
It has been a year since Shang promoted crops here.

In just one year, the Terrans have undergone tremendous changes.

The first is the luck of the Shang Dynasty.

It stands to reason that the original seventy-two princes rebelled, plus Xiqi also rebelled.

The luck of the Terrans should fall quickly.

However, because the Shang Dynasty pushed crops to the entire Terran race, the luck of the Terran not only did not decline, but became stronger.


The princes of the seventy-two routes sent many people to find Xibo Marquis Ji Chang.

Everyone sat together and talked about it.

Because the Xiqi and Seventy-two Route princes were rebellions, the people under their direct jurisdiction did not enjoy the benefits of crops such as potatoes.

This made many princes and Ji Chang have some heartbeats.

Ji Chang even had the idea of surrendering.

He originally decided to rebel because Di Xin was cruel and unscrupulous, and he allowed the evil to chaotic the dynasty.

But now Di Xin couldn’t see this at all, but became more wise and decisive, and even promoted so many crops to the entire human race.

It can be said that the merit is in the future.

Compared with Di Xin, he is really nothing, and he does not dare to call himself benevolent.

So he told the messengers sent by many princes about it, and he had the intention of surrendering.

The princes also had their own ideas in their hearts.

Ambitious people are naturally unwilling to give up, but those who are forced to resist naturally want to surrender.

“If Di Xin had come out with such great merits and wise determination earlier, I would not have betrayed!”

Ji Chang looked up at the sky and sighed.



Mount Meru.

Izuku frowned, pinched his fingers and calculated, “Things are not good!” ”

“Our original intention is to cause internal turmoil among the people’s race, and then implicate the sect!”

“But if the Terrans can’t get into chaos now, won’t our plan be useless?”

Jun Ti said in a deep voice: “We can’t continue to wait like this, we have to push again!” ”

The two nodded, and the two looked at each other, and quickly made a decision.

The two went to Kunlun Mountain together, preparing to negotiate with Yuanshi.

Kunlun Mountain.

Jade Void Palace.

After receiving and Zhun Ti arrived, he did not say much, but directly told Yuan Shi what he was worried about.

Yuan Shi frowned after hearing this, and only after a moment said, “In this case, there is no need for Ji Chang to keep it!” ”

“Among his sons, the one who resents the Shang Dynasty the most is Ji Fa!”

“Just let Ji Chang die of illness, and then publish some remarks in Xiqi that are not favorable to the Shang Dynasty!”

Citations and quasi-citations both felt that this method was feasible.

Anyway, all they wanted was to keep Xiqi from having the idea of returning to the Shang Dynasty.

After all, it was necessary to rely on the battle between Xiqi and the Shang Dynasty to send the disciples of the Interception Sect to be robbed.

“There is no reaction from the sect side at all, it should be impossible to see our plan!”

“After our plan succeeds, even if Tongtian wants to stop it, it will not be possible!”

Take-in chuckled.

The cleverness of their scheme is not to target Tongtian, but directly to target the disciples of the Sect.

Imagine that the disciples of the Sect Intercept Sect have already been implicated in the big war, and where will they get out at that time.

It would be even better if Tsuten’s forcibly stopped it.

In this way, it can also make the truncated religion become civil unrest.

Why not?


Ji Chang suddenly fell seriously ill and died.

Ji Fa directly succeeded to the throne, and then directly issued an order that he must fight the Shang Dynasty to the end.

To say that the Shang Dynasty is just making a show!

The Shang Dynasty’s practice of not treating people as human beings is now doing all this just to cover up.

It is to deceive the people to continue to do coolies!

He Ji Fa must fight Chao Ge to the end!

Asaka Castle.

In the Royal Palace.

Di Xin also heard about this and didn’t care about it at all.

Ji Fa?

But just an ignorant child!

He didn’t bother to pay attention to Xiqi’s affairs at all now, what Shangxian said was the most reasonable.

As long as he stabilized the entire Shang Dynasty, even if he had to deal with it at that time, it would be an easy matter.

This is very simple, how many soldiers and horses can a Xiqi have?

How many soldiers and horses does he have?

If you really want to start a war, just relying on strength is enough to kill Xiqi in minutes!

Avenue Shrine.

In more than a year, the prestige value in Xuan Yun’s hands has increased by three billion.

That’s a huge number.

After all, they are all provided by mortals of the Terran race, how much can a mortal provide?

This shows what a huge number of three billion is!

Of course, three billion is naturally far from the prestige value that Xuan Yun needs.

However, with the continuous provision of reputation points from the Terran side, Xuan Yun’s reputation value in his hands has now reached 15 billion!

If the reputation value wants to continue to grow, now is the time.

Xuan Yun Shennian observed the relationship between heaven and earth, and was suddenly attracted by a figure.

To be precise, it was not this figure that attracted him, but this figure had been chasing the traces of the Divine Court!

That’s why it was discovered by Xuan Yun.

This figure is not someone else, but Kong Xuan!

Kong Xuan, in the God Sealing Tribulation, can be said to be up, and as soon as he makes a move, he is invincible.

I don’t know how many people can’t help him.

As for why he was looking for traces of the Divine Court, this had to start with Kong Xuan’s life.

Kong Xuan is the first peacock between heaven and earth, and the reason why he was born in form is from another protagonist in the Dragon and Han Tribulation, the Phoenix Clan!

The ancestor of the Feng clan was Yuanfeng, and when Yuanfeng fell, his essence blood condensed and turned into Kong Xuan.

Not long ago, the ancestral dragon was resurrected, and its reputation resounded between heaven and earth.

This made Kong Xuan very excited and happy, and the ancestral dragon also fell in the Long Han Tribulation! He can be resurrected!

So can Yuanfeng also be resurrected?

You must know that for Kong Xuan, Yuanfeng is equivalent to his mother!

Therefore, in order to find an opportunity to revive Yuanfeng, he has been tracking the traces of the Divine Court between heaven and earth.

I hope to find the Divine Court, and then get the power to revive Yuanfeng.

“If the Divine Court really has a powerful person, it must have felt my sincerity!”

Kong Xuan traveled all over the nine heavens and ten lands, always looking for traces of the Divine Court.

But it was never allowed to enter.

After all, the Divine Court was not in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, but in a separate space in the outer heavens.

No matter how he searched, he could not find it.

Even a saint can’t deduce, let alone just a quasi-saint like Kong Xuan!

So if you want to find the Divine Court, you can only rely on sincerity or luck!

ps: Ask for flowers for tips

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