Pingxin Temple.

God sent the Messenger, apparently for the land of the Afterland.

So Kong Xuan contained the shock in his heart and left directly.

In the Hall of Peaceful Hearts, only Houtu and the divine envoy were left to talk secretly.

“Dare to ask the divine envoy, can the divine court really revive the fallen people?”

Houtu asked with some expectation.

She couldn’t wait to know the answer to this question, so she asked it directly.

God calmed his face and said, “Yes or no, it depends on whether you believe it or not!” ”

“Whether it is Zulong or Luo Xiao, it is the best example!”

After hearing this, Tutu’s heart suddenly became excited.

Not bad!

Both Luo Xiao and Zulong have been resurrected.

The Divine Court can certainly resurrect people.

“Dare to ask the divine envoy, can you resurrect the ancestral witch?”

Houtu asked.

At that time, she was calculated and fell deep in the underworld.

In the Lich War, there is no way to help the brother.

As a result, the witch clan and the demon clan perished together, and the ancestral witches also all fell.

Only one person in Houtu is still alive.

She has been following the trail of the Divine Court, not just to resurrect her brother and them.

After listening to Houtu’s words, Xuan Yun said lightly: “Resurrecting the ancestral witch is just a thought, but this is not without cost!” ”

Hearing this, she didn’t feel strange, she was ready to pay the price.

Zhengsei said, “Please also ask God to make it clear!” ”

She wanted to know how much it would cost her to be able to revive the ancestral witches.

“It’s very simple for you, as long as you enter the Divine Court Sealing God List and accept the canonization of the Divine Position!”

Xuan Yun said.

Yes, he has already moved this mind.

If you want to canonize Houtu into the list of consecrated gods, you must know that Houtu is not an ordinary person.

Not only a saint, but also the controller of the prefecture, but also the controller of the six reincarnations.

If you can successfully canonize Houtu, this wave can definitely gain a huge amount of prestige points.

Relying on this wave of prestige value, he can also prove the Dao Dao Daluo Golden Immortal in one fell swoop.

Houtu frowned when he heard this, and groaned in his heart.


Entering the list of gods?

She needs to think about this.

She is not one of those quasi-saints and Da Luo Golden Immortals!

She is now the cultivator of the Mixed Yuan Daluo Golden Immortal, and the many conditions in the God Sealing List are not much tempting for her.

The better thing is that she has always had a grudge against Hongjun Calculation herself.

If you join the Divine Court now, you won’t have to suffer the anger of Xuanmen in the future.

Moreover, just joining can resurrect the ancestral witch, and the limit of the God Sealing List is very low.

There is only one limit.

“Dare to ask the divine envoy, if he is canonized into the list of conferred gods, is there only such a restriction as loyalty to the divine court?”

Houtu asked.

She beware that the Divine Court will limit her with some other restrictions.

So ask this in advance.

As for the rest, she didn’t think much about it.

This is also her saint cultivation, if it were someone else, knowing that she could join the divine court, she would have happily forgotten the north.

You must know that she is also different from ordinary saints, and ordinary saints can go everywhere.

He can only be in the prefecture, and there is no way to leave anywhere.

One body cultivation can only be exerted in the six reincarnations.

Xuan Yun said affirmatively: “You can rest assured! Canonization into the list of conferred gods is only one condition of loyalty to the divine court! ”

“Moreover, the Buddha-figure came this time at the will of the Lord of the Divine Court.”

“Let you take charge of the tunnel!”

After saying that, the palm flipped, and the Authentic Divine Seal and the Evolution Tunnel Method appeared in his hand.

“If you join the Divine Court, both of these things will be yours!”

“They can help you control the tunnel and become the master of the tunnel, so as to break the seal of the Heavenly Dao and regain your freedom!”

These things were naturally exchanged by Xuan Yun for prestige points in order to make Houtu willingly join the Divine Court.

Compared to the massive reputation value harvested after joining the Divine Court in Houtu, such a little reputation value is just a little investment.

Houtu was very shocked when he heard this, and his eyes also fell on two things.

Whether it is an authentic divine seal or an authentic method, it exudes a mysterious spiritual essence.

Obviously, this must be true!

What identity did the god envoy come to honor the order of the Great Daozun, and naturally it was impossible to fool her with a fake one.

If these two things are true….

Houtu’s mood suddenly fluctuated, full of excitement.

She now has only two hopes.

One is to regain freedom, and the other is to resurrect all the brothers.

Neither of these things can be done simply.

The first one to regain her freedom, Hongjun will definitely not be willing to let her go like this.

Since becoming the guardian of the prefecture, Houtu has somewhat understood the meaning of Hongjun.

This is the intention of letting her suppress the six reincarnations all the time and prevent the six reincarnations from interfering with the operation of the Heavenly Dao.

As for the second one, there is no need to think about it.

Resurrecting people who have fallen is simply not something that ordinary people can do.

Even Dao Zu Hongjun couldn’t do it!

Only a strong person in a higher realm can do this, because this is contrary to the avenue between heaven and earth.

In this way, it seems that only the Divine Court can help her fulfill these two hopes.

And now as long as you choose to join the Divine Court, both things can be accomplished.

In this way, she has nothing to hesitate.

“The main palace is willing to join the Divine Court!”

Houtu said directly.

Xuan Yun nodded, and with a move of his palm, he directly summoned the God Sealing List.

Open the God Sealing List, look at Houtu and say, “Put a wisp of your Yuan God into it!” ”

Houtu did so, separated a wisp of Yuanshen and directly entered the list of consecrated gods.

Seeing this, Xuan Yun directly announced aloud: “Authentic Houtu, the three thousand and one great gods of the Divine Court!” ”

The sound resounded through nine days and ten places.

For a while, heaven and earth fell into a sensation.

Houtu actually joined the Divine Court!

PS: Dear readers, in order to make the readers watch smoothly and enjoyably, it will be directly launched at twelve o’clock tonight.

It’s on the shelves at twelve o’clock tonight, kneeling for the first order. [The minimum explosion on the first day is 40,000 words].

1,000 orders, 40,000 words!

2,000 orders, more than 60,000 words!

3,000 orders, 80,000 words!

4,000 orders, more than 100,000 words!

There is no doubt that the author has a lot of manuscripts, as long as the liver does not die, it will die in the liver, your subscription is the greatest support for the author Jun, Ollie gives!

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