.

Explosive packs, mines, bombs, detonators, all sorts of messy things, were thrown on the table by Ag.

See this scene.

Wang Bao’s whole person suddenly stopped talking.


The gunmen, who were still on their toes, were also silenced.


With such a large amount, once it really detonates, I am afraid that everyone present will not survive.

Many gunmen even had plans to run away in their hearts.

Looking at today’s situation, it is really possible to break the net! They and Wang Bao are nothing more than for wealth.

But this time.

Putting your own life into it is very inappropriate and unreasonable! However, when everyone’s hearts are up and down.

“Baoye, can we continue to talk about business?”

Chu Feng smiled and looked at Wang Bao on the opposite side, “Since you want to talk about business, you have to be sincere, now that you see my skills, is it time to show your sincerity?” ”

When Wang Bao heard this, he continued to be silent.

But judging from his eyes, he should be weighing the pros and cons.

The backbone restaurant is Wang Bao’s lifeblood, and he doesn’t want to give it to Chu Feng at all.

But now.

If you don’t give Chu Feng, not only will you not be able to recruit back, but even you will be unable to protect yourself.

Time passes minute by minute.

Fine beads of sweat also appeared on Wang Bao’s forehead.

There was a long pause.

“Good! Don’t you have to have a backbone? I’ll give you that. ”

Wang Bao gritted his teeth and said.

“That’s right!”

Chu Feng came to Wang Bao with a smile, “Everyone came out to mix, all to seek wealth, I think your Baoye should be a decent person who knows the times.” ”

“Wanzifeng, you have a kind!”

Wang Bao said viciously, and then turned his head, “Call Lawyer Wang to me.” ”

A gunman closest to the door ran straight out.

It didn’t take a while.

Lawyer Wang in Wang Bao’s mouth walked in with a pair of gold wire glasses.

He also has a laptop in his hand.

In this era, laptops are completely rare.

But Wang Bao does not lack this money, and he also attaches great importance to lawyers, and all the lawyers below are all high-quality.

This lawyer was originally dedicated to serving Wang Bao, and naturally lived in Wang Bao’s villa, and the explosion just now blew himself up delirious and undecided.

“Bao, Baoye, what’s the matter?”

The lawyer came to Wang Bao and asked tentatively.

“Draw up a contract to transfer the backbone restaurant to Chu Feng.”

Wang Bao’s face was gloomy, and he said with a pained face.

When the lawyer heard this, he glanced at Chu Feng and immediately understood what the situation was.

The earth-shattering noise just now was most likely made by this young man.

Lawyer Wang did not dare to slack off and quickly drafted the contract.

When Chu Feng saw this scene, he sneered in his heart.

It seems that Wang Bao did not intend to hand over the backbone restaurant to himself from the beginning.

If Wang Bao had even the slightest will, this contract would have been drawn up long ago.

“Lawyer Wang, move quickly!”

“The explosion just now is likely to attract the attention of the poor guy, once the bad guy comes, it will be time for me and Baoye to break the dead net.”

Chu Feng said with a smile.

When Lawyer Wang heard this, the movements on his hands suddenly became faster.

Although Wang Bao is his gold master, he definitely does not want to give Gan Bao a burial.

It took less than ten minutes.

“Baoye, the contract is ready.”

Lawyer Wang respectfully handed the contract to Wang Bao.

Wang Bao looked at the side with a gloomy face, and signed his name with some reluctance.


“Sign your name, the backbone restaurant is yours.”

Wang Bao said in an unkind tone and pushed the contract in front of Chu Feng.

Chu Feng probably looked to the side, and then signed his name.

“When will 1.2 come back?”

Wang Bao asked coldly.

“Don’t worry, Baoye, I’m not as untrustworthy as you, and I will return to you after I leave.”

Chu Feng smiled and patted Wang Bao’s shoulder.

Wang Bao frowned and glanced at Chu Feng: “How?” The contract has already arrived, and you are not leaving yet? ”

“Hey, hey…”

Chu Feng smiled compassionately, “Baoye’s villa, murderous, once I am scared, my hands are easy to tremble, in case I accidentally touch the lead or something, it will be interesting.” ”

Boom —

As soon as the words fell, Wang Bao directly slapped the table: “Wanzifeng, what do you want?” ”

“Not great.”

Chu Feng pressed his hand on Wang Bao’s shoulder, “I hope that Baoye will give me a ride, and only when Baoye is in my hand will not shake.” ”

Wang Bao looked at Chu Feng, saw the cold smile on Chu Feng’s face, and finally could only nod helplessly and agree…

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