Above the thirty-six heavens, outward is the world of the Flood Barren Stars.

With 365 Zhou Tian Taikoo stars, the flood famine carried immeasurable stars hovering and displacement above the flood wilderness, absorbing the chaotic qi that decomposed from the fetal membranes of heaven and earth, and turning into the power of the stars to spill the flood wilderness.

And at this moment, the ancestral dragon, the phoenix ancestor, and the first unicorn turned into giant beasts and fought fiercely in the sky above the thirty-six heavens.

Intersecting in a desolate land with no end in sight, they appear small, but they are clearly visible.

Even the innate demon gods who are extremely far away and are being conceived or born in the stars are all secretly terrified.

It is the two golden crows in the sun, and they dare not show their heads at this moment.

They may be born with the supreme treasure, but the ancestral dragon, the phoenix ancestor, and the first unicorn as the top quasi-saint power, and the method of cultivating the body, are only one step away from the saints of the Heavenly Dao with strength, and the gap is as big as the difference between the heavens and the abyss.

“Sister, will these three great gods call over!” Chang Xi stood under the Innate Spirit Root Laurel Tree, looking into the distance with trepidation.

The Taiyin Star and the Sun Star were the closest to the Flood Wilderness, and at this moment, the Taiyin position moved to the position of the Ancestral Dragon and their battle, ignoring the long dark void, which seemed to be within reach.

And for the ancestral dragon’s combat range, this is really only within reach.

Their bodies are strong, their comprehension is profound, and they are accompanied by all kinds of magical powers, and when they shake their wings, they step into the void for hundreds of thousands, millions of miles.

“Don’t worry, you two, there is a sister!”

The goddess who speaks is Wangshu.

Wangshu predates Xihe, and Chang Xi was born as the Shuyuan Society, which carried the position of the moon god after birth.

Houxi He, when Chang Xi was born, the innate yin qi origin in the taiyin was insufficient, and only one of the two could be born.

To this end, she voluntarily gave up the authority of the Taiyin Star Monarch and split it into two, so that the two were born carrying the luck of the innate demon god.

However, Wangshu also hurt his foundation, broke the care of heaven and earth, and has not yet healed.

This time the Taiyin Star traveled to the scope of the great war, and Wang Shu gave birth to a sign of calamity in vain, and he was terrified, but he did not want to show it, afraid that the two younger sisters were worried.

She knew a little, maybe she gave up the position of the Taiyin Star Monarch and bent the favor of heaven and earth to have this calamity.

The cause of the day, the effect of today.

“You two don’t move here, sister go and ask the three great gods not to hurt the Taiyin Star!”

Wangshu endured the sorrow in his heart, forced a smile to Xihe, and Chang Xi advised.

She did not dare to stay in Taiyin Star for too long, for fear of bringing disaster to Xi and Chang Xi.


“Sister, don’t go!”

Xihe, Chang Xi did not expect that Wangshu would suddenly leave the Taiyin Star, and after countless years of getting along, he suddenly felt wrong, and wanted to call her back, but was blocked by the congenital Taiyin Array on the Taiyin Star.

Just a moment of effort, Wangshu has long been gone.

Ancestral dragon, the first unicorn is not full of qi, their reason is good, and they are a little surprised by the approach of the Taiyin Star, but they are also careful to avoid it.

The reason why they chose to fight here was only because Jiang Feng took shape, in order to force him to withdraw from this calamity, but they did not really want to turn heaven and earth upside down and repeat the earth, water, wind and fire.

But Feng Zu is different, in order to save the Xuan Bird, he took the initiative to absorb the immeasurable calamity qi, the Yuan God True Spirit has long been blinded, and the attack is completely lifeless, and naturally he will not care about any impact.

Jiang Feng is rushing here at this moment, he is not a good corpse measuring heavenly ruler, he can communicate with the thirty-six heavens at will.

He also didn’t want his whereabouts to be exposed and attract the attention of Zulong and Shi Qilin.

“Little girl, this is not something that you can get close to, get out of here quickly…!”

Without waiting for Wangshu to approach, Shi Qilin’s voice came.

“I also ask the three great gods for forgiveness, the little god Wangshu is practicing in the Taiyin Star, the Taiyin Star is displaced here, and the three great gods are also asked to move elsewhere and compete again!”

Wangshu was hundreds of millions of miles away from the battlefield, and he could still feel the incomparably terrifying aura transmitted.

This is the collision of various avenues, exuding a terrifying power that destroys everything.

“I can’t wait for you girl to be able to dictate, leave quickly!”

Shi Qilin naturally couldn’t tell Wangshu that he was in a dilemma.

Seeing Wangshu standing stubbornly in the distance and unwilling to leave, Zulong said impatiently: “What nonsense, if she finds someone to blame for death, don’t hurry up and suppress this guy Feng Zu with me!” ”

First Qilin, the ancestral dragon is not weaker than the Feng Zu, but the Feng Zu launched a crazy way to let go, they still have to converge to some extent, and they also have to guard against each other’s sneak attacks.

Seeing that the Taiyin Star was getting closer and closer, Wang Shu was anxious and helpless in his heart.

The cultivation of countless times of hard work, the difference between the heavens and the abyss in front of the three ancestors, made Wangshu full of despair.

Time passed, and just when the Taiyin Star was about to move to the battlefield, Da Luo Tian’s innate clear qi surged, and the wind and clouds changed color.

“Ancestral Dragon, First Qilin, Phoenix Ancestor!!!”

The voice came from Da Luo Tian, and the sound of the sound seemed to be close at hand.

Immediately afterwards, a huge arm that covered the sky stretched out from it and grabbed the hind legs of the Wude Qilin.

After Wude Qilin was caught, he immediately struggled to get out.

But the strength of his arm was far above him, and under the struggle of his best strength, he did not move.

“Get out of Chaos for me!”

A rift appeared above the head of the Wude Qilin, and the next moment he was out of control, and the huge body of tens of thousands of miles was smashed out alive, smashed into the spatial crack, and smashed into the chaos.

“Didn’t you say you didn’t participate in the calamity?”

Zulong looked at this scene dumbfounded, he knew quite well about the strength of Shi Qilin’s body, which was at the same level as him.

Now that he was grabbed by Jiang Feng, he couldn’t break free and was thrown directly into the chaos, which was really beyond his cognitive understanding.

Wangshu was also stupid, but not because of Jiang Feng’s appearance, but because of Feng Zu.

Without the restraint of the Five Virtue Qilin, Feng Zu appeared nearby with a spread of wings.

Dozens of avenues such as the Avenue of Fire, the Avenue of Extinction, the Avenue of Creation, and the Avenue of Yang poured in, directly making Wangshu feel suffocated.

Wangshu naturally will not sit still, and sacrifice the companion congenital spirit treasure Taiyin Star Wheel, which is like a mirror to resist the coercion of Feng Zu.

The avenue contained in the Taiyin Star Wheel was compared, and Feng Zu seemed to feel something and looked over, and Wangshu immediately had the urge to turn into a body and run for his life.

The Taiyin Star gives birth to the innate demon god, all of them are the moon rabbit itself, and when they encounter the phoenix, the king of birds, there is no reason not to be afraid.

(Updated in advance at the request of the “Phoenix ~ Cake Box” boss!) I’ll speed up the codeword! Come on! ”

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